12 research outputs found

    Improving offline evaluation of contextual bandit algorithms via bootstrapping techniques

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    In many recommendation applications such as news recommendation, the items that can be rec- ommended come and go at a very fast pace. This is a challenge for recommender systems (RS) to face this setting. Online learning algorithms seem to be the most straight forward solution. The contextual bandit framework was introduced for that very purpose. In general the evaluation of a RS is a critical issue. Live evaluation is of- ten avoided due to the potential loss of revenue, hence the need for offline evaluation methods. Two options are available. Model based meth- ods are biased by nature and are thus difficult to trust when used alone. Data driven methods are therefore what we consider here. Evaluat- ing online learning algorithms with past data is not simple but some methods exist in the litera- ture. Nonetheless their accuracy is not satisfac- tory mainly due to their mechanism of data re- jection that only allow the exploitation of a small fraction of the data. We precisely address this issue in this paper. After highlighting the limita- tions of the previous methods, we present a new method, based on bootstrapping techniques. This new method comes with two important improve- ments: it is much more accurate and it provides a measure of quality of its estimation. The latter is a highly desirable property in order to minimize the risks entailed by putting online a RS for the first time. We provide both theoretical and ex- perimental proofs of its superiority compared to state-of-the-art methods, as well as an analysis of the convergence of the measure of quality

    Neural plasma

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    This paper presents a novel type of artificial neural network, called neural plasma, which is tailored for classification tasks involving few observations with a large number of variables. Neural plasma learns to adapt its classification confidence by generating artificial training data as a function of its confidence in previous decisions. In contrast to multilayer perceptrons and similar techniques, which are inspired by topological and operational aspects of biological neural networks, neural plasma is motivated by aspects of high-level behavior and reasoning in the presence of uncertainty. The basic principles of the proposed model apply to other supervised learning algorithms that provide explicit classification confidence values. The empirical evaluation of this new technique is based on benchmarking experiments involving data sets from biotechnology that are characterized by the small-n-large-p problem. The presented study exposes a comprehensive methodology and is seen as a first step in exploring different aspects of this methodology.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Neural NetsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Combining additive input noise annealing and pattern transformations for improved handwritten character recognition

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    Two problems that burden the learning process of Artificial Neural Networks with Back Propagation are the need of building a full and representative learning data set, and the avoidance of stalling in local minima. Both problems seem to be closely related when working with the handwritten digits contained in the MNIST dataset. Using a modest sized ANN, the proposed combination of input data transformations enables the achievement of a test error as low as 0.43%, which is up to standard compared to other more complex neural architectures like Convolutional or Deep Neural Networks. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This research reported has been supported by the Spanish MICINN under projects TRA2010-20225-C03-01, TRA 2011-29454-C03-02, and TRA 2011-29454-C03-03

    Neural plasma

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    This paper presents a novel type of artificial neural network, called neural plasma, which is tailored for classification tasks involving few observations with a large number of variables. Neural plasma learns to adapt its classification confidence by generating artificial training data as a function of its confidence in previous decisions. In contrast to multilayer perceptrons and similar techniques, which are inspired by topological and operational aspects of biological neural networks, neural plasma is motivated by aspects of high-level behavior and reasoning in the presence of uncertainty. The basic principles of the proposed model apply to other supervised learning algorithms that provide explicit classification confidence values. The empirical evaluation of this new technique is based on benchmarking experiments involving data sets from biotechnology that are characterized by the small-n-large-p problem. The presented study exposes a comprehensive methodology and is seen as a first step in exploring different aspects of this methodology.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Neural NetsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Maintaining retrieval knowledge in a case-based reasoning system.

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    The knowledge stored in a case base is central to the problem solving of a case-based reasoning (CBR) system. Therefore, case-base maintenance is a key component of maintaining a CBR system. However, other knowledge sources, such as indexing and similarity knowledge for improved case retrieval, also play an important role in CBR problem solving. For many CBR applications, the refinement of this retrieval knowledge is a necessary component of CBR maintenance. This article focuses on optimization of the parameters and feature selections/weights for the indexing and nearest-neighbor algorithms used by CBR retrieval. Optimization is applied after case-base maintenance and refines the CBR retrieval to reflect changes that have occurred to cases in the case base. The optimization process is generic and automatic, using knowledge contained in the cases. In this article we demonstrate its effectiveness on a real tablet formulation application in two maintenance scenarios. One scenario, a growing case base, is provided by two snapshots of a formulation database. A change in the company's formulation policy results in a second, more fundamental requirement for CBR maintenance. We show that after case-base maintenance, the CBR system did indeed benefit from also refining the retrieval knowledge. We believe that existing CBR shells would benefit from including an option to automatically optimize the retrieval process

    Appropriate flow forecasting for reservoir operation

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    The aim of the study presented in this thesis is to develop and apply a methodology to determine the appropriate model application by including the water management objective explicitly, and to demonstrate its benefits

    Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Error management in ATLAS TDAQ : an intelligent systems approach

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    This thesis is concerned with the use of intelligent system techniques (IST) within a large distributed software system, specifically the ATLAS TDAQ system which has been developed and is currently in use at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics(CERN). The overall aim is to investigate and evaluate a range of ITS techniques in order to improve the error management system (EMS) currently used within the TDAQ system via error detection and classification. The thesis work will provide a reference for future research and development of such methods in the TDAQ system. The thesis begins by describing the TDAQ system and the existing EMS, with a focus on the underlying expert system approach, in order to identify areas where improvements can be made using IST techniques. It then discusses measures of evaluating error detection and classification techniques and the factors specific to the TDAQ system. Error conditions are then simulated in a controlled manner using an experimental setup and datasets were gathered from two different sources. Analysis and processing of the datasets using statistical and ITS techniques shows that clusters exists in the data corresponding to the different simulated errors. Different ITS techniques are applied to the gathered datasets in order to realise an error detection model. These techniques include Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) and a comparison of the respective advantages and disadvantages is made. The principle conclusions from this work are that IST can be successfully used to detect errors in the ATLAS TDAQ system and thus can provide a tool to improve the overall error management system. It is of particular importance that the IST can be used without having a detailed knowledge of the system, as the ATLAS TDAQ is too complex for a single person to have complete understanding of. The results of this research will benefit researchers developing and evaluating IST techniques in similar large scale distributed systems