410,384 research outputs found

    Vulnerability anti-patterns:a timeless way to capture poor software practices (Vulnerabilities)

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    There is a distinct communication gap between the software engineering and cybersecurity communities when it comes to addressing reoccurring security problems, known as vulnerabilities. Many vulnerabilities are caused by software errors that are created by software developers. Insecure software development practices are common due to a variety of factors, which include inefficiencies within existing knowledge transfer mechanisms based on vulnerability databases (VDBs), software developers perceiving security as an afterthought, and lack of consideration of security as part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). The resulting communication gap also prevents developers and security experts from successfully sharing essential security knowledge. The cybersecurity community makes their expert knowledge available in forms including vulnerability databases such as CAPEC and CWE, and pattern catalogues such as Security Patterns, Attack Patterns, and Software Fault Patterns. However, these sources are not effective at providing software developers with an understanding of how malicious hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in the software systems they create. As developers are familiar with pattern-based approaches, this paper proposes the use of Vulnerability Anti-Patterns (VAP) to transfer usable vulnerability knowledge to developers, bridging the communication gap between security experts and software developers. The primary contribution of this paper is twofold: (1) it proposes a new pattern template – Vulnerability Anti-Pattern – that uses anti-patterns rather than patterns to capture and communicate knowledge of existing vulnerabilities, and (2) it proposes a catalogue of Vulnerability Anti-Patterns (VAP) based on the most commonly occurring vulnerabilities that software developers can use to learn how malicious hackers can exploit errors in software

    Computer-supported analysis of scientific measurements

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    In the past decade, large-scale databases and knowledge bases have become available to researchers working in a range of scientific disciplines. In many cases these databases and knowledge bases contain measurements of properties of physical objects which have been obtained in experiments or at observation sites. As examples, one can think of crystallographic databases with molecular structures and property databases in materials science. These large collections of measurements, which will be called measurement bases, form interesting resources for scientific research. By analyzing the contents of a measurement base, one may be able to find patterns that are of practical and theoretical importance. With the use of measurement bases as a resource for scientific inquiry questions arise about the quality of the data being analyzed. In particular, the occurrence of conflicts and systematic errors raises doubts about the reliability of a measurement base and compromises any patterns found in it. On the other hand, conflicts and systematic errors may be interesting patterns in themselves and warrant further investigation. These considerations motivate the topic that will be addressed in this thesis: the development of systematic methods for detecting and resolving con icts and identifying\ud systematic errors in measurement bases. These measurement analysis (MA) methods are implemented in a computer system supporting the user of the measurement base

    Mining Frequent Neighborhood Patterns in Large Labeled Graphs

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    Over the years, frequent subgraphs have been an important sort of targeted patterns in the pattern mining literatures, where most works deal with databases holding a number of graph transactions, e.g., chemical structures of compounds. These methods rely heavily on the downward-closure property (DCP) of the support measure to ensure an efficient pruning of the candidate patterns. When switching to the emerging scenario of single-graph databases such as Google Knowledge Graph and Facebook social graph, the traditional support measure turns out to be trivial (either 0 or 1). However, to the best of our knowledge, all attempts to redefine a single-graph support resulted in measures that either lose DCP, or are no longer semantically intuitive. This paper targets mining patterns in the single-graph setting. We resolve the "DCP-intuitiveness" dilemma by shifting the mining target from frequent subgraphs to frequent neighborhoods. A neighborhood is a specific topological pattern where a vertex is embedded, and the pattern is frequent if it is shared by a large portion (above a given threshold) of vertices. We show that the new patterns not only maintain DCP, but also have equally significant semantics as subgraph patterns. Experiments on real-life datasets display the feasibility of our algorithms on relatively large graphs, as well as the capability of mining interesting knowledge that is not discovered in prior works.Comment: 9 page

    Processing SPARQL queries with regular expressions in RDF databases

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    Background: As the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model is widely used for modeling and sharing a lot of online bioinformatics resources such as Uniprot (dev.isb-sib.ch/projects/uniprot-rdf) or Bio2RDF (bio2rdf.org), SPARQL - a W3C recommendation query for RDF databases - has become an important query language for querying the bioinformatics knowledge bases. Moreover, due to the diversity of users' requests for extracting information from the RDF data as well as the lack of users' knowledge about the exact value of each fact in the RDF databases, it is desirable to use the SPARQL query with regular expression patterns for querying the RDF data. To the best of our knowledge, there is currently no work that efficiently supports regular expression processing in SPARQL over RDF databases. Most of the existing techniques for processing regular expressions are designed for querying a text corpus, or only for supporting the matching over the paths in an RDF graph. Results: In this paper, we propose a novel framework for supporting regular expression processing in SPARQL query. Our contributions can be summarized as follows. 1) We propose an efficient framework for processing SPARQL queries with regular expression patterns in RDF databases. 2) We propose a cost model in order to adapt the proposed framework in the existing query optimizers. 3) We build a prototype for the proposed framework in C++ and conduct extensive experiments demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of our technique. Conclusions: Experiments with a full-blown RDF engine show that our framework outperforms the existing ones by up to two orders of magnitude in processing SPARQL queries with regular expression patterns.X113sciescopu


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    Knowledge discovery and data mining software (Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - KDD) as an interdisciplinary field emersion have been in rapid growth to merge databases, statistics, industries closely related to the desire to extract valuable information and knowledge in a volume as possible.There is a difference in understanding of "knowledge discovery" and "data mining." Discovery information (Knowledge Discovery) in the database is a process to identify patterns / templates of valid data, innovative, useful and, in the last measure, understandable.data mining, knowledge discovery, data warehouse, data mining tools, data mining applications