576 research outputs found

    On practical design for joint distributed source and network coding

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    This paper considers the problem of communicating correlated information from multiple source nodes over a network of noiseless channels to multiple destination nodes, where each destination node wants to recover all sources. The problem involves a joint consideration of distributed compression and network information relaying. Although the optimal rate region has been theoretically characterized, it was not clear how to design practical communication schemes with low complexity. This work provides a partial solution to this problem by proposing a low-complexity scheme for the special case with two sources whose correlation is characterized by a binary symmetric channel. Our scheme is based on a careful combination of linear syndrome-based Slepian-Wolf coding and random linear mixing (network coding). It is in general suboptimal; however, its low complexity and robustness to network dynamics make it suitable for practical implementation

    Slepian-Wolf Coding Over Cooperative Relay Networks

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    This paper deals with the problem of multicasting a set of discrete memoryless correlated sources (DMCS) over a cooperative relay network. Necessary conditions with cut-set interpretation are presented. A \emph{Joint source-Wyner-Ziv encoding/sliding window decoding} scheme is proposed, in which decoding at each receiver is done with respect to an ordered partition of other nodes. For each ordered partition a set of feasibility constraints is derived. Then, utilizing the sub-modular property of the entropy function and a novel geometrical approach, the results of different ordered partitions are consolidated, which lead to sufficient conditions for our problem. The proposed scheme achieves operational separation between source coding and channel coding. It is shown that sufficient conditions are indeed necessary conditions in two special cooperative networks, namely, Aref network and finite-field deterministic network. Also, in Gaussian cooperative networks, it is shown that reliable transmission of all DMCS whose Slepian-Wolf region intersects the cut-set bound region within a constant number of bits, is feasible. In particular, all results of the paper are specialized to obtain an achievable rate region for cooperative relay networks which includes relay networks and two-way relay networks.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, accepte

    Cache-Aided Coded Multicast for Correlated Sources

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    The combination of edge caching and coded multicasting is a promising approach to improve the efficiency of content delivery over cache-aided networks. The global caching gain resulting from content overlap distributed across the network in current solutions is limited due to the increasingly personalized nature of the content consumed by users. In this paper, the cache-aided coded multicast problem is generalized to account for the correlation among the network content by formulating a source compression problem with distributed side information. A correlation-aware achievable scheme is proposed and an upper bound on its performance is derived. It is shown that considerable load reductions can be achieved, compared to state of the art correlation-unaware schemes, when caching and delivery phases specifically account for the correlation among the content files.Comment: In proceeding of IEEE International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC), 201

    Broadcast Caching Networks with Two Receivers and Multiple Correlated Sources

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    The correlation among the content distributed across a cache-aided broadcast network can be exploited to reduce the delivery load on the shared wireless link. This paper considers a two-user three-file network with correlated content, and studies its fundamental limits for the worst-case demand. A class of achievable schemes based on a two-step source coding approach is proposed. Library files are first compressed using Gray-Wyner source coding, and then cached and delivered using a combination of correlation-unaware cache-aided coded multicast schemes. The second step is interesting in its own right and considers a multiple-request caching problem, whose solution requires coding in the placement phase. A lower bound on the optimal peak rate-memory trade-off is derived, which is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. It is shown that for symmetric sources the two-step strategy achieves the lower bound for large cache capacities, and it is within half of the joint entropy of two of the sources conditioned on the third source for all other cache sizes.Comment: in Proceedings of Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, November 201

    Updating Content in Cache-Aided Coded Multicast

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    Motivated by applications to delivery of dynamically updated, but correlated data in settings such as content distribution networks, and distributed file sharing systems, we study a single source multiple destination network coded multicast problem in a cache-aided network. We focus on models where the caches are primarily located near the destinations, and where the source has no cache. The source observes a sequence of correlated frames, and is expected to do frame-by-frame encoding with no access to prior frames. We present a novel scheme that shows how the caches can be advantageously used to decrease the overall cost of multicast, even though the source encodes without access to past data. Our cache design and update scheme works with any choice of network code designed for a corresponding cache-less network, is largely decentralized, and works for an arbitrary network. We study a convex relation of the optimization problem that results form the overall cost function. The results of the optimization problem determines the rate allocation and caching strategies. Numerous simulation results are presented to substantiate the theory developed.Comment: To Appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: Special Issue on Caching for Communication Systems and Network

    Communicating the sum of sources over a network

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    We consider the network communication scenario, over directed acyclic networks with unit capacity edges in which a number of sources sis_i each holding independent unit-entropy information XiX_i wish to communicate the sum ∑Xi\sum{X_i} to a set of terminals tjt_j. We show that in the case in which there are only two sources or only two terminals, communication is possible if and only if each source terminal pair si/tjs_i/t_j is connected by at least a single path. For the more general communication problem in which there are three sources and three terminals, we prove that a single path connecting the source terminal pairs does not suffice to communicate ∑Xi\sum{X_i}. We then present an efficient encoding scheme which enables the communication of ∑Xi\sum{X_i} for the three sources, three terminals case, given that each source terminal pair is connected by {\em two} edge disjoint paths.Comment: 12 pages, IEEE JSAC: Special Issue on In-network Computation:Exploring the Fundamental Limits (to appear

    Correlation-Aware Distributed Caching and Coded Delivery

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    Cache-aided coded multicast leverages side information at wireless edge caches to efficiently serve multiple groupcast demands via common multicast transmissions, leading to load reductions that are proportional to the aggregate cache size. However, the increasingly unpredictable and personalized nature of the content that users consume challenges the efficiency of existing caching-based solutions in which only exact content reuse is explored. This paper generalizes the cache-aided coded multicast problem to a source compression with distributed side information problem that specifically accounts for the correlation among the content files. It is shown how joint file compression during the caching and delivery phases can provide load reductions that go beyond those achieved with existing schemes. This is accomplished through a lower bound on the fundamental rate-memory trade-off as well as a correlation-aware achievable scheme, shown to significantly outperform state-of-the-art correlation-unaware solutions, while approaching the limiting rate-memory trade-off.Comment: In proceeding of IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 201

    Computation Over Gaussian Networks With Orthogonal Components

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    Function computation of arbitrarily correlated discrete sources over Gaussian networks with orthogonal components is studied. Two classes of functions are considered: the arithmetic sum function and the type function. The arithmetic sum function in this paper is defined as a set of multiple weighted arithmetic sums, which includes averaging of the sources and estimating each of the sources as special cases. The type or frequency histogram function counts the number of occurrences of each argument, which yields many important statistics such as mean, variance, maximum, minimum, median, and so on. The proposed computation coding first abstracts Gaussian networks into the corresponding modulo sum multiple-access channels via nested lattice codes and linear network coding and then computes the desired function by using linear Slepian-Wolf source coding. For orthogonal Gaussian networks (with no broadcast and multiple-access components), the computation capacity is characterized for a class of networks. For Gaussian networks with multiple-access components (but no broadcast), an approximate computation capacity is characterized for a class of networks.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Rank-Two Beamforming and Power Allocation in Multicasting Relay Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a novel single-group multicasting relay beamforming scheme. We assume a source that transmits common messages via multiple amplify-and-forward relays to multiple destinations. To increase the number of degrees of freedom in the beamforming design, the relays process two received signals jointly and transmit the Alamouti space-time block code over two different beams. Furthermore, in contrast to the existing relay multicasting scheme of the literature, we take into account the direct links from the source to the destinations. We aim to maximize the lowest received quality-of-service by choosing the proper relay weights and the ideal distribution of the power resources in the network. To solve the corresponding optimization problem, we propose an iterative algorithm which solves sequences of convex approximations of the original non-convex optimization problem. Simulation results demonstrate significant performance improvements of the proposed methods as compared with the existing relay multicasting scheme of the literature and an algorithm based on the popular semidefinite relaxation technique
