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    A hierarchy of Palm measures for determinantal point processes with gamma kernels

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    The gamma kernels are a family of projection kernels K(z,z′)=K(z,z′)(x,y)K^{(z,z')}=K^{(z,z')}(x,y) on a doubly infinite 11-dimensional lattice. They are expressed through Euler's gamma function and depend on two continuous parameters z,z′z,z'. The gamma kernels initially arose from a model of random partitions via a limit transition. On the other hand, these kernels are closely related to unitarizable representations of the Lie algebra su(1,1)\mathfrak{su}(1,1). Every gamma kernel K(z,z′)K^{(z,z')} serves as a correlation kernel for a determinantal measure M(z,z′)M^{(z,z')}, which lives on the space of infinite point configurations on the lattice. We examine chains of kernels of the form …,K(z−1,z′−1),  K(z,z′),  K(z+1,z′+1),…, \ldots, K^{(z-1,z'-1)}, \; K^{(z,z')},\; K^{(z+1,z'+1)}, \ldots, and establish the following hierarchical relations inside any such chain: Given (z,z′)(z,z'), the kernel K(z,z′)K^{(z,z')} is a one-dimensional perturbation of (a twisting of) the kernel K(z+1,z′+1)K^{(z+1,z'+1)}, and the one-point Palm distributions for the measure M(z,z′)M^{(z,z')} are absolutely continuous with respect to M(z+1,z′+1)M^{(z+1,z'+1)}. We also explicitly compute the corresponding Radon-Nikod\'ym derivatives and show that they are given by certain normalized multiplicative functionals.Comment: Version 2: minor changes, typos fixe

    Rationality problem of three-dimensional monomial group actions

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    Let KK be a field of characteristic not two and K(x,y,z)K(x,y,z) the rational function field over KK with three variables x,y,zx,y,z. Let GG be a finite group of acting on K(x,y,z)K(x,y,z) by monomial KK-automorphisms. We consider the rationality problem of the fixed field K(x,y,z)GK(x,y,z)^G under the action of GG, namely whether K(x,y,z)GK(x,y,z)^G is rational (that is, purely transcendental) over KK or not. We may assume that GG is a subgroup of GL(3,Z)andtheproblemisdetermineduptoconjugacyin\mathrm{GL}(3,\mathbb{Z}) and the problem is determined up to conjugacy in \mathrm{GL}(3,\mathbb{Z}).Thereare73conjugacyclassesof. There are 73 conjugacy classes of Gin in \mathrm{GL}(3,\mathbb{Z}). By results of Endo-Miyata, Voskresenski\u\i, Lenstra, Saltman, Hajja, Kang and Yamasaki, 8 conjugacy classes of 2-groups in \mathrm{GL}(3,\mathbb{Z})havenegativeanswerstotheproblemundercertainmonomialactionsoversomebasefield have negative answers to the problem under certain monomial actions over some base field K,andthenecessaryandsufficientconditionfortherationalityof, and the necessary and sufficient condition for the rationality of K(x,y,z)^Gover over Kisgiven.Inthispaper,weshowthatthefixedfield is given. In this paper, we show that the fixed field K(x,y,z)^Gundermonomialactionof under monomial action of Gisrationalover is rational over Kexceptforpossiblynegative8casesof2−groupsandunknownonecaseofthealternatinggroupofdegreefour.Moreoverwegiveexplicittranscendentalbasesofthefixedfieldsover except for possibly negative 8 cases of 2-groups and unknown one case of the alternating group of degree four. Moreover we give explicit transcendental bases of the fixed fields over K.Forunknowncase,weobtainanaffirmativesolutiontotheproblemundersomeconditions.Inparticular,weshowthatif. For unknown case, we obtain an affirmative solution to the problem under some conditions. In particular, we show that if Kisquadraticallyclosedfieldthen is quadratically closed field then K(x,y,z)^Gisrationalover is rational over K$. We also give an application of the result to 4-dimensional linear Noether's problem.Comment: 54 page
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