5 research outputs found

    Independent sets and independent dominating sets in the strong product of paths and cycles

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    In this paper we will consider independent sets and independent dominating sets in the strong product of two paths,two cycles and a path and a cycle

    Roman domination number on cardinal product of paths and cycles

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    In this paper, the authors have determined certain upper and lower bounds for Roman domination numbers on cardinal products for any two graphs and some exact values for the cardinal product of paths and cycles. Roman domination was named after the historical fact that Roman legions were distributed across regions during the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine in the 4th century A.D. Some areas had 1 or 2 legions, some had no legions, but every area had at least 1 neighboring area with 2 legions. Roman domination is used even today, not only in military situations, but also in protecting some locations against fire or crime

    Total domination numbers of cartesian products

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    Let G□H denote the cartesian product of graphs G and H. Here we determine the total domination numbers of P_5 □P_n and P_6 □ P_n

    Dominating direct products of graphs

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    AbstractAn upper bound for the domination number of the direct product of graphs is proved. It in particular implies that for any graphs G and H, γ(G×H)⩽3γ(G)γ(H). Graphs with arbitrarily large domination numbers are constructed for which this bound is attained. Concerning the upper domination number we prove that Γ(G×H)⩾Γ(G)Γ(H), thus confirming a conjecture from [R. Nowakowski, D.F. Rall, Associative graph products and their independence, domination and coloring numbers, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 16 (1996) 53–79]. Finally, for paired-domination of direct products we prove that γpr(G×H)⩽γpr(G)γpr(H) for arbitrary graphs G and H, and also present some infinite families of graphs that attain this bound

    Roman domination number on cardinal product of paths and cycles

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