1,198 research outputs found

    Accountability and neglect in UK social care innovation

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    Accountability structures in social care are critical. They facilitate democratic decision-making, responsibility and the equitable distribution of benefits. This study examines how innovation and technology is implicated in such structures. In the UK, innovation and technology researchers have predominantly imagined care as service provision, with accountability structured through paternalistic and technocratic configurations of people, materials and knowledge. Aligning with incumbent policy and interests, these structures neglect significant groups of actors and issues, with implications for ongoing vulnerabilities in the sector. This study empirically identifies diverse possibilities for how innovation could reconfigure accountability structures in inclusive, participative and less neglectful ways

    Makers at School, Educational Robotics and Innovative Learning Environments

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    This open access book contains observations, outlines, and analyses of educational robotics methodologies and activities, and developments in the field of educational robotics emerging from the findings presented at FabLearn Italy 2019, the international conference that brought together researchers, teachers, educators and practitioners to discuss the principles of Making and educational robotics in formal, non-formal and informal education. The editors’ analysis of these extended versions of papers presented at FabLearn Italy 2019 highlight the latest findings on learning models based on Making and educational robotics. The authors investigate how innovative educational tools and methodologies can support a novel, more effective and more inclusive learner-centered approach to education. The following key topics are the focus of discussion: Makerspaces and Fab Labs in schools, a maker approach to teaching and learning; laboratory teaching and the maker approach, models, methods and instruments; curricular and non-curricular robotics in formal, non-formal and informal education; social and assistive robotics in education; the effect of innovative spaces and learning environments on the innovation of teaching, good practices and pilot projects

    Autonomous Navigation for Mobile Robots in Crowded Environments

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    Societal Acceptance of Urban Drones: A Scoping Literature Review

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    The use of drones (or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) in urban areas has emerged rapidly in the last decade, and continues to expand at an accelerating pace. Alongside the emergent uses of high-impact technology in both public and private sectors, political debates about the potential risks and challenges have arisen, encompassing diverse perspectives and attitudes about the ethical, legal, social, and regulatory implications of introducing and integrating new technology in society. This scoping review offers an assessment of the societal acceptance factors of urban drones discussed in the current academic literature. We used a hybrid approach including quantitative landscape mapping and qualitative content analysis of the selected articles to inductively develop a typology of acceptance factors associated with urban use of drones. This review illuminates areas that have been the focus of attention within the current body of knowledge (e.g., visual and noise pollution of drones), sketches the evolution of the relevant discussions over time (e.g., a focus on the safety of the drone technology toward safety of the cargo it carries and security of the data it collects), and points to areas that have received less considerations (e.g., media appropriation and social group influence). It can, thus, help situate the topic of societal acceptance of urban drones in specific contexts, and orient future research on promoting value sensitive innovation in society more broadly

    New Generation of Instrumented Ranges: Enabling Automated Performance Analysis

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    Military training conducted on physical ranges that match a unit’s future operational environment provides an invaluable experience. Today, to conduct a training exercise while ensuring a unit’s performance is closely observed, evaluated, and reported on in an After Action Review, the unit requires a number of instructors to accompany the different elements. Training organized on ranges for urban warfighting brings an additional level of complexity—the high level of occlusion typical for these environments multiplies the number of evaluators needed. While the units have great need for such training opportunities, they may not have the necessary human resources to conduct them successfully. In this paper we report on our US Navy/ONR-sponsored project aimed at a new generation of instrumented ranges, and the early results we have achieved. We suggest a radically different concept: instead of recording multiple video streams that need to be reviewed and evaluated by a number of instructors, our system will focus on capturing dynamic individual warfighter pose data and performing automated performance evaluation. We will use an in situ network of automatically-controlled pan-tilt-zoom video cameras and personal position and orientation sensing devices. Our system will record video, reconstruct dynamic 3D individual poses, analyze, recognize events, evaluate performances, generate reports, provide real-time free exploration of recorded data, and even allow the user to generate ‘what-if’ scenarios that were never recorded. The most direct benefit for an individual unit will be the ability to conduct training with fewer human resources, while having a more quantitative account of their performance (dispersion across the terrain, ‘weapon flagging’ incidents, number of patrols conducted). The instructors will have immediate feedback on some elements of the unit’s performance. Having data sets for multiple units will enable historical trend analysis, thus providing new insights and benefits for the entire service.Office of Naval Researc

    Artificial Intelligence is a Character? Exploring design scenarios to build interface behaviours

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    The paper aims to illustrate the qualitative results of the first phase of the scenario research about voice interfaces, examining whether it is possible to design them as if they were a theatrical or cinematographic character. The research field intersects interaction design with character design, intended as the narrative construction of a character, and theatrical performances. The experimentation takes advantage of theatre workshops that aims to show, and understand, which are the main characteristics of a vocal interface and how to design them according to a performance approach. The paper ends illustrating how design can address actual opportunities and criticalities about emerging technologies, following a relations-based approach

    Makers at School, Educational Robotics and Innovative Learning Environments

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    This open access book contains observations, outlines, and analyses of educational robotics methodologies and activities, and developments in the field of educational robotics emerging from the findings presented at FabLearn Italy 2019, the international conference that brought together researchers, teachers, educators and practitioners to discuss the principles of Making and educational robotics in formal, non-formal and informal education. The editors’ analysis of these extended versions of papers presented at FabLearn Italy 2019 highlight the latest findings on learning models based on Making and educational robotics. The authors investigate how innovative educational tools and methodologies can support a novel, more effective and more inclusive learner-centered approach to education. The following key topics are the focus of discussion: Makerspaces and Fab Labs in schools, a maker approach to teaching and learning; laboratory teaching and the maker approach, models, methods and instruments; curricular and non-curricular robotics in formal, non-formal and informal education; social and assistive robotics in education; the effect of innovative spaces and learning environments on the innovation of teaching, good practices and pilot projects

    Designing LMPA-Based Smart Materials for Soft Robotics Applications

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    This doctoral research, Designing LMPA (Low Melting Point Alloy) Based Smart Materials for Soft Robotics Applications, includes the following topics: (1) Introduction; (2) Robust Bicontinuous Metal-Elastomer Foam Composites with Highly Tunable Mechanical Stiffness; (3) Actively Morphing Drone Wing Design Enabled by Smart Materials for Green Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; (4) Dynamically Tunable Friction via Subsurface Stiffness Modulation; (5) LMPA Wool Sponge Based Smart Materials with Tunable Electrical Conductivity and Tunable Mechanical Stiffness for Soft Robotics; and (6) Contributions and Future Work.Soft robots are developed to interact safely with environments. Smart composites with tunable properties have found use in many soft robotics applications including robotic manipulators, locomotors, and haptics. The purpose of this work is to develop new smart materials with tunable properties (most importantly, mechanical stiffness) upon external stimuli, and integrate these novel smart materials in relevant soft robots. Stiffness tunable composites developed in previous studies have many drawbacks. For example, there is not enough stiffness change, or they are not robust enough. Here, we explore soft robotic mechanisms integrating stiffness tunable materials and innovate smart materials as needed to develop better versions of such soft robotic mechanisms. First, we develop a bicontinuous metal-elastomer foam composites with highly tunable mechanical stiffness. Second, we design and fabricate an actively morphing drone wing enabled by this smart composite, which is used as smart joints in the drone wing. Third, we explore composite pad-like structures with dynamically tunable friction achieved via subsurface stiffness modulation (SSM). We demonstrate that when these composite structures are properly integrated into soft crawling robots, the differences in friction of the two ends of these robots through SSM can be used to generate translational locomotion for untethered crawling robots. Also, we further develop a new class of smart composite based on LMPA wool sponge with tunable electrical conductivity and tunable stiffness for soft robotics applications. The implications of these studies on novel smart materials design are also discussed

    Second Year Report Institute of Making, UCL 2014-15

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    An account of the activities and impact of the UCL Institute of Making, 2014-201

    Robotics 2010

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    Without a doubt, robotics has made an incredible progress over the last decades. The vision of developing, designing and creating technical systems that help humans to achieve hard and complex tasks, has intelligently led to an incredible variety of solutions. There are barely technical fields that could exhibit more interdisciplinary interconnections like robotics. This fact is generated by highly complex challenges imposed by robotic systems, especially the requirement on intelligent and autonomous operation. This book tries to give an insight into the evolutionary process that takes place in robotics. It provides articles covering a wide range of this exciting area. The progress of technical challenges and concepts may illuminate the relationship between developments that seem to be completely different at first sight. The robotics remains an exciting scientific and engineering field. The community looks optimistically ahead and also looks forward for the future challenges and new development
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