594,986 research outputs found

    Dermoscopy of pigmented lesions on mucocutaneous junction and mucous membrane

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    Author Posting. Copyright (c) The Authors 2009 This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, volume: 161, issue: 6, pages:1255-1261. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2133.2009.09251.xBackground The dermoscopic features of pigmented lesions on the mucocutaneous junction and mucous membrane are different from those on hairy skin. Differentiation between benign lesions and malignant melanomas of these sites is often difficult. Objective To define the dermoscopic patterns of lesions on the mucocutaneous junction and mucous membrane, and assess the applicability of standard dermoscopic algorithms to these lesions. Patients and methods An unselected consecutive series of 40 lesions on the mucocutaneous junction and mucous membrane was studied. All the lesions were imaged using dermoscopy devices, analysed for dermoscopic patterns and scored with algorithms including the ABCD rule, Menzies method, 7-point checklist, 3-point checklist and the CASH algorithm. Results Benign pigmented lesions of the mucocutaneous junction and mucous membrane frequently presented a dotted-globular pattern (25%), a homogeneous pattern (25%), a fish scale-like pattern (18 center dot 8%) and a hyphal pattern (18 center dot 8%), while melanomas of these sites showed a multicomponent pattern (75%) and a homogeneous pattern (25%). The fish scale-like pattern and hyphal pattern were considered to be variants of the ring-like pattern. The sensitivities of the ABCD rule, Menzies method, 7-point checklist, 3-point checklist and CASH algorithm in diagnosing mucosal melanomas were 100%, 100%, 63%, 88% and 100%; and the specificities were 100%, 94%, 100%, 94% and 100%, respectively. Conclusion The ring-like pattern and its variants (fish scale-like pattern and hyphal pattern) are frequently observed as well as the dotted-globular pattern and homogeneous pattern in mucosal melanotic macules. The algorithms for pigmented lesions on hairy skin also apply to those on the mucocutaneous junction and mucous membrane with high sensitivity and specificity.ArticleBRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY. 161(6):1255-1261 (2009)journal articl

    Genetic algorithms for the scheduling in additive manufacturing

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    [EN] Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are introduced to tackle the packing problem. The scheduling in Additive Manufacturing (AM) is also dealt with to set up a managed market, called “Lonja3D”. This will enable to determine an alternative tool through the combinatorial auctions, wherein the customers will be able to purchase the products at the best prices from the manufacturers. Moreover, the manufacturers will be able to optimize the production capacity and to decrease the operating costs in each case.This research has been partially financed by the project: “Lonja de Impresión 3D para la Industria 4.0 y la Empresa Digital (LONJA3D)” funded by the Regional Government of Castile and Leon and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, FEDER) with grant VA049P17Castillo-Rivera, S.; De Antón, J.; Del Olmo, R.; Pajares, J.; López-Paredes, A. (2020). Genetic algorithms for the scheduling in additive manufacturing. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 8(2):59-63. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2020.12173OJS596382Ahsan, A., Habib, A., Khoda, B. (2015). Resource based process planning for additive manufacturing. Computer-Aided Design, 69, 112-125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cad.2015.03.006Araújo, L., Özcan, E., Atkin, J., Baumers, M., Tuck, C., Hague, R. (2015). Toward better build volume packing in additive manufacturing: classification of existing problems and benchmarks. 26th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium - an Additive Manufacturing Conference, 401-410.Berman, B. (2012). 3-D printing: The new industrial revolution. Business Horizons, 55: 155-162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2011.11.003Canellidis, V., Dedoussis, V., Mantzouratos, N., Sofianopoulou, S. (2006). Preprocessing methodology for optimizing stereolithography apparatus build performance. Computers in Industry, 57, 424-436. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2006.02.004Chergui, A., Hadj-Hamoub, K., Vignata, F. (2018). Production scheduling and nesting in additive manufacturing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 126, 292-301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2018.09.048Demirel, E., Özelkan, E.C., Lim, C. (2018). Aggregate planning with flexibility requirements profile. International Journal of Production Economics, 202, 45-58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.05.001Fera, M., Fruggiero, F., Lambiase, A., Macchiaroli, R., Todisco, V. (2018). A modified genetic algorithm for time and cost optimization of an additive manufacturing single-machine scheduling. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 9, 423-438. https://doi.org/10.5267/j.ijiec.2018.1.001Hopper, E., Turton, B. (1997). Application of genetic algorithms to packing problems - A Review. Proceedings of the 2nd Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Engineering Design and Manufacturing, Springer Verlag, London, 279-288. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-0427-8_30Ikonen, I., Biles, W.E., Kumar, A., Wissel, J.C., Ragade, R.K. (1997). A genetic algorithm for packing three-dimensional non-convex objects having cavities and holes. ICGA, 591-598.Kim, K.H., Egbelu, P.J. (1999). Scheduling in a production environment with multiple process plans per job. International Journal of Production Research, 37, 2725-2753. https://doi.org/10.1080/002075499190491Lawrynowicz, A. (2011). Genetic algorithms for solving scheduling problems in manufacturing systems. Foundations of Management, 3(2), 7-26. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10238-012-0039-2Li, Q., Kucukkoc, I., Zhang, D. (2017). Production planning in additive manufacturing and 3D printing. Computers and Operations Research, 83, 157-172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2017.01.013Milošević, M., Lukić, D., Đurđev, M., Vukman, J., Antić, A. (2016). Genetic Algorithms in Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling-A State of The Art Review. Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems, 11(2), 83-88.Pour, M.A., Zanardini, M., Bacchetti, A., Zanoni, S. (2016). Additive manufacturing impacts on productions and logistics systems. IFAC, 49(12), 1679-1684. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.822Wilhelm, W.E., Shin, H.M. (1985). Effectiveness of Alternate Operations in a Flexible Manufacturing System. International Journal of Production Research, 23(1), 65-79. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207548508904691Xirouchakis, P., Kiritsis, D., Persson, J.G. (1998). A Petri net Technique for Process Planning Cost Estimation. Annals of the CIRP, 47(1), 427-430. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0007-8506(07)62867-4Zhang, Y., Bernard, A., Gupta, R.K., Harik, R. (2014). Evaluating the design for additive manufacturing: a process planning perspective. Procedia CIRP, 21, 144-150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2014.03.17

    Novel Artificial Human Optimization Field Algorithms - The Beginning

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    New Artificial Human Optimization (AHO) Field Algorithms can be created from scratch or by adding the concept of Artificial Humans into other existing Optimization Algorithms. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been very popular for solving complex optimization problems due to its simplicity. In this work, new Artificial Human Optimization Field Algorithms are created by modifying existing PSO algorithms with AHO Field Concepts. These Hybrid PSO Algorithms comes under PSO Field as well as AHO Field. There are Hybrid PSO research articles based on Human Behavior, Human Cognition and Human Thinking etc. But there are no Hybrid PSO articles which based on concepts like Human Disease, Human Kindness and Human Relaxation. This paper proposes new AHO Field algorithms based on these research gaps. Some existing Hybrid PSO algorithms are given a new name in this work so that it will be easy for future AHO researchers to find these novel Artificial Human Optimization Field Algorithms. A total of 6 Artificial Human Optimization Field algorithms titled "Human Safety Particle Swarm Optimization (HuSaPSO)", "Human Kindness Particle Swarm Optimization (HKPSO)", "Human Relaxation Particle Swarm Optimization (HRPSO)", "Multiple Strategy Human Particle Swarm Optimization (MSHPSO)", "Human Thinking Particle Swarm Optimization (HTPSO)" and "Human Disease Particle Swarm Optimization (HDPSO)" are tested by applying these novel algorithms on Ackley, Beale, Bohachevsky, Booth and Three-Hump Camel Benchmark Functions. Results obtained are compared with PSO algorithm.Comment: 25 pages, 41 figure

    Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We survey recent advances in algorithms for route planning in transportation networks. For road networks, we show that one can compute driving directions in milliseconds or less even at continental scale. A variety of techniques provide different trade-offs between preprocessing effort, space requirements, and query time. Some algorithms can answer queries in a fraction of a microsecond, while others can deal efficiently with real-time traffic. Journey planning on public transportation systems, although conceptually similar, is a significantly harder problem due to its inherent time-dependent and multicriteria nature. Although exact algorithms are fast enough for interactive queries on metropolitan transit systems, dealing with continent-sized instances requires simplifications or heavy preprocessing. The multimodal route planning problem, which seeks journeys combining schedule-based transportation (buses, trains) with unrestricted modes (walking, driving), is even harder, relying on approximate solutions even for metropolitan inputs.Comment: This is an updated version of the technical report MSR-TR-2014-4, previously published by Microsoft Research. This work was mostly done while the authors Daniel Delling, Andrew Goldberg, and Renato F. Werneck were at Microsoft Research Silicon Valle

    Multiangle social network recommendation algorithms and similarity network evaluation

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    Multiangle social network recommendation algorithms (MSN) and a new assessmentmethod, called similarity network evaluation (SNE), are both proposed. From the viewpoint of six dimensions, the MSN are classified into six algorithms, including user-based algorithmfromresource point (UBR), user-based algorithmfromtag point (UBT), resource-based algorithm fromtag point (RBT), resource-based algorithm from user point (RBU), tag-based algorithm from resource point (TBR), and tag-based algorithm from user point (TBU). Compared with the traditional recall/precision (RP) method, the SNE is more simple, effective, and visualized. The simulation results show that TBR and UBR are the best algorithms, RBU and TBU are the worst ones, and UBT and RBT are in the medium levels

    Pattern Recognition and Clustering of Transient Pressure Signals for Burst Location

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    [EN] A large volume of the water produced for public supply is lost in the systems between sources and consumers. An important-in many cases the greatest-fraction of these losses are physical losses, mainly related to leaks and bursts in pipes and in consumer connections. Fast detection and location of bursts plays an important role in the design of operation strategies for water loss control, since this helps reduce the volume lost from the instant the event occurs until its effective repair (run time). The transient pressure signals caused by bursts contain important information about their location and magnitude, and stamp on any of these events a specific "hydraulic signature". The present work proposes and evaluates three methods to disaggregate transient signals, which are used afterwards to train artificial neural networks (ANNs) to identify burst locations and calculate the leaked flow. In addition, a clustering process is also used to group similar signals, and then train specific ANNs for each group, thus improving both the computational efficiency and the location accuracy. The proposed methods are applied to two real distribution networks, and the results show good accuracy in burst location and characterization.Manzi, D.; Brentan, BM.; Meirelles, G.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Luvizotto Jr., E. (2019). Pattern Recognition and Clustering of Transient Pressure Signals for Burst Location. Water. 11(11):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11112279S1131111Creaco, E., & Walski, T. (2017). Economic Analysis of Pressure Control for Leakage and Pipe Burst Reduction. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143(12), 04017074. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000846Campisano, A., Creaco, E., & Modica, C. (2010). RTC of Valves for Leakage Reduction in Water Supply Networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136(1), 138-141. doi:10.1061/(asce)0733-9496(2010)136:1(138)Campisano, A., Modica, C., Reitano, S., Ugarelli, R., & Bagherian, S. (2016). Field-Oriented Methodology for Real-Time Pressure Control to Reduce Leakage in Water Distribution Networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142(12), 04016057. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000697Vítkovský, J. P., Simpson, A. R., & Lambert, M. F. (2000). Leak Detection and Calibration Using Transients and Genetic Algorithms. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 126(4), 262-265. doi:10.1061/(asce)0733-9496(2000)126:4(262)Pérez, R., Puig, V., Pascual, J., Quevedo, J., Landeros, E., & Peralta, A. (2011). Methodology for leakage isolation using pressure sensitivity analysis in water distribution networks. Control Engineering Practice, 19(10), 1157-1167. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2011.06.004Jung, D., & Kim, J. (2017). Robust Meter Network for Water Distribution Pipe Burst Detection. Water, 9(11), 820. doi:10.3390/w9110820Colombo, A. F., Lee, P., & Karney, B. W. (2009). A selective literature review of transient-based leak detection methods. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 2(4), 212-227. doi:10.1016/j.jher.2009.02.003Choi, D., Kim, S.-W., Choi, M.-A., & Geem, Z. (2016). Adaptive Kalman Filter Based on Adjustable Sampling Interval in Burst Detection for Water Distribution System. Water, 8(4), 142. doi:10.3390/w8040142Christodoulou, S. E., Kourti, E., & Agathokleous, A. (2016). Waterloss Detection in Water Distribution Networks using Wavelet Change-Point Detection. Water Resources Management, 31(3), 979-994. doi:10.1007/s11269-016-1558-5Guo, X., Yang, K., & Guo, Y. (2012). Leak detection in pipelines by exclusively frequency domain method. Science China Technological Sciences, 55(3), 743-752. doi:10.1007/s11431-011-4707-3Holloway, M. B., & Hanif Chaudhry, M. (1985). Stability and accuracy of waterhammer analysis. Advances in Water Resources, 8(3), 121-128. doi:10.1016/0309-1708(85)90052-1Sanz, G., Pérez, R., Kapelan, Z., & Savic, D. (2016). Leak Detection and Localization through Demand Components Calibration. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142(2), 04015057. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000592Zhang, Q., Wu, Z. Y., Zhao, M., Qi, J., Huang, Y., & Zhao, H. (2016). Leakage Zone Identification in Large-Scale Water Distribution Systems Using Multiclass Support Vector Machines. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 142(11), 04016042. doi:10.1061/(asce)wr.1943-5452.0000661Mounce, S. R., & Machell, J. (2006). Burst detection using hydraulic data from water distribution systems with artificial neural networks. Urban Water Journal, 3(1), 21-31. doi:10.1080/15730620600578538Covas, D., Ramos, H., & de Almeida, A. B. (2005). Standing Wave Difference Method for Leak Detection in Pipeline Systems. 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Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 15(2), 107-144. doi:10.1007/s10618-007-0064-zNavarrete-López, C., Herrera, M., Brentan, B., Luvizotto, E., & Izquierdo, J. (2019). Enhanced Water Demand Analysis via Symbolic Approximation within an Epidemiology-Based Forecasting Framework. Water, 11(2), 246. doi:10.3390/w11020246Meirelles, G., Manzi, D., Brentan, B., Goulart, T., & Luvizotto, E. (2017). Calibration Model for Water Distribution Network Using Pressures Estimated by Artificial Neural Networks. Water Resources Management, 31(13), 4339-4351. doi:10.1007/s11269-017-1750-2Adamowski, J., & Chan, H. F. (2011). A wavelet neural network conjunction model for groundwater level forecasting. Journal of Hydrology, 407(1-4), 28-40. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.06.013Brentan, B., Meirelles, G., Luvizotto, E., & Izquierdo, J. (2018). Hybrid SOM+ k -Means clustering to improve planning, operation and management in water distribution systems. 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