336,564 research outputs found

    Interpreting the Object Constraint Language

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    The Object Constraint Language (OCL), which forms part of the UML 1.1. set of modelling notations is a precise, textual language for expressing constraints that cannot be shown in the standard diagrammatic notation used in UML. A semantics for OCL lays the foundation for building CASE tools that support integrity checking of the whole UML models, not just the component expressed using OCL. This paper provides a semantics for OCL, at the same time providing a semantics for classes, associations, attributes and states

    User Experience Modeling Method for a Vision of Knowledge Graph-based Process Automation

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    This research proposes a User Experience modelling method which is an early-stage component of a research project’s vision of innovating Robotic Process Automation with the help of Knowledge Graphs and Natural Language Processing. The core idea is to integrate, in RDF graphs, a representation of the user experience and contextual information about the organization and relevant data sources for that experience. Existing RPA tools use workflow repositories that employ XML-based descriptions for both processes and UI elements. They also provide built-in workflow designers that are not tailored for design-time analysis (e.g., model queries, reporting, reasoning) but instead are just raising the abstraction level of traditional scripting – from writing code to visually connecting pre-programmed pieces of functionality. The proposal detailed in this paper makes use of Domain-Specific Modeling Language engineering to repurpose an open source BPMN implementation for describing User Experience. We rely on a metamodeling platform to ensure that the resulting diagrams are also machine-readable and take advantage of an existing plug-in to make them available as RDF graphs that can be used by other components of an automation architecture. The paper focuses on the modelling method and tool as one of the early steps of the project’s vision

    Manipulating the Label Space for In-Context Classification

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    After pre-training by generating the next word conditional on previous words, the Language Model (LM) acquires the ability of In-Context Learning (ICL) that can learn a new task conditional on the context of the given in-context examples (ICEs). Similarly, visually-conditioned Language Modelling is also used to train Vision-Language Models (VLMs) with ICL ability. However, such VLMs typically exhibit weaker classification abilities compared to contrastive learning-based models like CLIP, since the Language Modelling objective does not directly contrast whether an object is paired with a text. To improve the ICL of classification, using more ICEs to provide more knowledge is a straightforward way. However, this may largely increase the selection time, and more importantly, the inclusion of additional in-context images tends to extend the length of the in-context sequence beyond the processing capacity of a VLM. To alleviate these limitations, we propose to manipulate the label space of each ICE to increase its knowledge density, allowing for fewer ICEs to convey as much information as a larger set would. Specifically, we propose two strategies which are Label Distribution Enhancement and Visual Descriptions Enhancement to improve In-context classification performance on diverse datasets, including the classic ImageNet and more fine-grained datasets like CUB-200. Specifically, using our approach on ImageNet, we increase accuracy from 74.70\% in a 4-shot setting to 76.21\% with just 2 shots. surpassing CLIP by 0.67\%. On CUB-200, our method raises 1-shot accuracy from 48.86\% to 69.05\%, 12.15\% higher than CLIP. The code is given in https://anonymous.4open.science/r/MLS_ICC

    Innovative Trends in Process-Oriented Quality Management within Railway Transport

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    It is currently a pressing problem to identify quality not only before the start of transportation and during it but also after the end of transportation. Apparently, in the area of service provision in railway transport, it is important to take into account the fact that customers’ requirements change over time, and thus a new software approach is required. Therefore, this paper is focused on the newest solution to monitoring process quality applied to railway companies by using various types of appropriate software. This approach is particularly significant within the whole transportation chain and also through division into its single constituent stages. In comparison with previously used methods, the established research methodology is unique, universal, and applicable to various types of companies in the context of the introduction of new trends in process-oriented quality management. Consequently, it was supported by software solutions using various quality areas defined within the research and software support, namely through Business Process Modelling Notation, Event-Driven Process Chain, and Unified Modelling Language with links to brand-new software. This focus, therefore, involves more than just knowing what customer requirements are about, but understanding how it is possible to accomplish quality targets and which operational failure should be solved in the first place

    First-class models: on a noncausal language for higher-order and structurally dynamic modelling and simulation

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    The field of physical modelling and simulation plays a vital role in advancing numerous scientific and engineering disciplines. To cope with the increasing size and complexity of physical models, a number of modelling and simulation languages have been developed. These languages can be divided into two broad categories: causal and noncausal. Causal languages express a system model in terms of directed equations. In contrast, a noncausal model is formulated in terms of undirected equations. The fact that the causality can be left implicit makes noncausal languages more declarative and noncausal models more reusable. These are considered to be crucial advantages in many physical domains. Current, mainstream noncausal languages do not treat equational models as first-class values; that is, a model cannot be parametrised on other models or generated at simulation runtime. This results in very limited higher-order and structurally dynamic modelling capabilities, and limits the expressiveness and applicability of noncausal languages. This thesis is about a novel approach to the design and implementation of noncausal languages with first-class models supporting higher-order and structurally dynamic modelling. In particular, the thesis presents a language that enables: (1) higher-order modelling capabilities by embedding noncausal models as first-class entities into a functional programming language and (2) efficient simulation of noncausal models that are generated at simulation runtime by runtime symbolic processing and just-in-time compilation. These language design and implementation approaches can be applied to other noncausal languages. This thesis provides a self-contained reference for such an undertaking by defining the language semantics formally and providing an in-depth description of the implementation. The language provides noncausal modelling and simulation capabilities that go beyond the state of the art, as backed up by a range of examples presented in the thesis, and represents a significant progress in the field of physical modelling and simulation

    Learning together through international collaboration in teacher education in Malaysia. Report of a project to develop a Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Mathematics

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    Copyright University of Hertfordshire, School of Education 2011Learning together through international collaboration in teacher education in Malaysia is the report of an enterprising partnership between the University of Hertfordshire, UK, the Ministry of Education Malaysia and two Institutes of Teacher Education in Malaysia. Working collaboratively with colleagues in Malaysia, the University of Hertfordshire School of Education designed, validated, supported and quality assured a Bachelor of Education (Honours) degree programme for initial teacher training for a single cohort of 120 students over four years. All the students graduated in 2010. Learning together through international collaboration in teacher education in Malaysia provides a record of the project itself. It also documents in-depth insights from contributors to the project in two main areas: the collaborative approach to working together and issues relating to learning and teaching, including the Action – Reflection – Modelling (ARM) pedagogical approach, which underpinned the degree programme. Senior managers, teacher educators and lecturers share some of their learning from working together to develop and implement the new degree programme. Student teachers voice some experiences from their school placements. They describe how they used ARM; highlight some of the benefits of the approach and identify some of the challenges associated with introducing a different pedagogy in schools as they were 'learning to teach'. There are glimpses of 'lively and attractive' classes in which 'pupils enjoy and feel comfortable to learn' and 'are eager to answer my questions'. School mentors provide additional insights into the student teachers' learning and teaching practice. The richness of the contributions is reflected in the many quotations included in the report. The successful completion of this project was due to the dedication and expertise of many contributors. The findings documented in this report are relevant for all those engaged in international collaboration and teacher education.Final Published versio

    Digital Racking Number Guna Maksimalkan Just in TimeDistribusi Di Warehouse Finished Good PT.Softex Indonesia

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    Seiring perkembangan ekonomi dan kemajuan teknologi, kebutuhan informasi menjadi faktor penting pengambilan keputusan dan memaksimalkan operasional Perusahaan. Tak sedikit Perusahaan mengalami kerugian karena kurang terintegrasinya logistik dengan gejala adanya penumpukan barang, ketidaksesuaian jumlah persedian, kerusakan, kesalahan pengiriman, tidak terdeteksinya stock yang hilang, dan lainnya. Divisi Warehouse-Finished Goods menjalankan fungsi operasional yang erat kaitannya dengan pencapaian Level Service Delivery, Just In Time–Distribusi bertujuan meningkatkan pelayanan pendistribusian dan pengiriman barang ke pihak distributor dengan skala percepatan waktu muat barang ke dalam Truck Ekspedisi. Namun petugas merasa cukup kesulitan karena belum ada penomeran racking mengakibatkan penempatan barang secara acak dan tidak dikelompokan menurut jenis barang dan sizenya, mengakibatkan keterlambatan pengiriman barang ke distributor. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk dengan metode analisa Critical Success Factor (CSF) dan perancangan berbasis objek menggunakan unified modelling language dilanjut pemrograman dengan PHP, dreamweaver, MySQL dan Xampp. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi digital racking number yang dapat meningkatkan pelayanan pendistribusian dan pengiriman barang

    Expressiveness of Temporal Query Languages: On the Modelling of Intervals, Interval Relationships and States

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    Storing and retrieving time-related information are important, or even critical, tasks on many areas of Computer Science (CS) and in particular for Artificial Intelligence (AI). The expressive power of temporal databases/query languages has been studied from different perspectives, but the kind of temporal information they are able to store and retrieve is not always conveniently addressed. Here we assess a number of temporal query languages with respect to the modelling of time intervals, interval relationships and states, which can be thought of as the building blocks to represent and reason about a large and important class of historic information. To survey the facilities and issues which are particular to certain temporal query languages not only gives an idea about how useful they can be in particular contexts, but also gives an interesting insight in how these issues are, in many cases, ultimately inherent to the database paradigm. While in the area of AI declarative languages are usually the preferred choice, other areas of CS heavily rely on the extended relational paradigm. This paper, then, will be concerned with the representation of historic information in two well known temporal query languages: it Templog in the context of temporal deductive databases, and it TSQL2 in the context of temporal relational databases. We hope the results highlighted here will increase cross-fertilisation between different communities. This article can be related to recent publications drawing the attention towards the different approaches followed by the Databases and AI communities when using time-related concepts

    Object-oriented modelling with unified modelling language 2.0 for simple software application based on agile methodology

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    Unified modelling language (UML) 2.0 introduced in 2002 has been developing and influencing object-oriented software engineering and has become a standard and reference for information system analysis and design modelling. There are many concepts and theories to model the information system or software application with UML 2.0, which can make ambiguities and inconsistencies for a novice to learn to how to model the system with UML especially with UML 2.0. This article will discuss how to model the simple software application by using some of the diagrams of UML 2.0 and not by using the whole diagrams as suggested by agile methodology. Agile methodology is considered as convenient for novices because it can deliver the information technology environment to the end-user quickly and adaptively with minimal documentation. It also has the ability to deliver best performance software application according to the customer's needs. Agile methodology will make simple model with simple documentation, simple team and simple tools.Comment: 15 pages, 30 figure
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