3 research outputs found

    A capacidade empreendedora como fator crítico de sucesso em gerenciamento de projetos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2017Gerenciamento de Projeto é uma atividade composta por diversas áreas de conhecimento, ferramentas e processos que visam facilitar o planejamento, o controle, a execução e o cumprimento de um objetivo. Contudo, a condução e utilização da metodologia de forma a atingir os objetivos, depende das capacidades do Gerente de Projeto, muitas vezes aquém de todas as necessidades específicas do projeto. Essas capacidades são cada vez mais demandadas pelas organizações por estarem em consonância com o dinamismo tecnológico presente no mercado atual. Portanto, em se tratando de geração de valor, a capacidade do indivíduo em inovar, empreender e, por conseguinte atender satisfatoriamente aos Fatores Críticos de Sucesso de um projeto são fundamentais para a manutenção da competitividade das Empresas de Base Tecnológica. Diante deste contexto, o objetivo desta dissertação consistiu em verificar as relações existentes entre a Capacidade Empreendedora de Gerentes de Projeto e os Fatores Críticos de Sucesso de Gerenciamento de Projetos em uma Empresa de Base Tecnológica. Para atingir o propósito traçado, metodologicamente assumiu-se uma abordagem qualitativa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e de um estudo empírico em uma Empresa de Base Tecnológica, mediante pesquisa documental, entrevista semiestruturada e questionário elaborado no projeto Skills para a obtenção da Capacidade Empreendedora. Como resultado desta pesquisa, em linhas gerais, verificou-se que as relações identificadas permitem uma análise diferenciada do Gerente de Projeto no tocante à sua capacidade de atendimento aos FCS de um projeto. Além disso, compreendeu-se que estas relações podem ajudar na definição de qual o perfil necessário do gestor, bem como quais são os pontos que precisam ser evoluídos para o gerenciamento satisfatório de um projeto. Por fim, identificou-se que o maior desafio do Gerente de Projeto é também o maior desafio do Empreendedor, uma vez que ambos precisam das capacidades de gestão bem desenvolvidas para atuar em seu empreendimento ou projeto.Abstract: Project Management is an activity composed of several areas of knowledge, tools and processes that aim to facilitate the planning, control, execution and to reach a goal. However, conducting and using the methodology in order to achieve the objectives depends on the capabilities of the Project Manager, often short of any specific project needs. These capabilities are increasingly demanded by organizations because they are in line with the technological dynamism present in today's market. Therefore, when it comes to value generation, the individual's ability to innovate, undertake and, therefore, satisfy the Critical Success Factors of a project, are fundamental for maintaining the competitiveness of Technology-based-firms. In this context, the objective of this research was to verify the relationships between the Entrepreneurial Capacity of Project Managers and the Critical Success Factors of Project Management in a Technological-based-firm. In order to reach the proposed goal, a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach was adopted. The data were collected through a bibliographical research and an empirical study in a Technological- based-firm, through documentary research, semi-structured interview and questionnaire elaborated in the Skills project to obtain Entrepreneurial Capacity. As a result of this research, in general terms, it was verified that the relationships identified allow a differentiated analysis of the Project Manager regarding their capacity to attend the Critical Success Factors of a project. In addition, it was understood that these relationships can help in defining wich the manager's necessary profile is, as well as what points need to be evolved for the satisfactory management of a project. Finally, it was identified that the greatest challenge of the Project Manager is also the greatest challenge of the Entrepreneur, since both need the well-developed management abilities to act in their enterprise or project

    Information Technology Training to Promote Collaboration Among Multiple Generations

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    The decision to implement information technology (IT) initiatives to enhance collaboration among veterans, baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and Fifth Generation employees continues to challenge organizational leaders. The purpose of this nonexperimental study was to identify how the implementation of information technology initiatives, coupled with the knowledge of learning styles, might enhance collaboration among generational cohort employees. The generational cohort theory, Maslow\u27s hierarchy of needs theory, and the technology acceptance model were the theoretical frameworks used to develop an understanding of the relationships among the cohorts and the acceptance of technology to enhance collaboration. Data were collected from a survey of 335 respondents from the five generational cohorts who worked in small, medium, and large not-for-profit firms that used IT processes, in the Southeastern United States. Data analysis included Welch ANOVA with the Games-Howell post hoc test, Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn\u27s Bonferroni adjustment, and chi-square tests. Findings revealed no significant differences in learning style preferences among the cohorts, and no significant differences among factors influencing preferences for technology activity. Irrespective of generational cohorts, individuals displayed common degrees of comfort with IT training activities. Findings may be used by organizational leaders to implement technology training activities without focus on preferences for training among multigenerational employees. Findings may also be used to enhance collaboration by focusing on commonalities rather than differences among generational cohorts

    KMUT – Project Management Toolbox

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    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly dealing with international projects and distributed (sometimes even virtual) teams. Consequently, they are looking for project management (PM) tools which fit their respective needs regarding communication and collaboration. Unfortunately, the majority of the PM software available in the market seems to be oversized for this purpose. Instead most project managers are requesting smart solutions that allow quick implementation without any significant organisational or technical change. Within the research project InterComp SME 2.0 we combine theoretical research and real business to develop hands-on solutions for SMEs. This paper describes an effective approach for a â??PM Toolboxâ? that allows finding the right project tool for a specific project need. The toolbox has been developed in due consideration of user stories gained from business practice, a more detailed SME business survey, a theoretical PM meta model and a market of PM tools. Since the business survey revealed that the readiness to use and test a â??toolboxâ? is highly dependent on the type of user and his or her technical background, we designed the system based on use cases and user typology. As a result, we suggest a framework of open, freely available, easy-to-install, single and multi purpose PM software tools which can be selected solely on a need basis. With this free platform we want to guide practitioners through the tool jungle with the potential to grow into a lively community