715 research outputs found

    More Than Stories With Buttons: Narrative, Mechanics, and Context as Determinants of Player Experience in Digital Games

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    Recent research has attempted to describe meaningful experiences with entertainment media that go beyond hedonic enjoyment. Most of this research focuses on noninteractive media, such as film and television. When applied to digital games, however, such research needs to account for not only the content of the medium, but also the unique dimensions of digital games that distinguish them from noninteractive media. Experiences with digital games are shaped by the game mechanics that define the users' interaction with game content, as well as by the opportunities for social interaction that many games offer. We argue that the complex interplay of these dimensions (narrative, mechanics, and context) facilitates or inhibits meaningful user experiences in ways that are unique to digital games

    Inspiration on Social Media: Applying an Entertainment Perspective to Longitudinally Explore Mental Health and Well-Being

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    The conditions under which social media use impacts well-being and mental health are complex. The current 10-day longitudinal quasi-experiment (student sample, N = 111) applied an entertainment theory lens to explore the effects of active posting and engaging with hedonic or inspiring Facebook content (vs. passive browsing) on young people’s eudaimonic well-being (levels of connectedness to humanity, love, compassion, presence of meaning) and mental health (anxiety and depressive symptoms). The results provide tentative evidence that finding and sharing inspiring content to a Facebook group increased love and compassion toward others over time. It also led to more compassion at the end of the study compared to participants who shared hedonic content. Although we did not find an increase in connectedness and meaningfulness over time for participants sharing content that they found inspiring, the latter also did not take away from those experiences, regardless of how they used it. Similarly, no decrease—but also no increase—in anxiety and depressive symptoms were found over time, regardless of condition. The study stresses the importance of better understanding the content young adults engage with on social media for their mental health and well-being

    Twitter and Identity: Living up to the Social Comparison

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    Throughout this millennial age, technology continues to develop. Every day new technology such as computers and laptops have new applications that affect our society. Humans live in the era known as the digital revolution. The digital revolution is where people are constantly using the internet, more specifically, social media applications on their computer or mobile devices. Nick Lalone, author of Fluctuations, Technologies And Media: Social Change And Sociology Change” states “that the technological makeup sits at the foundation of computer-mediated communication has had tremendous impact on society itself the technological makeup” (Lalone 559). In other words, humans interacting with each other through words is not the primary form of communication. Technology has influenced how we represent our thoughts and personalities to society

    The Relationship Between Elevation, Connectedness, and Compassionate Love in Meaningful Films

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    Expanding on the research of meaningful entertainment media and its effects, this study investigated the relationship between experiences related to elevation responses to film. Whereas research thus far has focused primarily on portrayals of altruism to elicit elevation, the results of this study show that portrayals of connectedness, love, and kindness in meaningful films are also able to elicit feelings of elevation. Moreover, elevation mediated the relationship between meaningful films and feelings of connectedness towards the transcendent, close others and toward one’s family; compassionate love towards close others; and compassionate motivation to love and be good to humanity. The study demonstrates the potential of meaningful films to increase experiences of connectedness to the transcendent, which ultimately can enhance our concern about the well-being of others, and motivation to be more compassionate even to strangers. Implications for the scholarship of positive media psychology are discussed

    Search Interfaces for Mathematicians

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    Access to mathematical knowledge has changed dramatically in recent years, therefore changing mathematical search practices. Our aim with this study is to scrutinize professional mathematicians' search behavior. With this understanding we want to be able to reason why mathematicians use which tool for what search problem in what phase of the search process. To gain these insights we conducted 24 repertory grid interviews with mathematically inclined people (ranging from senior professional mathematicians to non-mathematicians). From the interview data we elicited patterns for the user group "mathematicians" that can be applied when understanding design issues or creating new designs for mathematical search interfaces.Comment: conference article "CICM'14: International Conference on Computer Mathematics 2014", DML-Track: Digital Math Libraries 17 page


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    Focusing on the "Game of Thrones" saga, we investigated among fans ( N = 338) whether social dominance orientation (SDO) is associated with morality attributed to characters of TV fictions and, in turn, individuals' worldviews. We further considered the distinction in SDO-Dominance (SDO-D) and SDO-Antiegaliatarianism (SDO-A). Results revealed that SDO-D was positively associated with morality attributed to characters using harsh power-achievement strategies; SDO-A was negatively associated with morality attributed to characters fighting for collective interests and supporting equality principles. Morality attributed to some characters mediated the associations of the two SDO dimensions with participants' worldview about pursuing collective rather than individual interests

    Other-Focus Versus Self-Focus: The Power Of Self-Transcendent TV Shows

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    Recently, a group of media scholars proposed that eudaimonic entertainment experiences can be differentiated into inward-driven and outward-driven experiences. The current study empirically tested this proposition by focusing on transcendent portrayals (i.e., content or character portrayals that focus on something greater than oneself) as one content characteristic to differentiate the proposed inward/self-focused from more outward/other-focused effects within the context of eudaimonic TV shows. A preregistered experiment (N = 147) revealed that highly transcendent TV shows elicited more self-transcendent emotions, universalism, and money donation behavior, as well as fewer self-image goals, than less transcendent TV shows. As expected, there was no difference between conditions in mixed affect (all but one of the TV shows), contemplation, and intrinsic need satisfaction. The results indicate that outward-oriented narratives include entertainment experiences previously associated with inward-oriented narratives, but not necessarily vice versa. The role of types of transcendent portrayals, quality of portrayals, and number of portrayals for the differentiation of various eudaimonic entertainment experiences are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved
