4 research outputs found

    Kinetically stable task assignment for networks of microservers

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    Kinetically Stable Task Assignment for Networks of Microservers

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    Abstract — This paper studies task assignment in a network of resource constrained computing platforms (called microservers). A task is an abstraction of a computational agent or data that is hosted by the microservers. For example, in an object tracking scenario, a task represents a mobile tracking agent, such as a vehicle location update computation, that runs on microservers, which can receive sensor data pertaining to the object of interest. Due to object motion, the microservers that can observe a particular object change over time and there is overhead involved in migrating tasks among microservers. Furthermore, communication, processing, or memory constraints, allow a microserver to only serve a limited number of objects at the same time. Our overall goal is to assign tasks to microservers so as to minimize the number of migrations, and thus be kinetically stable, while guaranteeing that as many tasks as possible are monitored at all times. When the task trajectories are known in advance, we show that this problem is NPcomplete (even over just two time steps), has an integrality gap of at least 2, and can be solved optimally in polynomial time if we allow tasks to be assigned fractionally. When only probabilistic information about future movement of the tasks is known, we propose two algorithms: a multicommodity flow based algorithm and a maximum matching algorithm. We use simulations to compare the performance of these algorithms against the optimum task allocation strategy. I

    Bandwidth-aware distributed ad-hoc grids in deployed wireless sensor networks

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    Nowadays, cost effective sensor networks can be deployed as a result of a plethora of recent engineering advances in wireless technology, storage miniaturisation, consolidated microprocessor design, and sensing technologies. Whilst sensor systems are becoming relatively cheap to deploy, two issues arise in their typical realisations: (i) the types of low-cost sensors often employed are capable of limited resolution and tend to produce noisy data; (ii) network bandwidths are relatively low and the energetic costs of using the radio to communicate are relatively high. To reduce the transmission of unnecessary data, there is a strong argument for performing local computation. However, this can require greater computational capacity than is available on a single low-power processor. Traditionally, such a problem has been addressed by using load balancing: fragmenting processes into tasks and distributing them amongst the least loaded nodes. However, the act of distributing tasks, and any subsequent communication between them, imposes a geographically defined load on the network. Because of the shared broadcast nature of the radio channels and MAC layers in common use, any communication within an area will be slowed by additional traffic, delaying the computation and reporting that relied on the availability of the network. In this dissertation, we explore the tradeoff between the distribution of computation, needed to enhance the computational abilities of networks of resource-constrained nodes, and the creation of network traffic that results from that distribution. We devise an application-independent distribution paradigm and a set of load distribution algorithms to allow computationally intensive applications to be collaboratively computed on resource-constrained devices. Then, we empirically investigate the effects of network traffic information on the distribution performance. We thus devise bandwidth-aware task offload mechanisms that, combining both nodes computational capabilities and local network conditions, investigate the impacts of making informed offload decisions on system performance. The highly deployment-specific nature of radio communication means that simulations that are capable of producing validated, high-quality, results are extremely hard to construct. Consequently, to produce meaningful results, our experiments have used empirical analysis based on a network of motes located at UCL, running a variety of I/O-bound, CPU-bound and mixed tasks. Using this setup, we have established that even relatively simple load sharing algorithms can improve performance over a range of different artificially generated scenarios, with more or less timely contextual information. In addition, we have taken a realistic application, based on location estimation, and implemented that across the same network with results that support the conclusions drawn from the artificially generated traffic