174 research outputs found

    The Model of Friendly Work Environment for Older Employees in Slovenia

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    In the context of demographic changes and active aging in the workplace, managing age diversity contributes to creating new perspectives across the entire field of human resource management. The main objective of this paper is to determine the impact of appropriate working conditions and training programs for older employees on the work motivation of older employees, as well as to determine the impact of work motivation on the work engagement of older employees in Slovenia. In the medium-sized and large companies that were involved in the research, we surveyed employers and older employees: in the questionnaire, employers indicated their agreement to the listed statements about appropriate working conditions and training programs for older employees, and older employees indicated their agreement to the listed statements about work motivation and work engagement. Structural equation modelling has been proven useful in exploring the links between these four constructs. Results show that appropriate working conditions and training programs for older employees have a positive impact on the work motivation of older employees and that the work motivation of older employees has a positive impact on the work engagement of older employees. This work is licensed under aĀ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    The influential knowledge factors of companies\u27 performance in Slovenia

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    Background: Knowledge plays a crucial role in supporting the European Union model based on economic growth, social responsibility, and sustainable development. To improve companiesā€™ performance, one must reflect on new forms of knowledge and develop new indicators to measure them. Objectives: The goal of the paper is to investigate the impact of the selected factors of knowledge on companiesā€™ performance in Slovenia. Methods/Approach: A questionnaire was created and sent to small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia. The principle axis factoring method was used to identify the factors of knowledge and of companiesā€™ performance, and a regression analysis was conducted to determine the influence of the selected knowledge factors on companiesā€™ performance. Results: The establishment of scientistsā€™ collaboration with companies has a positive impact on companiesā€™ performance, but the obstacles to the establishment of scientistsā€™ collaboration with companies do not have any impact. Conclusions: The results could be useful for governments and companies in the adoption of measures aimed at strengthening scientistsā€™ collaboration with companies. Further research can be oriented toward the common synergy index (e.g., the knowledge triangle)

    Influence of Relationship Commitment and Trust on Collaborative Behaviour in Supply Chains

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    The paper discusses theoretically and examines empirically the influence of the relationship commitment on collaborative behaviour in supply chains. In todayā€™s unstable business environment companies should collaborate to achieve mutual goals and competitive advantage. Defining relationship commitment and collaboration in supply chains (from social exchange theory point of view) is the basis of the research of this paper. Our aim is to examine the influence of relationship commitment on collaboration in supply chains in Slovenian economy. The qualitative research part discusses if the relationship commitment between partners in supply chain influences the collaborative behaviour between partners and which are the antecedents of relationship commitment. The research is based on a quantitative analysis of the online questionnaire survey made on the Slovenian economy. The research results show strong influence of trust and relationship commitment on collaboration between partners in supply chains.</p

    Zaupanje v policijo srbskih in slovenskih Ŕtudentov prava: primerjalna perspektiva

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    Purpose: Based on past studies and cognitions about legitimacy and related concepts, the paper presents law studentsā€™ perceptions of trust in police and policing in Serbia and Slovenia, analysing data from a web survey conducted in autumn 2012 and spring 2013. Design/Methods/Approach: We conducted a secondary analysis of data from a web survey conducted by MeÅ”ko and colleagues in 2013 in Serbia and Slovenia using descriptive and multivariate statistical methods (factor analysis, t-test and regression analysis). Findings: The findings indicate that the law students generally question their willingness to comply with laws and cooperate with the police. The results reveal a slightly more positive perception of police legitimacy and its correlates by the Slovenian law students than their Serbian counterparts. Similar, police authority, trust in police, procedural justice and police effectiveness are more positively perceived in Slovenia. Research Limitations / Implications: The results provide insights into trust in the police held by potential future professionals in the (criminal) justice system in Serbia and Slovenia, also revealing differences between the two countries. Practical Implications: The police should primarily strive to improve their effectiveness, authority and procedural justice to improve the trust in and legitimacy of policing in the respective country. Originality/Value: The article presents a very good starting point for a further analysis of law studentsā€™ attitude to the police in Serbia and Slovenia. In the conclusion, the authors discuss possible solutions for improving the relationship between the police and law students.Namen prispevka: Na podlagi preteklih Å”tudij in spoznanj o legitimnosti in z njo povezanimi koncepti ter z analizo podatkov spletne ankete, ki je bila izvedena jeseni 2012 in spomladi 2013, članek predstavlja, kako Å”tudenti prava dojemajo zaupanje v policijo v Srbiji in Sloveniji. Metode: Izvedli smo sekundarno analizo podatkov iz spletne raziskave, ki so jo izvedli MeÅ”ko in sodelavci leta 2013 v Srbiji in Sloveniji, ter jih analizirali z opisnimi in multivariatnimi statističnimi metodami (faktorska analiza, t-test in regresijska analiza). Ugotovitve: Ugotovitve kažejo, da Å”tudenti prava na sploÅ”no dvomijo v njihovo pripravljenost strinjanja z zakoni in sodelovanja s policijo. Rezultati razkrivajo nekoliko bolj pozitivno dojemanje legitimnosti policijske dejavnosti in njenih korelatov pri slovenskih Å”tudentih prava v primerjavi s srbskimi Å”tudenti prava. Podobno bolj pozitivno zaznavajo v Sloveniji tudi avtoriteto policije, zaupanje v policijo, postopkovno pravičnost in učinkovitost policije. Omejitve/uporabnost raziskave Rezultati omogočajo vpogled v zaupanje v policijo potencialnih bodočih strokovnjakov na (kazensko) pravnem sistemu v Srbiji in Sloveniji, ki kažejo tudi razlike med primerjanima državama. Praktična uporabnost: Policija bi si morala predvsem prizadevati za izboljÅ”anje njihove učinkovitosti, pooblastil in procesnih pravic, da bi izboljÅ”ali zaupanje in legitimnost policijskega dela v posamezni državi. Izvirnost/pomembnost prispevka: Članek predstavlja zelo dobro izhodiŔčno točko za nadaljnje analize odnosov Å”tudentov prava do policije v Srbiji in Sloveniji. V zaključku avtorji razpravljajo o možnih reÅ”itvah za izboljÅ”anje odnosa med policijo in Å”tudenti prava

    A small hotel market in Slovenia: a point of view from both sides of the counter

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    Introduction ā€“ The purpose of this paper is to investigate a small hotel market in Slovenia. The goal of the research is to present key attributes of small hotels in the country, reasons why guests choose small rather than big hotels, and the attributes of small hotels that the guests are most satisfied with. Design/Methodology ā€“ Empirical research was conducted in Slovenia from May 2014 to June 2015. The qualitative methods were used to collect and analyse data about the key attributes of small hotels (supply side), and the quantitative methods to collect and analyse data from small hotel guests (demand side). Findings ā€“ The results of the study indicate that Slovenian investors design their small hotels similarly to small hotelsā€™ entrepreneurs in other countries. The major reasons why guests choose small hotels are their wish to establish closer contact with the local people and the local area, friendlier staff, and reasonable prices. Staff friendliness, their professionalism, and service quality are those attributes that small hotels guests appreciate the most. Originality of research ā€“ This is the first empirical research on small hotelsā€™ market in Slovenia that offers an overview on its current situation in the country

    3rd national conference on local safety and security: Safety and security in local communities ā€“ results of research on safety perceptions in Slovenia

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    Zbornik povzetkov predstavlja recenzirane prispevke, ki so bili predstavljeni na tretji nacionalni konferenci Varnost v lokalnih skupnostih v Novem mestu v novembru 2017. Glavna tema konference povzema glavne ugotovitve raziskave Varnost v lokalnih skupnostih, ki je bila opravljena v 24 slovenskih krajih spomladi 2017 v okviru raziskovalnega projekta Varnost v lokalnih skupnostih. Glavni cilj prispevkov je predlaganje uporabnih reŔitev za bolj učinkovito zagotavljanje varnosti v lokalnih skupnostih (manjŔih, srednjih in večjih občinah) v Sloveniji. Prispevki v zborniku se osredotočajo na različne vidike varnosti v lokalnih skupnostih in sicer zaznavanje varnosti in virov ogrožanja v lokalnih skupnostih (zaznavanje kriminalitete, virov ogrožanja, varnosti v urbanih soseskah, prisotnosti policije in socialne kohezije)pričakovanja, uspeŔnost in učinkovitost zagotavljanja varnosti (zaznavanje in uspeŔnost policijskega dela v skupnosti, zaznavanje nalog vojske, migracij in občutek ogroženosti uporabnikov kibernetskega prostora) ter prakse zagotavljanja varnosti v lokalnih skupnostih (pooblastila občin, dobre prakse reŔevanja konkretnih varnostnih problemov na območju Policijske uprave Novo mesto in Murska Sobota in zaznavanje zagotavljanja varnosti v lokalnih skupnostih skozi različne deležnike).The conference proceedings present peer reviewed papers presented at the third national conference on local safety and security in Slovenia in November 2017. A lead topic of the conference summarizes results of research on safety perceptions, which was done in 24 local communities in the spring in 2017. The main aim of the papers is proposing solutions for more efficient assurance of safety/security in local communities (smaller, middle and larger municipalities) in Slovenia. The papers in the proceedings discuss various aspects of safety and security in local communities, such as perception of safety/security and risks in local communities (perception of crime, sources of threats, safety in urban areas, police presence, and social cohesion)expectations and effectiveness of ensuring safety and security (perception and effectiveness of community policing, perception of the tasks of armed forces, migration, and perception of threats in cyber space)and practices of ensuring safety and security in local communities (legal regulation of municipalities, good practices of solving safety issues in the area of Police directorate Novo mesto and Murska Sobota, and perception of ensuring local safety and security through the perspective of different stakeholders)

    Vpliv organizacijskih dejavnikov na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij informacijske reŔitve CRM

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    Background and Purpose: Information solutions for analytical customer relationship management CRM (aCRM IS) that include the use of analytical tools are becoming increasingly important, due organizationsā€™ need for knowledge of their customers and the ability to manage big data. The objective of the research is, therefore, to determine how the organizationsā€™ orientations (process, innovation, and technology) as critical organizational factors affect the attitude towards the use of the analytical tools of aCRM IS. Design/Methodology/Approach: To measure the orientation of the organization (process, innovation, and technology), we redesigned the existing scale, which was validated using exploratory factor analysis. In the next phase, we created a model by which we examined the impact of the organizationā€™s stance in relation to the use of the analytical tools of aCRM IS, where we used multiple regression analysis. The model was verified on a sample of Slovenian Organizations (n=105), which use the analytical tools of aCRM IS for analyzing the data they have on their customers and business partners. Results: In the study we found that all critical factors of the organization, specifically process, technology, and innovation orientation, have a positive impact on the attitudes towards using the analytical tools of aCRM IS. Innovation orientation is particularly important and has the strongest influence on the attitude towards using the analytical tools of aCRM IS. We found that innovation orientation on new ideas, methods, and approaches has the strongest effect, followed by the impact of innovation orientation on acceptance of novelty. Conclusion: The more innovation-, technology-, and process-oriented organizations are, the more positive their attitude towards using the analytical tools of aCRM IS. The study is particularly important for organizations that are introducing an aCRM IS into their business system.Ozadje in namen: Informacijska reÅ”itev analitičnega upravljanja s strankami (aCRM IR) zajema med drugim uporabo analitičnih orodij, ki zaradi potrebe organizacij po znanju strank in upravljanju masivnih podatkov, pridobivajo na vse večji veljavi. Zato je bil cilj raziskave ugotoviti, kako naravnanost organizacije (procesna, inovativna in tehnoloÅ”ka) kot kritični organizacijski dejavnik vpliva na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR. Zasnova/metodologija/pristop: Za merjenje naravnanosti organizacije (procesna, inovativna in tehnoloÅ”ka) smo preoblikovali obstoječe merilne lestvice, ki smo jih validirali s pomočjo eksploratorne faktorske analize. V naslednji fazi smo oblikovali model, s katerim smo preverjali vpliv naravnanosti organizacije na odnos do uporabe a analitičnih orodij aCRM IR, pri čemer smo uporabili multiplo regresijsko analizo. Model smo preverjali na vzorcu slovenskih organizacij (n=105), ki za analiziranje podatkov o strankah in poslovnih partnerjih uporabljajo analitična orodja. Rezultati: V Å”tudiji smo ugotovili, da imajo vsi trije vidiki naravnanosti organizacije, procesna, tehnoloÅ”ka in inovativna naravnanost, pozitivni vpliv na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR v organizaciji. Å e zlasti je pomembna inovativna naravnanost organizacije, ki ima najmočnejÅ”i vpliv na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR. Inovativno naravnost je dvodimenzionalni konstrukt. Ugotovili smo, da ima inovativna naravnanost na nove ideje, metode in pristope največji vpliv na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR, sledi pa inovativna naravnanost na sprejem novosti v organizaciji. Zaključek: Bolj kot so organizacije inovativno, tehnoloÅ”ko in procesno naravnane, bolj pozitivni odnos imajo v povprečju do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR. Å tudija je Å”e posebej pomembna za organizacije, ki vpeljujejo aCRM IR v poslovni sistem

    Organisational climate components and their impact on work engagement of employees in medium-sized organisations

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    The purpose of this article is to present research on the importance of requisitely holistically selected organisational climate components and to determine their impact on work engagement of employees in 626 medium-sized organisations in Slovenia, the EU. The quantitative research is based on the implementation of an exploratory factor analysis, a simple linear regression analysis and the CFA 6-factor solution for validity purposes. Based on the research results, we confirmed the hypothesis that organisational climate components leadership, employee relations, employee commitment, employee satisfaction and employee motivation have a significant positive impact on work engagement of employees in medium-sized organisations. The results help users to better understand the importance of organisational climate in the Slovenian organisations. Successful organisations should realise the importance of organisational climate components, which enhance job performance and work engagement. Thus, they must fully master all of the employee-related processes of the organisation. The article is based on examination of the selected components of organisational climate with which organisations can impact work engagement of their employees. A new conceptual model was developed and confirmed

    The Appropriate Work Environment for Older Employees: The Case of Slovenia

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    Background: The increase in population life expectancy in developed economies is also reflected in the aging of the workforce; therefore, enterprises should create an appropriate work environment for all employees, emphasizing the older ones. Objectives: The major objectives of this paper are to establish the impact of appropriate working conditions and training programs for older employees on their work motivation, as well as to establish the latter\u27s impact on the older employees\u27 work engagement in Slovenian medium-sized and large enterprises. Methods/Approach: Structural equation modeling explored the links between four constructs ā€“ appropriate working conditions, training programs, work motivation, and work engagement. Results: In Slovenian enterprises, appropriate working conditions and training programs for older employees positively impact their work motivation. Moreover, the work motivation of older employees positively impacts their work engagement. Conclusions: These findings can be useful for employers or managers for developing targeted employee motivation and employee engagement programs to leverage the talents and dedication of older employees
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