3 research outputs found

    Literature review on the use of action research in higher education

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    This literature review considers the use of action research in higher education. It specifically looks at two areas of higher education activity. The first concerns academic teaching practice and includes a discussion of research and pedagogy practice, and staff development. The second considers student engagement. In both these core features of higher education, action research has proved to be a central approach to the investigation, reflection and improvement of practice. Each of these main foci includes a discussion of the limitations of the literature. The review illustrates the extent and range of uses to have benefited from an action research approach

    As relações existentes entre as atividades intensivas em conhecimento e o absenteísmo involuntário de professores universitários: o caso da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2013.Este estudo tem o objetivo geral de "Identificar, a partir da percepção dos docentes da UFSC, a influência das atividades intensivas em conhecimento no absenteísmo involuntário dos professores da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina". A pesquisa é caracterizada como um estudo de caso, com abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, constituindo-se de um estudo teórico e empírico, descritivo e explicativo. Foram feitas quinze entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores universitários, sendo este número limitado pelo critério de saturação. Após transcrição, os dados foram tratados quantitativamente, a fim de embasar a análise qualitativa. Dentre as principais constatações, destaca-se o fato de haver competição entre os professores, estes levam serviço para casa, onde estendem seu horário de trabalho, realizam diversas atividades intensivas em conhecimentos, principalmente pesquisa, publicação de artigos, orientações, atualizações de conteúdos para as disciplinas, participação em bancas, cursos de extensão e participação ou organização de congressos. Os respondentes afirmaram que a progressão não é o principal motivador ou estressor. A excessiva demanda, principalmente para permanência como professor de pós-graduações strictu sensu, tem levado os professores a publicarem artigos em periódicos e congressos priorizando a quantidade. Os professores consideram o trabalho prazeroso, mas percebem que pode ocasionar adoecimento e absenteísmo quando realizado sob pressão. A valorização do professor, o aumento no número de professores em relação ao número de alunos e novos critérios de avaliação podem ajudar a reduzir os problemas de saúde e o absenteísmo de professores universitários. Abstract : This study has the main objective of "identifying, from the perception of UFSC professors, the influence of knowledge-intensive activities in involuntary absenteeism of Federal University of Santa Catarina professors." The research is featured as a case study, with a predominantly qualitative approach, consisting of a theoretical and empirical, descriptive and explanatory study. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were applied with university professors, and this number was limited by the saturation criterion. After transcription, data were quantitatively treated in order to base the qualitative analysis. Among the main findings, it is highlighted the fact that there is competition among the teachers, they take work home, where they extend their working hours, perform various knowledge-intensive activities, primarily research, articles publishing, orientation, updates to disciplines content, extension courses and organizing or participation in conferences. Respondents stated that the progression is not the main motivator or stressor. The excessive demand, especially for keeping as professor of strict sense postgraduate, has led teachers to publish articles in journals and conferences prioritizing quantity. Teachers find the work enjoyable, but realize they can cause illness and absenteeism when performed under pressure. The appreciation of the teacher, the increase in the number of teachers in relation to student numbers and new assessment criteria can help reducing health problems and absenteeism of teachers at universities

    Knowledge creation through engagement in a personal learning environment

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    This paper reports on an action research project involving a complete re-design of a module in Educational Studies undertaken by students in the first year of a B.Ed degree in a university in Scotland. Innovative use of a personal learning environment (PLE), the PebblePad E-Portfolio System, resulted in radical changes in teaching, learning and assessment and produced significant gains in learning and in efficient, effective use of staff time. The lecture programme was restructured in a way that identified five clear, natural breaks, which were named 'learning milestones'. These occurred at the end of each 'mini-series' of lectures. A 'core task', designed to consolidate the learning content of each mini-series, was constructed by the faculty member who had delivered the lectures and formative assessment, in the form of self and peer-based assessment, was designed around these core tasks, allowing an incremental increase in the demands placed on students. The project supported the development of skills of self and peer-based formative assessment, reflection and self-regulation in students aiming to be primary (elementary) school teachers. The intervention was funded by the Re-Engineering Assessment Practices in Higher Education (REAP) Project which, in turn, received funding from the Scottish Executive (Government) E-Transformation Initiative