10,537 research outputs found

    On the microlocal analysis of the geodesic X-ray transform with conjugate points

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    We study the microlocal properties of the geodesic X-ray transform X\mathcal{X} on a manifold with boundary allowing the presence of conjugate points. Assuming that there are no self-intersecting geodesics and all conjugate pairs are nonsingular we show that the normal operator N=XtX\mathcal{N} = \mathcal{X}^t \circ \mathcal{X} can be decomposed as the sum of a pseudodifferential operator of order 1-1 and a sum of Fourier integral operators. We also apply this decomposition to prove inversion of X\mathcal{X} is only mildly ill-posed in dimension three or higher

    Principal Boundary on Riemannian Manifolds

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    We consider the classification problem and focus on nonlinear methods for classification on manifolds. For multivariate datasets lying on an embedded nonlinear Riemannian manifold within the higher-dimensional ambient space, we aim to acquire a classification boundary for the classes with labels, using the intrinsic metric on the manifolds. Motivated by finding an optimal boundary between the two classes, we invent a novel approach -- the principal boundary. From the perspective of classification, the principal boundary is defined as an optimal curve that moves in between the principal flows traced out from two classes of data, and at any point on the boundary, it maximizes the margin between the two classes. We estimate the boundary in quality with its direction, supervised by the two principal flows. We show that the principal boundary yields the usual decision boundary found by the support vector machine in the sense that locally, the two boundaries coincide. Some optimality and convergence properties of the random principal boundary and its population counterpart are also shown. We illustrate how to find, use and interpret the principal boundary with an application in real data.Comment: 31 pages,10 figure

    Invariant distributions and X-ray transform for Anosov flows

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    For Anosov flows preserving a smooth measure on a closed manifold M\mathcal{M}, we define a natural self-adjoint operator Π\Pi which maps into the space of invariant distributions in u<0Hu(M)\cap_{u<0} H^{u}(\mathcal{M}) and whose kernel is made of coboundaries in s>0Hs(M)\cup_{s>0} H^{s}(\mathcal{M}). We describe relations to Livsic theorem and recover regularity properties of cohomological equations using this operator. For Anosov geodesic flows on the unit tangent bundle M=SM\mathcal{M}=SM of a compact manifold, we apply this theory to study questions related to XX-ray transform on symmetric tensors on MM: in particular we prove that injectivity implies surjectivity of X-ray transform, and we show injectivity for surfaces.Comment: 30 pages, few corrections and new results (e.g. the image of Π\Pi is dense among invariant distributions

    Minimal kernels of Dirac operators along maps

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    Let MM be a closed spin manifold and let NN be a closed manifold. For maps f ⁣:MNf\colon M\to N and Riemannian metrics gg on MM and hh on NN, we consider the Dirac operator Dg,hfD^f_{g,h} of the twisted Dirac bundle ΣMRfTN\Sigma M\otimes_{\mathbb{R}} f^*TN. To this Dirac operator one can associate an index in KOdim(M)(pt)KO^{-dim(M)}(pt). If MM is 22-dimensional, one gets a lower bound for the dimension of the kernel of Dg,hfD^f_{g,h} out of this index. We investigate the question whether this lower bound is obtained for generic tupels (f,g,h)(f,g,h)