146 research outputs found

    Attention-Based End-to-End Speech Recognition on Voice Search

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    Recently, there has been a growing interest in end-to-end speech recognition that directly transcribes speech to text without any predefined alignments. In this paper, we explore the use of attention-based encoder-decoder model for Mandarin speech recognition on a voice search task. Previous attempts have shown that applying attention-based encoder-decoder to Mandarin speech recognition was quite difficult due to the logographic orthography of Mandarin, the large vocabulary and the conditional dependency of the attention model. In this paper, we use character embedding to deal with the large vocabulary. Several tricks are used for effective model training, including L2 regularization, Gaussian weight noise and frame skipping. We compare two attention mechanisms and use attention smoothing to cover long context in the attention model. Taken together, these tricks allow us to finally achieve a character error rate (CER) of 3.58% and a sentence error rate (SER) of 7.43% on the MiTV voice search dataset. While together with a trigram language model, CER and SER reach 2.81% and 5.77%, respectively

    An Approximate Bayesian Long Short-Term Memory Algorithm for Outlier Detection

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    Long Short-Term Memory networks trained with gradient descent and back-propagation have received great success in various applications. However, point estimation of the weights of the networks is prone to over-fitting problems and lacks important uncertainty information associated with the estimation. However, exact Bayesian neural network methods are intractable and non-applicable for real-world applications. In this study, we propose an approximate estimation of the weights uncertainty using Ensemble Kalman Filter, which is easily scalable to a large number of weights. Furthermore, we optimize the covariance of the noise distribution in the ensemble update step using maximum likelihood estimation. To assess the proposed algorithm, we apply it to outlier detection in five real-world events retrieved from the Twitter platform

    Emulating Human Developmental Stages with Bayesian Neural Networks

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    We compare the acquisition of knowledge in humans and machines. Research from the field of developmental psychology indicates, that human-employed hypothesis are initially guided by simple rules, before evolving into more complex theories. This observation is shared across many tasks and domains. We investigate whether stages of development in artificial learning systems are based on the same characteristics. We operationalize developmental stages as the size of the data-set, on which the artificial system is trained. For our analysis we look at the developmental progress of Bayesian Neural Networks on three different data-sets, including occlusion, support and quantity comparison tasks. We compare the results with prior research from developmental psychology and find agreement between the family of optimized models and pattern of development observed in infants and children on all three tasks, indicating common principles for the acquisition of knowledge

    Deep AutoRegressive Networks

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    We introduce a deep, generative autoencoder capable of learning hierarchies of distributed representations from data. Successive deep stochastic hidden layers are equipped with autoregressive connections, which enable the model to be sampled from quickly and exactly via ancestral sampling. We derive an efficient approximate parameter estimation method based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle, which can be seen as maximising a variational lower bound on the log-likelihood, with a feedforward neural network implementing approximate inference. We demonstrate state-of-the-art generative performance on a number of classic data sets: several UCI data sets, MNIST and Atari 2600 games.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Beijing, China, 201
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