770 research outputs found

    The Palimpsest, vol.41 no.8, August 1960

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    Galois Got his Gun

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    This paper appeals to the figure of \'Evariste Galois for investigating the gates between mathematics and their "publics." The figure of Galois draws some lines of/within mathematics for/from the outside of mathematics and these lines in turn sketch the silhouette of Galois as a historical figure. The present paper especially investigates the collective categories that have been used in various types of public discourses on Galois's work (e.g. equations, groups, algebra, analysis, France, Germany etc.). In a way, this paper aims at shedding light on the boundaries some individuals drew by getting Galois his gun. It is our aim to highlight the roles of authority some individuals (such as as Picard) took on in regard with the public figure of Galois as well as the roles such authorities assigned to other individuals (such as the mediating role assigned to Jordan as a mediator between Galois's "ideas" and the public). The boundary-works involved by most public references to Galois have underlying them a long-term tension between academic and public legitimacies in the definition of some models for mathematical lives (or mathematics personae

    Iowa History and Culture : A Bibliography of Materials Published Between 1952 and 1986, 1989

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    This bibliography was compiled by two reference librarians, Patricia Dawson and David Hudson with the goal of making it easier of tracking down material on Iowa history and culture. This supplements the Iowa History Reference Guide published in 1952 by William Petersen

    Full Issue Vol. 6 No. 3

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    Named Professorships at Bowdoin College

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    Named Professorships at Bowdoin College (1976) is a study of the named professorial chairs and other endowed funds designated directly for faculty support.https://digitalcommons.bowdoin.edu/bowdoin-histories/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Cumulated Bibliography of Biographies of Ocean Scientists

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    This bibliography attempts to list all substantial autobiographies, biographies, festschrifts and obituaries of prominent oceanographers, marine biologists, fisheries scientists, and other scientists who worked in the marine environment published in journals and books after 1922, the publication date of Herdman’s Founders of Oceanography. The bibliography does not include newspaper obituaries, government documents, or citations to brief entries in general biographical sources.Last revised December 3, 200

    Obrazovni biblijski nacionalizam i projekt moderne sekularne države

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    Biblical Criticism, the historical study of Biblical texts, spread across the European universities during the late 19th century, the same period when the European states modernized, and identifying state and nation became a political project. The new scientific view on the Bible became in this political reform context a topic of public debate: Should the national education systems under construction implement the modern scientific understanding of the Bible, should school keep teaching the Catechism, or should religious instruction be separated from the school of the nation in order to become a ‘school for all’? Whereas the academic hotbeds of Biblical Criticism were not least the Germanspeaking universities and academic institutions in France, the popularization of Biblical Criticism through education proved more successful in the Nordic states than in e.g. Prussia and France. The article explores the gradual success of Biblical Criticism education reform efforts in the case of Denmark from the late 19th to mid-20th century in relation to the development of the state from an absolutist kingdom to a nation state with constitutional monarchy and parliamentarism, and discusses on this basis the relation between religion, secularization and educational nation-state crafting.Biblijski kriticizam, tj. povijesno proučavanje biblijskih tekstova, proširio se europskim sveučilištima tijekom kasnog 19. stoljeća, u istom periodu u kojem su se europske države modernizirale, a identifikacija države i nacije postala politički projekt. Neka znanstvena gledišta na Bibliju postala su tema javne rasprave u kontekstu spomenute političke reforme: trebaju li nacionalni obrazovni sustavi u okviru reforme primijeniti moderno znanstveno razumijevanje Biblije; treba li škola nastaviti poučavati katekizam ili bi se poduka religije trebala odvojiti od državne škole da bi postala ‘škola za sve’? Dok su akademska legla biblijskog kriticizma bila posebno sveučilišta na kojima se govorio njemački i akademske institucije u Francuskoj, popularizacija biblijskoga kriticizma kroz obrazovanje bila je uspješnija u nordijskim zemljama nego u npr. Prusiji i Francuskoj. U ovom radu istražuje se postupan uspjeh nastojanja reforme obrazovanja u području biblijskoga kriticizma u slučaju Danske iz perioda kasnog 19. do sredine 20. stoljeća, u odnosu na razvoj države iz apsolutističke kraljevine u nacionalnu državu s konstitucionalnom monarhijom i parlamentarizmom, i na toj osnovi propituje odnos između religije, sekularizacije i obrazovnoga oblikovanja nacionalne države