301 research outputs found

    A Visual Approach to Automated Text Mining and Knowledge Discovery

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    The focus of this dissertation has been on improving the non-negative tensor factorization technique of text mining. The improvements have been made in both pre-processing and post-processing stages, with the goal of making the non-negative tensor factorization algorithm accessible to the casual user. The improved implementation allows the user to construct and modify the contents of the tensor, experiment with relative term weights and trust measures, and experiment with the total number of algorithm output features. Non-negative tensor factorization output feature production is closely integrated with a visual post-processing tool, FutureLens, that allows the user to perform in depth analysis and has a great potential for discovery of interesting and novel patterns within a large collection of textual data. This dissertation necessitated a number of significant modifications and additions to FutureLens in order to facilitate its integration into the analysis environment

    Algorithms, applications and systems towards interpretable pattern mining from multi-aspect data

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    How do humans move around in the urban space and how do they differ when the city undergoes terrorist attacks? How do users behave in Massive Open Online courses~(MOOCs) and how do they differ if some of them achieve certificates while some of them not? What areas in the court elite players, such as Stephen Curry, LeBron James, like to make their shots in the course of the game? How can we uncover the hidden habits that govern our online purchases? Are there unspoken agendas in how different states pass legislation of certain kinds? At the heart of these seemingly unconnected puzzles is this same mystery of multi-aspect mining, i.g., how can we mine and interpret the hidden pattern from a dataset that simultaneously reveals the associations, or changes of the associations, among various aspects of the data (e.g., a shot could be described with three aspects, player, time of the game, and area in the court)? Solving this problem could open gates to a deep understanding of underlying mechanisms for many real-world phenomena. While much of the research in multi-aspect mining contribute broad scope of innovations in the mining part, interpretation of patterns from the perspective of users (or domain experts) is often overlooked. Questions like what do they require for patterns, how good are the patterns, or how to read them, have barely been addressed. Without efficient and effective ways of involving users in the process of multi-aspect mining, the results are likely to lead to something difficult for them to comprehend. This dissertation proposes the M^3 framework, which consists of multiplex pattern discovery, multifaceted pattern evaluation, and multipurpose pattern presentation, to tackle the challenges of multi-aspect pattern discovery. Based on this framework, we develop algorithms, applications, and analytic systems to enable interpretable pattern discovery from multi-aspect data. Following the concept of meaningful multiplex pattern discovery, we propose PairFac to close the gap between human information needs and naive mining optimization. We demonstrate its effectiveness in the context of impact discovery in the aftermath of urban disasters. We develop iDisc to target the crossing of multiplex pattern discovery with multifaceted pattern evaluation. iDisc meets the specific information need in understanding multi-level, contrastive behavior patterns. As an example, we use iDisc to predict student performance outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses given users' latent behaviors. FacIt is an interactive visual analytic system that sits at the intersection of all three components and enables for interpretable, fine-tunable, and scrutinizable pattern discovery from multi-aspect data. We demonstrate each work's significance and implications in its respective problem context. As a whole, this series of studies is an effort to instantiate the M^3 framework and push the field of multi-aspect mining towards a more human-centric process in real-world applications

    Non-Negative Discriminative Data Analytics

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    Due to advancements in data acquisition techniques, collecting datasets representing samples from multi-views has become more common recently (Jia et al. 2019). For instance, in genomics, a lymphoma patient’s dataset may include data on gene expression, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), and array Comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) measurements. Learning from multiple views about the same objective, in general, obtains a better understanding of the hidden patterns of the data compared to learning from a single view data. Most of the existing multi-view learning techniques such as canonical correlation analysis (Hotelling et al. 1936) and multi-view support vector machine (Farquhar et al. 2006), multiple kernel learning (Zhang et al. 2016) are focused on extracting the shared information among multiple datasets. However, in some real-world applications, it’s appealing to extract the discriminative knowledge of multiple datasets, namely discriminative data analytics. For example, consider the one dataset as gene-expression measurements of cancer patients, and the other dataset as the gene-expression levels of healthy volunteers and the goal is to cluster cancer patients according to the molecular sub-types. Performing a single view analysis such as principal component analysis (PCA) on any of the dataset yields information related to the common knowledge between the two datasets (Garte et al. 1996). Addressing such challenge, contrastive PCA (Abid et al. 2017) and discriminative (d) PCA in (Jia et al. 2019) are proposed in to extract one dataset-specific information often missed by PCA. Inspired by dPCA, we propose a novel discriminative multi-view learning algorithm, namely Non-negative Discriminative Analysis (DNA), to extract the unique information of one dataset (a.k.a. view) with respect to the other dataset. This boils down to solving a non-negative matrix factorization problem. Furthermore, we apply the proposed DNA framework in various real-world down-stream machine learning applications such as feature selections, dimensionality reduction, classification, and clustering

    Anomaly detection in spatiotemporal data via regularized non-negative tensor analysis

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    Anomaly detection in multidimensional data is a challenging task. Detecting anomalous mobility patterns in a city needs to take spatial, temporal, and traffic information into consideration. Although existing techniques are able to extract spatiotemporal features for anomaly analysis, few systematic analysis about how different factors contribute to or affect the anomalous patterns has been proposed. In this paper, we propose a novel technique to localize spatiotemporal anomalous events based on tensor decomposition. The proposed method employs a spatial-feature-temporal tensor model and analyzes latent mobility patterns through unsupervised learning. We first train the model based on historical data and then use the model to capture the anomalies, i.e., the mobility patterns that are significantly different from the normal patterns. The proposed technique is evaluated based on the yellow-cab dataset collected from New York City. The results show several interesting latent mobility patterns and traffic anomalies that can be deemed as anomalous events in the city, suggesting the effectiveness of the proposed anomaly detection method

    Clustering Patients with Tensor Decomposition

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    In this paper we present a method for the unsupervised clustering of high-dimensional binary data, with a special focus on electronic healthcare records. We present a robust and efficient heuristic to face this problem using tensor decomposition. We present the reasons why this approach is preferable for tasks such as clustering patient records, to more commonly used distance-based methods. We run the algorithm on two datasets of healthcare records, obtaining clinically meaningful results.Comment: Presented at 2017 Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference (MLHC 2017). Boston, M
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