5,956 research outputs found

    Network Lifetime Maximization With Node Admission in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

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    Wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) are expected to support multimedia services such as delivery of video and audio streams. However, due to the relatively stringent quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of multimedia services (e.g., high transmission rates and timely delivery) and the limited wireless resources, it is possible that not all the potential sensor nodes can be admitted into the network. Thus, node admission is essential for WMSNs, which is the target of this paper. Specifically, we aim at the node admission and its interaction with power allocation and link scheduling. A cross-layer design is presented as a two-stage optimization problem, where at the first stage the number of admitted sensor nodes is maximized, and at the second stage the network lifetime is maximized. Interestingly, it is proved that the two-stage optimization problem can be converted to a one-stage optimization problem with a more compact and concise mathematical form. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the two-stage and one-stage optimization frameworks

    Distributed Optimal Rate-Reliability-Lifetime Tradeoff in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The transmission rate, delivery reliability and network lifetime are three fundamental but conflicting design objectives in energy-constrained wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we address the optimal rate-reliability-lifetime tradeoff with link capacity constraint, reliability constraint and energy constraint. By introducing the weight parameters, we combine the objectives at rate, reliability, and lifetime into a single objective to characterize the tradeoff among them. However, the optimization formulation of the rate-reliability-reliability tradeoff is neither separable nor convex. Through a series of transformations, a separable and convex problem is derived, and an efficient distributed Subgradient Dual Decomposition algorithm (SDD) is proposed. Numerical examples confirm its convergence. Also, numerical examples investigate the impact of weight parameters on the rate utility, reliability utility and network lifetime, which provide a guidance to properly set the value of weight parameters for a desired performance of WSNs according to the realistic application's requirements.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Cross-layer design for network performance optimization in wireless networks

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    In this dissertation, I use mathematical optimization approach to solve the complex network problems. Paper l and paper 2 first show that ignoring the bandwidth constraint can lead to infeasible routing solutions. A sufficient condition on link bandwidth is proposed that makes a routing solution feasible, and then a mathematical optimization model based on this sufficient condition is provided. Simulation results show that joint optimization models can provide more feasible routing solutions and provide significant improvement on throughput and lifetime. In paper 3 and paper 4, an interference model is proposed and a transmission scheduling scheme is presented to minimize the end-to-end delay. This scheduling scheme is designed based on integer linear programming and involves interference modeling. Using this schedule, there are no conflicting transmissions at any time. Through simulation, it shows that the proposed link scheduling scheme can significantly reduce end-to-end latency. Since to compute the maximum throughput is an NP-hard problem, efficient heuristics are presented in Paper 5 that use sufficient conditions instead of the computationally-expensive-to-get optimal condition to capture the mutual conflict relation in a collision domain. Both one-way transmission and two-way transmission are considered. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms improve network throughput and reduce energy consumption, with significant improvement over previous work on both aspects. Paper 6 studies the complicated tradeoff relation among multiple factors that affect the sensor network lifetime and proposes an adaptive multi-hop clustering algorithm. It realizes the best tradeoff among multiple factors and outperforms others that do not. It is adaptive in the sense the clustering topology changes over time in order to have the maximum lifetime --Abstract, page iv

    Wireless Backhaul Node Placement for Small Cell Networks

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    Small cells have been proposed as a vehicle for wireless networks to keep up with surging demand. Small cells come with a significant challenge of providing backhaul to transport data to(from) a gateway node in the core network. Fiber based backhaul offers the high rates needed to meet this requirement, but is costly and time-consuming to deploy, when not readily available. Wireless backhaul is an attractive option for small cells as it provides a less expensive and easy-to-deploy alternative to fiber. However, there are multitude of bands and features (e.g. LOS/NLOS, spatial multiplexing etc.) associated with wireless backhaul that need to be used intelligently for small cells. Candidate bands include: sub-6 GHz band that is useful in non-line-of-sight (NLOS) scenarios, microwave band (6-42 GHz) that is useful in point-to-point line-of-sight (LOS) scenarios, and millimeter wave bands (e.g. 60, 70 and 80 GHz) that are recently being commercially used in LOS scenarios. In many deployment topologies, it is advantageous to use aggregator nodes, located at the roof tops of tall buildings near small cells. These nodes can provide high data rate to multiple small cells in NLOS paths, sustain the same data rate to gateway nodes using LOS paths and take advantage of all available bands. This work performs the joint cost optimal aggregator node placement, power allocation, channel scheduling and routing to optimize the wireless backhaul network. We formulate mixed integer nonlinear programs (MINLP) to capture the different interference and multiplexing patterns at sub-6 GHz and microwave band. We solve the MINLP through linear relaxation and branch-and-bound algorithm and apply our algorithm in an example wireless backhaul network of downtown Manhattan.Comment: Invited paper at Conference on Information Science & Systems (CISS) 201