4,577 research outputs found

    Kernel learning over the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices for dimensionality reduction in a BCI application

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    In this paper, we propose a kernel for nonlinear dimensionality reduction over the manifold of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices in a Motor Imagery (MI)-based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) application. The proposed kernel, which is based on Riemannian geometry, tries to preserve the topology of data points in the feature space. Topology preservation is the main challenge in nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLDR). Our main idea is to decrease the non-Euclidean characteristics of the manifold by modifying the volume elements. We apply a conformal transform over data-dependent isometric mapping to reduce the negative eigen fraction to learn a data dependent kernel over the Riemannian manifolds. Multiple experiments were carried out using the proposed kernel for a dimensionality reduction of SPD matrices that describe the EEG signals of dataset IIa from BCI competition IV. The experiments show that this kernel adapts to the input data and leads to promising results in comparison with the most popular manifold learning methods and the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) technique as a reference algorithm in BCI competitions. The proposed kernel is strong, particularly in the cases where data points have a complex and nonlinear separable distribution

    Sparse Coding on Symmetric Positive Definite Manifolds using Bregman Divergences

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    This paper introduces sparse coding and dictionary learning for Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices, which are often used in machine learning, computer vision and related areas. Unlike traditional sparse coding schemes that work in vector spaces, in this paper we discuss how SPD matrices can be described by sparse combination of dictionary atoms, where the atoms are also SPD matrices. We propose to seek sparse coding by embedding the space of SPD matrices into Hilbert spaces through two types of Bregman matrix divergences. This not only leads to an efficient way of performing sparse coding, but also an online and iterative scheme for dictionary learning. We apply the proposed methods to several computer vision tasks where images are represented by region covariance matrices. Our proposed algorithms outperform state-of-the-art methods on a wide range of classification tasks, including face recognition, action recognition, material classification and texture categorization

    Log-Euclidean Bag of Words for Human Action Recognition

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    Representing videos by densely extracted local space-time features has recently become a popular approach for analysing actions. In this paper, we tackle the problem of categorising human actions by devising Bag of Words (BoW) models based on covariance matrices of spatio-temporal features, with the features formed from histograms of optical flow. Since covariance matrices form a special type of Riemannian manifold, the space of Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices, non-Euclidean geometry should be taken into account while discriminating between covariance matrices. To this end, we propose to embed SPD manifolds to Euclidean spaces via a diffeomorphism and extend the BoW approach to its Riemannian version. The proposed BoW approach takes into account the manifold geometry of SPD matrices during the generation of the codebook and histograms. Experiments on challenging human action datasets show that the proposed method obtains notable improvements in discrimination accuracy, in comparison to several state-of-the-art methods
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