42 research outputs found

    Attacking PUF-Based Pattern Matching Key Generators via Helper Data Manipulation

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    Abstract. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) provide a unique signature for integrated circuits (ICs), similar to a fingerprint for humans. They are primarily used to generate secret keys, hereby exploiting the unique manufacturing variations of an IC. Unfortunately, PUF output bits are not perfectly reproducible and non-uniformly distributed. To obtain a high-quality key, one needs to implement additional post-processing logic on the same IC. Fuzzy extractors are the well-established standard solution. Pattern Matching Key Generators (PMKGs) have been proposed as an alternative. In this work, we demonstrate the latter construction to be vulnerable against manipulation of its public helper data. Full key recovery is possible, although depending on system design choices. We demonstrate our attacks using a 4-XOR arbiter PUF, manufactured in 65nm CMOS technology. We also propose a simple but effective countermeasure

    Robust Fuzzy Extractors and Helper Data Manipulation Attacks Revisited: Theory vs Practice

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    Fuzzy extractors have been proposed in 2004 by Dodis et al. as a secure way to generate cryptographic keys from noisy sources. In recent years, fuzzy extractors have become an important building block in hardware security due to their use in secure key generation based on Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs). Fuzzy extractors are provably secure against passive attackers. A year later Boyen et al. introduced robust fuzzy extractors which are also provably secure against active attackers, i.e., attackers that can manipulate the helper data. In this paper we show that the original provable secure robust fuzzy extractor construction by Boyen et al. actually does not fulfill the error-correction requirements for practical PUF applications. The fuzzy extractors proposed for PUF-based key generation on the other hand that fulfill the error-correction requirements cannot be extended to such robust fuzzy extractors, due to a strict bound tt on the number of correctable errors. While it is therefore tempting to simply ignore this strict bound, we present novel helper data manipulation attacks on fuzzy extractors that also work if a ``robust fuzzy extractor-like\u27\u27 construction without this strict bound is used. Hence, this paper can be seen as a call for action to revisit this seemingly solved problem of building robust fuzzy extractors. The new focus should be on building more efficient solutions in terms of error-correction capability, even if this might come at the costs of a proof in a weaker security model

    Trapdoor Computational Fuzzy Extractors and Stateless Cryptographically-Secure Physical Unclonable Functions

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    We present a fuzzy extractor whose security can be reduced to the hardness of Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) and can efficiently correct a constant fraction of errors in a biometric source with a ``noise-avoiding trapdoor. Using this computational fuzzy extractor, we present a stateless construction of a cryptographically-secure Physical Unclonable Function. Our construct requires no non-volatile (permanent) storage, secure or otherwise, and its computational security can be reduced to the hardness of an LPN variant under the random oracle model. The construction is ``stateless,\u27\u27 because there is \emph{no} information stored between subsequent queries, which mitigates attacks against the PUF via tampering. Moreover, our stateless construction corresponds to a PUF whose outputs are free of noise because of internal error-correcting capability, which enables a host of applications beyond authentication. We describe the construction, provide a proof of computational security, analysis of the security parameter for system parameter choices, and present experimental evidence that the construction is practical and reliable under a wide environmental range

    Redshift: Manipulating Signal Propagation Delay via Continuous-Wave Lasers

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    We propose a new laser injection attack Redshift that manipulates signal propagation delay, allowing for precise control of oscillator frequencies and other behaviors in delay-sensitive circuits. The target circuits have a significant sensitivity to light, and a low-power continuous-wave laser, similar to a laser pointer, is sufficient for the attack. This is in contrast to previous fault injection attacks that use highpowered laser pulses to flip digital bits. This significantly reduces the cost of the attack and extends the range of possible attackers. Moreover, the attack potentially evades sensor-based countermeasures configured for conventional pulse lasers. To demonstrate Redshift, we target ring-oscillator and arbiter PUFs that are used in cryptographic applications. By precisely controlling signal propagation delays within these circuits, an attacker can control the output of a PUF to perform a state-recovery attack and reveal a secret key. We finally discuss the physical causality of the attack and potential countermeasures