80,611 research outputs found

    Keynote speaker 2

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    Program: NAACP Freedom Banquet and biography of speaker Charles Evers

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    Freedom Banquet held on Friday, September 2, 1966. Charles Evers, brother of Medgar Evers was the keynote speaker

    Fayetteville State Teachers College 76th Spring Commencement June 2 1953

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    Program for Fayetteville State Teachers College 76th Spring Commencement June 2 1953 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Hornell Hart, Professor of Sociology, Duke University, Durham, NChttps://digitalcommons.uncfsu.edu/graduation_exhibit/1051/thumbnail.jp

    Fayetteville State Teachers College 86th Spring Commencement June 2 1963

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    Program for Fayetteville State Teachers College 86th Spring Commencement June 2 1963 Keynote Speaker: Mr. L.P. McLendon, Chairman of State Board of Higher Education, Greensboro, NChttps://digitalcommons.uncfsu.edu/graduation_exhibit/1064/thumbnail.jp

    Fayetteville State Teachers College 91st Spring Commencement June 2 1968

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    Program for Fayetteville State Teachers College 91st Spring Commencement June 2 1968 Keynote Speaker: Dr. Lionel H. Newsom, Associate Project Director, Higher Educational Opportunity in the South, Southern Regional Education Board, Atlanta, GAhttps://digitalcommons.uncfsu.edu/graduation_exhibit/1067/thumbnail.jp

    Do 2 with VCU: A Community Engagement Initiative

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    Do 2 with VCU will be a day-long Expo highlighting volunteer activities and opportunities with up to 100 community partners. VCU faculty and staff will be encouraged to collaborate with these community partners by using their 16 hours of community service leave provided by VCU. The Expo will culminate with a Keynote Speaker for this inaugural event. This year we have selected author and activist, Elaine Brown; she will deliver an address on the importance of community activism and service which will be marketed to the greater Richmond area. This project was designed around Theme IV of the VCU Quest for Distinction: “Become a national model for community engagement and regional impact.

    Social and Political Commentator Lectures on Feb. 28 and at Annual Meeting

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    Piven is a distinguished professor of political science and sociology at The Graduate School and University Center of The City University of New York. She will speak at 7 p.m. Feb. 28 in the Richardson Ballroom in the DiGiorgio Campus Center and will serve as the luncheon keynote speaker for the South Carolina Political Science Association annual meeting on Saturday, March 2

    24th Annual Mass Communication Week Challenges Students to “Take a Chance”

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    The week’s keynote speaker is Steve Brusk, political unit coverage manager for CNN. He will speak on Tuesday, Feb. 26 at 9:30 a.m. in Owens G02 and 2 p.m. in Johnson 101. An Alumni Panel of recent graduates will speak at 3:30 p.m. in the Johnson Blackbox Theatre. This year’s alumni include Laney Whittle ’11, administrator at Agapé Senior Care; Jessica Pickens ’11, education and county government reporter for the Shelby Star; and Dwayne Greene ’08, Capital Tonight producer for News 14 Carolina, Raleigh

    Az emberi agy számreprezentációs készségének normál és sérült funkciója és fejlődése = Neurocognitive study of normal and impaired function and development of human numerical representations

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    Kutatásunkban a matematikai képességek normál és sérült funkcióját vizsgáltuk viselkedéses és eseményhez-kötött kiváltott potenciál (EKP) módszerrel. Kutatási eredményeinkből öt nemzetközi lektorált publikáció született (Neuropsychologia, BMC Behavioral and Brain Functions, Neuroscience Letters [2], Mind, Brain and Education), két további publikáció jelenleg lektorálás alatt áll (Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Behavioral and Brain Sciences). Sikeresen azonosítottuk az automatikus matematikai információfeldolgozás EKP jellemzőit felnőttekben és 6-11 éves gyermekekben. Megállapítottuk, hogy a matematikai feldolgozás automatikus voltát mérő feladatokban a motoros folyamatok éretlensége jelentős mértékben hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy gyermekek rosszabb teljesítményt mutatnak, mint felnőttek. Diszkalkuliásokkal végzett vizsgálataink kimutatták, hogy a jelenleg domináns, a nagyság-reprezentáció sérült voltát feltételező elméletek nem képesek megmagyarázni a diszkalkulia jelenségét. Vizsgálatunk ezzel szemben azt mutatta, hogy a figyelmi folyamatok éretlensége jelentős tényező lehet a matematikai képességzavarokban. Egy közel száz óvodáson végzett kutatásunk szintén arra utal, hogy a nagyságreprezentáció fejlődése nem képes megmagyarázni a matematikai képességek fejlődését. Eredményeink jelentősek, mivel a jelenlegi elméleti keretek újragondolására késztetnek. A motoros és figyelmi folyamatok sérülésére mutató eredményeink kijelölik a további kutatás irányát. | Our research investigated normal and impaired function of arithmetic abilities by using behavioral methods and event-related brain potentials (ERPs). We have published five papers in international peer-reviewed journals (Neuropsychologia, BMC Behavioral and Brain Functions, Neuroscience Letters [2], Mind, Brain and Education). Two more papers are currently under review (Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Behavioral and Brain Sciences). We have identified ERP markers of automatic number processing in adults and in 6-11-year-old children. We have established that the immaturity of motor processes contributes crucially to worse performance of children than adults? in tasks measuring automatic number processing. Studies of dyscalculia demonstrated that the currently dominant theory assuming that the number representation is impaired in dyscalculia cannot explain the phenomenon clearly. Our investigations suggest that immature attentional function probably plays a major role in the aetiology of dyscalculia. An investigation of about 100 kindergarten children also confirmed that the development of the magnitude representation is probably not the major underlying factor behind numerical development. Results are significant because they prompt a rethink of the current theoretical stance on number cognition. Our data demonstrating impairments of motor and attentional function in dyscalculia shows the pathway of further research

    Explaining individual differences in linguistic proficiency

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