34 research outputs found

    Developing an Instrument for Knowledge Management Project Evaluation

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    Many knowledge management (KM) projects have been initiated, some of which have been successes but many have been failures. Measuring the success or failure of KM initiatives is not easy, and in order to do so some kind of measurement process has to be available. There are three points at which evaluation of KM projects can, and should be, done: (1) when deciding whether to start and where to focus, (2) once under way, following up on a project and making adjustments if needed, and (3) when completed, to evaluate the project outcomes. This paper concentrates on the first two areas by developing a general instrument for evaluation of KM projects.</p

    Knowledge Management in Information Technology Help Desk:Past, Present and Future

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    Information technology has changed the way organizations function. This resulted in the reliance of help desks to deal with information technology related areas such as hardware, software, and telecommunication. Besides, the adoption of business process reengineering and downsizing have led to the shrinkage of the size of help desk. The shorter information technology product life cycle has worsened the situation by increasing the already sizeable help desk’s user base. Consequently, the help desk has to cover more information technology products and resolute more technical enquiries with less staff. Thus, the outcome is clear that users have to wait comparably longer before help desk staff is available to offer assistance. This paper describes the contribution of knowledge management in retaining knowledge and solving “knowledge leaking” problem. The research presents the development of user selfhelp knowledge management system to re-distribute incoming enquiries so that simple and routine technical enquiries can be resolved without help desk intervention


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    Менаџментот на знаење станува тесно специјализирана област која го опфаќа креирањето, одржувањето, трнасферот, скалдирањето и надградувањето на организациското знаење. Особено е насочено кон: развојот на човечките ресурси, управувањето со таленти, системите на наградување кои го стимулираат усовршувањето на знаењето и партиципација на вработените во одлучувачките процеси на организацијата, обуките кои се во доменот и надовор од струката на вработените како начин на надградување и проширување на знаењето, креирањето на соодветна организациска култура и меѓучовечки односи кои треба да ги мотивираат вработените за сопствено усовршување, примената на соодветни информациски технологии кои треба да го олеснат трансферот и чувањето на знаењето, односно кон остварување на целите. Менаџментот на знаење е нераскинливо поврзан со стратешките цели на организацијата. Ги користи само оние информации кои се најзначајни практични и корисни. Доколку менаџерите не ја олеснат работата и животот на вработените, шансите за успех се мали. Поради тоа, потребно е креирање на организациска култура која ќе го поттикнува развојот на организациското знаење, претставува услов број еден за успешна примена на концептот на менаџмент со знаење

    Analisa Hubungan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi Manajemen Pengetahuan dengan Metode Structural Equation Modelling

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    PT X adalah Perusahaan joint venture yang memproduksi baja. PT X telah melakukan pengelolaan atas asset pengetahuan yang dimilikinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi dan menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengelolaan pengetahuan di Perusahaan tersebut. Faktor-faktor yang dianalisa antara lain komitmen manajemen puncak, infrastruktur teknologi informasi, metodologi, struktur organisasi, budaya organisasi, pemberian motivasi/reward dan karyawan yang resign dari Perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode structural equation modelling. Model penelitian ini menguji 10 hubungan hipotesa. Variabel penelitian terdiri dari 9 variable laten dan 27 variabel manifest. Hubungan antar variable laten bersifat sebab akibat. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 248 karyawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hipotesa yang diterima sebanyak 7 hipotesa dan uji goodness of fit menghasilkan nilai sebagai berikut : CFI = 0,91; IFI = 0,91; RMSEA = 0,082 dan GFI = 0,80. Dengan demikian model penelitian cukup fit dan bisa dipergunakan sebagai dasar dalam pengelolaan pengetahuan di Perusahaan

    Critical Success Factor for Implementing Km in Government Human Capital Management: Case Study Badan Kepegawaian Negara

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    Nowadays, knowledge management in organization became a trend strategy in order to improve organization performance. But unfortunately, it\u27s a big challenge to implementing knowledge management in organization, because it\u27s relatively new and not many people knew about this. This research is done in order to realize bureaucratic reform in government service improvement according to PERMENPAN No. 14 Tahun 2011 is about knowledge management (KM) implementation in government. Knowledge management cannot be separated from human capital as an intangible asset in organization which has an important role to the success of organization goals. This conducted research aims to identify critical success factor of KM implementation in Indonesian government human capital management case study: Badan Kepegawaian Negara. Stages of this research are literature study, data collection using interviews, observation, and group discussion organization to explore and discovering critical success factor for KM implementation. Data analysis using descriptive statistic, delphi method and expert judgment in order to define critical success factor of implementing KM in government human capital management: case study in Badan Kepegawaian Negara. The result shows that several critical success factors for KM implementation in the government human capital management are organization culture, leadership, organization structure, HR/HC (knowledge, skill, attitude), HR/HC process (acquisition, development, engagement, retention) and policy

    Developing the ERP Pre-Mortem Framework: Addressing the Debate Over Organizational Learning

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    Organizational learning (OL) is a major weakness for ERP project implementation. Exploratory research interviews of ERP managers/consultants support this finding. Many organizations do not implement proper procedures that effectuate valid learning experiences from failures endured. The literature suggests that effective OL involves complex ongoing processes requiring pervasive knowledge management and organizational memory systems (Jennex and Olfman, 2002). One example of an OL failure is FEMA’s experience with the pre-Katrina “Hurricane Pam” exercise. Alternatively, an example of OL success is found in the U.S. Navy’s methods and procedures. There is considerable similarity between managing ERP systems and managing high reliability system environments like those of FEMA and the US Navy. Given both the failures and successes in the area of OL, it is evident that further research is required if the phenomena is to be more fully understood


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    implementing exit interview in business organizations. The main objective of this work is to develop an interactive application to conduct exit interview on leaving staffs. A questionnaire is design to gain information about the effectiveness of exit interview in business organizations. Most of the respondents are working for the private sector. The implementation of exit interview in business organizations is usually challenged by the some issues such as to what extent does the knowledge being captured is true. There were also complications in capturing critical knowledge (tacit), thus makes it hard for the business organizations to conduct an effective exit interview. Based on the conducted questionnaire, 62% of the respondents are aware that their business organizations are implementing the exit interview for the leaving staffs. About 79% respondents rate the effectiveness of exit interview in their business organization at an average level. Therefore, it is believed that an application to conduct exit interview effectively should be developed to benefits the business organizations. Feasible functions such as avatar features and tagging are included in the application so that it is interactive and usable for the users. Besides collecting views through spreading questionnaire, interview with HR personnel will also be conducted to gain opinions from parties that responsible in arranging and conducting exit interview in business organizations. It can be concluded that Exit Interview Application can aid business organizations in the process of capturing knowledge for the organizations’ performance concerning with the matters of retaining employees knowledge

    Knowledge Management Dalam Perspektif Tri Kaya Parisuda Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Pengurus Koperasi

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    The members of cooperative board elected by the Annual Meeting of Members. Empirical data showed that 90 percent of the cooperative bankruptcy caused by internal factors . Actually, lack of understanding of the role of board members and itself that resulted in the bankruptcy of a cooperative. So performance management is achieved maximum supported by knowledge that is possessed, it is according to Kosasih (2007). This is supported by a statement Fatwan (2006), that the factors affecting the business environment today is no longer the era of information, but has switched to a knowledge era. According Serrat (2009) knowledge management can be divided into two main types, namely tacit and explicit knowledge. Knowledge management approach is consistent with the concept of Hinduism namely the Tri Kaya Parisuda consisting of manacika (mind), wacika (words) and Kayika (act).

    Transforming the Software Industry into a Platform for Development: Case of Egypt

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    During the 1960s, computing was introduced to Egypt. Its use and applications was limited to the government and the public sector throughout the 1970s. During the 1980s, the introduction and diffusion of information technology (IT) was diffused following the global personal computer evolution. Personal computers effectively affected business and organizational development and growth due to the continuous developments in the IT industry and caused by increasing hardware penetration, software innovations and creativity, research and development and the build-up of the telecommunications and information infrastructures. This paper assesses the recent developments in the software industry in Egypt. The focus is on the iterative and dynamic nature of the software industry with the evolving trends of outsourcing and offshoring and their growing active role as a contributor to development through a strong and much needed export-oriented software industry