9 research outputs found

    Movement麓s detection of the view to generate orders [Deteccion de movimientos de la vista para generar ordenes]

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    聽This research article is based on the use of computational vision as a tool to detect orders generated from movements of sight, for this we must also discriminate when an order is made and when not, where processing is also used Digital images In a regular feature computer, the scheme created to generate visual orders in the Python 3.8.1 language will be implemented in software, taking as a test object the 100 orders generated with the view and taking this data for the respective tests. The generation of visual orders has been successfully achieved. The test carried out resulted in the sensitivity of 0.96, specificity of 0.98, positive likelihood of 48 and negative likelihood of 0.04. Take into account that the test of 100 attempts divided into 10 attempts by each person (5 left and 5 right) was performed

    Integration of women in agriculture in Ca帽ete - Peru [Integraci贸n de la mujer en la agricultura en Ca帽ete, Per煤]

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    Women's work in the countryside is of great importance because it contributes to the economy of their people and their families from vulnerable areas, which require more attention from different institutions to improve their quality of life. The objective of this research is to determine the integration of the workforce of women in agriculture, through a questionnaire and semi-structured questions to women leaders dedicated to the agricultural sector and women workers who work in the field from the districts Imperial and Quilmana. As a result, the great growth potential of women and their contribution to food security, improvements in the economy were identified. On the other hand, these women are characterized by belonging to vulnerable sectors. Therefore, their participation in the labor force implies greater care and delicacy, especially in agro-export companies. With regard to gender equality, it is similar in work to that of men in agricultural activities, but with less income in wages. Therefore, women tend to contribute to the economic improvement of their rural family basket, being able to demonstrate great potential in labor development, taking on challenges in the face of poverty and inequality of opportunity, in the face of a state that emerges from mistrust and breach of agricultural public policies, which prevent professional development due to lack of economic resources in the rural areas of the Ca帽ete Valley, Lima Region, Peru

    Methods used to determine the zeta potential of colloids in wastewater

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    Water is the vital element in the daily life of man and the value of his treatment is to look for the sustainability of the planet and to preserve human life. The study is descriptive and comparative. The objective was to propose the most appropriate method for the zeta potential determination of colloids in wastewater. The operational procedure requires the knowledge of more related parameters, which implies greater analysis and therefore greater economic investment. The methods described are: Electrophoresis, Electroosmosis, Flow potential and sedimentation potential. Of the four methods for the determination of zeta potential in wastewater it is concluded that the electrophoresis method is the most used until now, which is used in different areas in greater or lesser scale, as in the application of solutions with different types of pollutant, unlike the other methods mentioned above. The electrophoresis has varied designs in such a way that it can be built manually and be applicable from small experiments with more accessible and easy-to-get materials, allowing to vary the construction investment of the equipment according to the scale of the work in which it is to be applied this method

    Next-generation sequencing technology in relation to our understanding and tackling of Antimicrobial Resistance [Tecnolog铆a de secuenciaci贸n de pr贸xima generaci贸n en relaci贸n con nuestra comprensi贸n y lucha contra la resistencia antimicrobial]

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    Sequencing technologies have suffered over the last few years improvements in its performance, Next-generation Sequencing is being used more frequently to control infectious diseases, to know and anticipate antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and in surveillance controls against possible infectious outbreaks. Molecular assays used to detect pathogenic or antibiotic resistant agents take a lot of time and effort, and often enough information is not collected to make decisions. Next- generation sequencing appears to elucidate in the least time possible the whole DNA sequence and provide us with enough data to know resistance, virulence and typing that can be analyzed and a great help in research and decision making. NGS is a very promising technology, in order for it to be used extensively, requires the development of data analysis platforms and reduction of trials costs that still is very high for a massive use

    Incidence of administrative management in labor disputes of administrative workers at the Sierra Centro Sur special project in Ayacucho, 2018 [Incidencia de la gesti贸n administrativa en los conflictos laborales de trabajadores administrativos del proyecto especial Sierra Centro Sur en Ayacucho, 2018]

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    Administrative management, which resides in projecting, structuring, carrying out and inspecting a specific task to achieve goals through the use of individuals and other resources is a key element within any company. Therefore, effective administration allows many goals to be achieved. In relation to labor disputes, these are born from different perspectives when discrepancies cannot be resolved. From there, it is important to recognize the types of problems that can generate a conflict to prevent and not affect the performance and welfare of its members. For this reason, companies have begun to use alternative conflict resolution processes, especially mediation, to process conflicts and prosper labor ties. From the above, the need was born to know how administrative management had an impact on labor disputes; as well as knowing how the administrative management influences the dimensions of differentiation of activities, shared resources and interdependent activities in a way that leads to an effective administration and optimal performance and well-being of the staff, leading to financial and resource gains within the Project under study. The research presented a non-experimental, quantitative, basic design and was multivariable causal. The population was 110 administrative workers. Surveys were used as techniques and had likert questionnaires as instruments. Coming to conclude that administrative management has a significant impact on labor disputes (less than 1,852 times than if management were not efficient and less than 1,135 times if it was not good); The aforementioned variable also affects the differentiation dimensions of activities, shared resources and independent activities

    Environmental Impacts associated with solid waste management practices at Alberto Sabogal Sologuren National Hospital, Callao

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    Hoy en d铆a se generan gran cantidad de residuos s贸lidos a nivel mundial, de los cuales solo un 10% es reutilizado. La cantidad de residuos s贸lidos reaprovecharle disminuye si es que los residuos tienen algunas caracter铆sticas que los hacen peligrosos, como es el caso de los residuos s贸lidos hospitalarios. A esto se suman los impactos ambientales que los residuos y su manejo inadecuado conlleva. Esta investigaci贸n muestra la asociaci贸n de las pr谩cticas de manejo de residuos s贸lidos con los impactos ambientales en el Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren. Para ello, se tom贸 en cuenta la segregaci贸n, transporte interno de residuos s贸lidos, la limpieza y desinfecci贸n del equipo y la disponibilidad del equipo de protecci贸n personal. Para lograrlo se realiz贸 una evaluaci贸n de su manejo en, que se llev贸 a cabo visitando cada uno de los servicios y/o ambientes del Hospital, una caracterizaci贸n f铆sica de los residuos s贸lidos durante siete d铆as donde se identificaron y cuantificaron los residuos s贸lidos de todas las 谩reas y servicios, una entrevista con el personal que labora en el centro hospitalario y una identificaci贸n de factores ambientales que son impactados a consecuencia de las pr谩cticas de manejo de residuos

    Methods used to determine the zeta potential of colloids in wastewater

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    El agua es el elemento vital en la vida cotidiana del hombre y el valorar su tratamiento, es buscar prever la sostenibilidad del planeta y preservar la vida humana. El estudio es descriptivo y comparativo. El objetivo fue proponer el m茅todo m谩s apropiado para la determinaci贸n del potencial zeta de los coloides en aguas residuales. El procedimiento operacional, exige el conocimiento de m谩s par谩metros relacionados, lo cual implica mayores an谩lisis y por ende mayor inversi贸n econ贸mica. Los m茅todos descritos son los: Electroforesis, Electro贸smosis, Potencial de flujo y potencial de sedimentaci贸n. De los cuatro m茅todos para la determinaci贸n de potencial zeta en aguas residuales se concluye que el m茅todo de la electroforesis, es el m谩s usado hasta la actualidad, el cual es usado en diferentes 谩reas en mayor o menor escala, como en la aplicaci贸n de soluciones con diferentes tipos de contaminante a diferencia de los otros m茅todos antes mencionados. La electroforesis cuenta con dise帽os variados de tal manera que se pueda construir manualmente y ser aplicable desde experimentos peque帽os con materiales m谩s accesibles y f谩ciles de conseguir, permitiendo variar la inversi贸n de construcci贸n del equipo de acuerdo a la escala del trabajo en el que se quiere aplicar dicho m茅todo

    Contribution of a High School GLOBE - Peru to the report and verification of climate change

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    El cambio clim谩tico es un cambio significativo y duradero de los patrones locales o globales del clima que actualmente est谩 afectando a los diferentes componentes del planeta tierra. Los colegios GLOBE contribuyen a la educaci贸n ambiental en las instituciones educativas, incentivando a los alumnos a realizar investigaci贸n mediante los datos que ellos mismos generan para as铆 poder contribuir a dar soluciones a los problemas asociados a fen贸menos clim谩ticos, al manejo de los recursos h铆dricos y a la gesti贸n de la biodiversidad

    The contribution of Global Engineering to the Society

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