2 research outputs found

    A bijection on core partitions and a parabolic quotient of the affine symmetric group

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    Let β„“,k\ell,k be fixed positive integers. In an earlier work, the first and third authors established a bijection between β„“\ell-cores with first part equal to kk and (β„“βˆ’1)(\ell-1)-cores with first part less than or equal to kk. This paper gives several new interpretations of that bijection. The β„“\ell-cores index minimal length coset representatives for Sβ„“~/Sβ„“\widetilde{S_{\ell}} / S_{\ell} where Sβ„“~\widetilde{S_{\ell}} denotes the affine symmetric group and Sβ„“S_{\ell} denotes the finite symmetric group. In this setting, the bijection has a beautiful geometric interpretation in terms of the root lattice of type Aβ„“βˆ’1A_{\ell-1}. We also show that the bijection has a natural description in terms of another correspondence due to Lapointe and Morse.Comment: 23 page

    Combinatorics of (β„“,0)(\ell,0)-JM partitions, β„“\ell-cores, the ladder crystal and the finite Hecke algebra

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    The following thesis contains results on the combinatorial representation theory of the finite Hecke algebra Hn(q)H_n(q). In Chapter 2 simple combinatorial descriptions are given which determine when a Specht module corresponding to a partition Ξ»\lambda is irreducible. This is done by extending the results of James and Mathas. These descriptions depend on the crystal of the basic representation of the affine Lie algebra slβ„“^\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}_\ell}. In Chapter 3 these results are extended to determine which irreducible modules have a realization as a Specht module. To do this, a new condition of irreducibility due to Fayers is combined with a new description of the crystal from Chapter 2. In Chapter 4 a bijection of cores first described by myself and Monica Vazirani is studied in more depth. Various descriptions of it are given, relating to the quotient Sβ„“~/Sβ„“\widetilde{S_\ell}/{S_\ell} and to the bijection given by Lapointe and Morse