4 research outputs found

    Soft decoding and synchronization of arithmetic codes: application to image transmission over noisy channels

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    Detection and robustness of digital image watermarking signals : a communication theory approach

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    The detection and robustness of the watermark signal is studied from a communications point of view. The contributions of this dissertation are presented in two parts. The first part, which covers the detection aspect, introduces a new digital image watermarking approach that embeds meaningful information in a copyright protection watermark signal; demonstrates the need to approach the watermark signal as a power-constrained signal; studies the relationship between the watermark signal dimension and the image capacity to the signal; explains the similarities and differences between detecting the watermark signal and detecting a signal over a spread-spectrum communication channel; and analyzes the application of sequence detection techniques (MAPSD and MLSD) to the watermark signal. The second part, which covers the robustness aspect, introduces a novel multidimensional interleaving algorithm that increases the signal\u27s robustness against burst errors; presents, analyzes, and compares two techniques for implementing the algorithm (a sliding window technique and a successive partitioning technique); and demonstrates the increase in watermark signal robustness as a result of applying this multidimensional interleaving. This increase of the signal\u27s robustness is shown in the 2-D case by applying the 2-D version of the interleaving algorithm to watermark signals embedded in still images (where the signal layout is in 2-D), and in the 3-D case by applying the 3-D version of the interleaving algorithm to watermark signals embedded in video sequences (where the signal layout is in 3-D)

    Codificação digital de áudio baseada em retroadaptação perceptual

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrónicaFaz-se uma análise do problema da codificação digital de sinais áudio de alta qualidade e identifica-se o princípio de codificação perceptual como a solução mais satisfatória. Apresenta-se uma síntese dos sistemas de codificação perceptual encontrados na literatura, e identificam-se, comparam-se e relacionam-se as técnicas usadas em cada um. Pela sua relevância para a codificação de áudio, faz-se um estudo mais aprofundado das transformadas e bancos de filtros multifrequência, da quantização, dos códigos reversíveis e dos modelos matemáticos da percepção auditiva. Propõe-se um sistema de codificação composto por um banco de filtros multi-resolução, quantizadores logarítmicos adaptativos, codificação aritmética, e um modelo psicoacústico explícito para adaptar os quantizadores de acordo com critérios perceptuais. Ao contrário de outros codificadores perceptuais, o sistema proposto é retroadaptativo, isto é: a adaptação depende exclusivamente de amostras já quantizadas, e não do sinal original. Discutimos as vantagens do uso de retroadaptação e mostramos que esta técnica pode ser aplicada com sucesso à codificação perceptual.The problem of digital coding of high quality audio signals is analised, and the principles of perceptual coding are identified as the most satisfactory approach. We present a synthesis of the perceptual coding systems found in the literature, and we identify, compare and relate the techniques used in each one. Given their relevance for audio coding, transforms and multifrequency filter banks as well as quantization, lossless coding, and mathematical models of auditory perception are subject to a more thorough study. We propose a coding system consisting of a multirate filter bank, logarithmic quantizers, arithmetic entropy coding and an explicit psychoacoustic model to adapt the quantization according to perceptual considerations. Unlike other perceptual coders, the proposed system is backward-adaptive, that is: adaptation depends exclusively on already quantized samples, not on the original signal. We discuss the advantages of backward-adaptation and show that it can be successfully applied to perceptual coding