4,182 research outputs found

    The study of argumentative knowledge construction in web 2.0 learning environment towards students critical thinking skills

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    In recent years, the Malaysian education system has come under increased public enquiry and debate, as parents? expectations rise and employers expressed their concern regarding the system's ability to adequately prepare young Malaysians for the challenges of the 21st century. In order to properly address the needs of all Malaysians, and to prepare the nation to perform at an international level, it is important to first expect what a highly-successful education system must accomplish, particularly in the Malaysian context; (1) what kinds of students are best-prepared to meet the challenges of a 21st century economy? (2) what kind of education prepares them for this rapidly globalizing world

    Audiences, Intertextuality and New Media Literacy

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    This article explores intertextuality as a technique that can be used to bridge old and new media literacies for teachers and students who hope to move beyond the textbook model of instruction into a world of online resources, flexible pedagogies and innovative designs for learning. These include the uses of online archives, media studies techniques, participatory knowledge creation, and multimedia analysis and production.Radio-Television-Fil

    Modelos de representación de imprecisión e incertidumbre en fusión de alto nivel

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    Actas de: XVII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (ESTYLF 2014). Zaragoza, 5-7 de febrero de 2014.Las técnicas de fusión de datos e información procedente de redes de sensores necesitan manejar información incierta e imprecisa, puesto que es habitual enfrentarse a problemas en los que el conocimiento disponible es vago o insuficiente y/o los aparatos de medición están sujetos a fallos. Con el reciente auge de la denominada "fusión de alto nivel", que tiene como objetivo reconocer la situación observada e identificar posibles riesgos, este problema se ha acentuado, ya que los formalismos que se utilizan habitualmente para construir un modelo simbólico del escenario, como la lógica de primer orden y las ontologías, no proporcionan soporte para este tipo de conocimiento. En este trabajo repasamos varias propuestas recientes para representación y razonamiento con información incierta e imprecisa en fusión de alto nivel. Nos centramos en dos tipos: (a) las que incorporan estos mecanismos en los propios modelos de representación, como las ontologías probabilísticas y difusas y las redes lógicas de Markov; (b) las que extienden el proceso de fusión con una capa de gestión de incertidumbre adicional, como las basadas en argumentación probabilística.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Junta de Andalucía (P11-TIC-7460), la Comunidad de Madrid (S2009/TIC- 1485) y el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (TEC2012-37832-C02-01, TEC2011-28626-C02- 02, TIN2012-30939).Publicad

    Pedagogy-Minded Use of Web-Based Technology in the Classroom

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    The research question addressed in this project was: How can teachers use web-based technology in the curriculum to increase student engagement and enrich learning? It documents a teacher’s creation of a technology-infused curriculum that uses valid research and pedagogically-minded practices as its foundation. In addition to the curriculum, the author created a web technology toolbox that assists teachers in effectively and strategically implementing the technology into their classroom. The author describes the project’s challenges as well as the implications for students and teachers. He concludes that: 1) technology enhances learning only when used in alignment with pedagogy and instructional strategies; 2) with pedagogically-minded use of technology, students of all academic levels and learning styles achieve academic success and increase motivation to learn. 3) Teachers success and confidence in implementing technology requires appropriate training, which includes strategic instruction of digital and pedagogical skills

    Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) 2.0: A Manifesto of Open Challenges and Interdisciplinary Research Directions

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    As systems based on opaque Artificial Intelligence (AI) continue to flourish in diverse real-world applications, understanding these black box models has become paramount. In response, Explainable AI (XAI) has emerged as a field of research with practical and ethical benefits across various domains. This paper not only highlights the advancements in XAI and its application in real-world scenarios but also addresses the ongoing challenges within XAI, emphasizing the need for broader perspectives and collaborative efforts. We bring together experts from diverse fields to identify open problems, striving to synchronize research agendas and accelerate XAI in practical applications. By fostering collaborative discussion and interdisciplinary cooperation, we aim to propel XAI forward, contributing to its continued success. Our goal is to put forward a comprehensive proposal for advancing XAI. To achieve this goal, we present a manifesto of 27 open problems categorized into nine categories. These challenges encapsulate the complexities and nuances of XAI and offer a road map for future research. For each problem, we provide promising research directions in the hope of harnessing the collective intelligence of interested stakeholders

    Aplicação de técnicas de Clustering ao contexto da Tomada de Decisão em Grupo

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    Nowadays, decisions made by executives and managers are primarily made in a group. Therefore, group decision-making is a process where a group of people called participants work together to analyze a set of variables, considering and evaluating a set of alternatives to select one or more solutions. There are many problems associated with group decision-making, namely when the participants cannot meet for any reason, ranging from schedule incompatibility to being in different countries with different time zones. To support this process, Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) evolved to what today we call web-based GDSS. In GDSS, argumentation is ideal since it makes it easier to use justifications and explanations in interactions between decision-makers so they can sustain their opinions. Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is a subfield of Argument Mining closely related to Natural Language Processing. It intends to classify opinions at the aspect level and identify the elements of an opinion. Applying ABSA techniques to Group Decision Making Context results in the automatic identification of alternatives and criteria, for example. This automatic identification is essential to reduce the time decision-makers take to step themselves up on Group Decision Support Systems and offer them various insights and knowledge on the discussion they are participants. One of these insights can be arguments getting used by the decision-makers about an alternative. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a methodology that uses an unsupervised technique, Clustering, and aims to segment the participants of a discussion based on arguments used so it can produce knowledge from the current information in the GDSS. This methodology can be hosted in a web service that follows a micro-service architecture and utilizes Data Preprocessing and Intra-sentence Segmentation in addition to Clustering to achieve the objectives of the dissertation. Word Embedding is needed when we apply clustering techniques to natural language text to transform the natural language text into vectors usable by the clustering techniques. In addition to Word Embedding, Dimensionality Reduction techniques were tested to improve the results. Maintaining the same Preprocessing steps and varying the chosen Clustering techniques, Word Embedders, and Dimensionality Reduction techniques came up with the best approach. This approach consisted of the KMeans++ clustering technique, using SBERT as the word embedder with UMAP dimensionality reduction, reducing the number of dimensions to 2. This experiment achieved a Silhouette Score of 0.63 with 8 clusters on the baseball dataset, which wielded good cluster results based on their manual review and Wordclouds. The same approach obtained a Silhouette Score of 0.59 with 16 clusters on the car brand dataset, which we used as an approach validation dataset.Atualmente, as decisões tomadas por gestores e executivos são maioritariamente realizadas em grupo. Sendo assim, a tomada de decisão em grupo é um processo no qual um grupo de pessoas denominadas de participantes, atuam em conjunto, analisando um conjunto de variáveis, considerando e avaliando um conjunto de alternativas com o objetivo de selecionar uma ou mais soluções. Existem muitos problemas associados ao processo de tomada de decisão, principalmente quando os participantes não têm possibilidades de se reunirem (Exs.: Os participantes encontramse em diferentes locais, os países onde estão têm fusos horários diferentes, incompatibilidades de agenda, etc.). Para suportar este processo de tomada de decisão, os Sistemas de Apoio à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo (SADG) evoluíram para o que hoje se chamam de Sistemas de Apoio à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo baseados na Web. Num SADG, argumentação é ideal pois facilita a utilização de justificações e explicações nas interações entre decisores para que possam suster as suas opiniões. Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) é uma área de Argument Mining correlacionada com o Processamento de Linguagem Natural. Esta área pretende classificar opiniões ao nível do aspeto da frase e identificar os elementos de uma opinião. Aplicando técnicas de ABSA à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo resulta na identificação automática de alternativas e critérios por exemplo. Esta identificação automática é essencial para reduzir o tempo que os decisores gastam a customizarem-se no SADG e oferece aos mesmos conhecimento e entendimentos sobre a discussão ao qual participam. Um destes entendimentos pode ser os argumentos a serem usados pelos decisores sobre uma alternativa. Assim, esta dissertação propõe uma metodologia que utiliza uma técnica não-supervisionada, Clustering, com o objetivo de segmentar os participantes de uma discussão com base nos argumentos usados pelos mesmos de modo a produzir conhecimento com a informação atual no SADG. Esta metodologia pode ser colocada num serviço web que segue a arquitetura micro serviços e utiliza Preprocessamento de Dados e Segmentação Intra Frase em conjunto com o Clustering para atingir os objetivos desta dissertação. Word Embedding também é necessário para aplicar técnicas de Clustering a texto em linguagem natural para transformar o texto em vetores que possam ser usados pelas técnicas de Clustering. Também Técnicas de Redução de Dimensionalidade também foram testadas de modo a melhorar os resultados. Mantendo os passos de Preprocessamento e variando as técnicas de Clustering, Word Embedder e as técnicas de Redução de Dimensionalidade de modo a encontrar a melhor abordagem. Essa abordagem consiste na utilização da técnica de Clustering KMeans++ com o SBERT como Word Embedder e UMAP como a técnica de redução de dimensionalidade, reduzindo as dimensões iniciais para duas. Esta experiência obteve um Silhouette Score de 0.63 com 8 clusters no dataset de baseball, que resultou em bons resultados de cluster com base na sua revisão manual e visualização dos WordClouds. A mesma abordagem obteve um Silhouette Score de 0.59 com 16 clusters no dataset das marcas de carros, ao qual usamos esse dataset com validação de abordagem

    Context-based multi-level information fusion for harbor surveillance

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    Harbor surveillance is a critical and challenging part of maritime security procedures. Building a surveillance picture to support decision makers in detection of potential threats requires the integration of data and information coming from heterogeneous sources. Context plays a key role in achieving this task by providing expectations, constraints and additional information for inference about the items of interest. This paper proposes a fusion system for context-based situation and threat assessment with application to harbor surveillance. The architecture of the system is organized in two levels. The lowest level uses an ontological model to formally represent input data and to classify harbor objects and basic situations by deductive reasoning according to the harbor regulations. The higher level applies Belief-based Argumentation to evaluate the threat posed by suspicious vessels. The functioning of the system is illustrated with several examples that reproduce common harbor scenarios. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was supported in part by Projects MINECO TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485) and Mobility Grants Program of Fundación Caja Madrid.Publicad