1,588 research outputs found

    Early Turn-taking Prediction with Spiking Neural Networks for Human Robot Collaboration

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    Turn-taking is essential to the structure of human teamwork. Humans are typically aware of team members' intention to keep or relinquish their turn before a turn switch, where the responsibility of working on a shared task is shifted. Future co-robots are also expected to provide such competence. To that end, this paper proposes the Cognitive Turn-taking Model (CTTM), which leverages cognitive models (i.e., Spiking Neural Network) to achieve early turn-taking prediction. The CTTM framework can process multimodal human communication cues (both implicit and explicit) and predict human turn-taking intentions in an early stage. The proposed framework is tested on a simulated surgical procedure, where a robotic scrub nurse predicts the surgeon's turn-taking intention. It was found that the proposed CTTM framework outperforms the state-of-the-art turn-taking prediction algorithms by a large margin. It also outperforms humans when presented with partial observations of communication cues (i.e., less than 40% of full actions). This early prediction capability enables robots to initiate turn-taking actions at an early stage, which facilitates collaboration and increases overall efficiency.Comment: Submitted to IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    Gesture Recognition in Robotic Surgery with Multimodal Attention

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    Automatically recognising surgical gestures from surgical data is an important building block of automated activity recognition and analytics, technical skill assessment, intra-operative assistance and eventually robotic automation. The complexity of articulated instrument trajectories and the inherent variability due to surgical style and patient anatomy make analysis and fine-grained segmentation of surgical motion patterns from robot kinematics alone very difficult. Surgical video provides crucial information from the surgical site with context for the kinematic data and the interaction between the instruments and tissue. Yet sensor fusion between the robot data and surgical video stream is non-trivial because the data have different frequency, dimensions and discriminative capability. In this paper, we integrate multimodal attention mechanisms in a two-stream temporal convolutional network to compute relevance scores and weight kinematic and visual feature representations dynamically in time, aiming to aid multimodal network training and achieve effective sensor fusion. We report the results of our system on the JIGSAWS benchmark dataset and on a new in vivo dataset of suturing segments from robotic prostatectomy procedures. Our results are promising and obtain multimodal prediction sequences with higher accuracy and better temporal structure than corresponding unimodal solutions. Visualization of attention scores also gives physically interpretable insights on network understanding of strengths and weaknesses of each sensor

    Multi-Task Recurrent Neural Network for Surgical Gesture Recognition and Progress Prediction

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    Surgical gesture recognition is important for surgical data science and computer-aided intervention. Even with robotic kinematic information, automatically segmenting surgical steps presents numerous challenges because surgical demonstrations are characterized by high variability in style, duration and order of actions. In order to extract discriminative features from the kinematic signals and boost recognition accuracy, we propose a multi-task recurrent neural network for simultaneous recognition of surgical gestures and estimation of a novel formulation of surgical task progress. To show the effectiveness of the presented approach, we evaluate its application on the JIGSAWS dataset, that is currently the only publicly available dataset for surgical gesture recognition featuring robot kinematic data. We demonstrate that recognition performance improves in multi-task frameworks with progress estimation without any additional manual labelling and training.Comment: Accepted to ICRA 202

    SAR-RARP50: Segmentation of surgical instrumentation and Action Recognition on Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy Challenge

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    Surgical tool segmentation and action recognition are fundamental building blocks in many computer-assisted intervention applications, ranging from surgical skills assessment to decision support systems. Nowadays, learning-based action recognition and segmentation approaches outperform classical methods, relying, however, on large, annotated datasets. Furthermore, action recognition and tool segmentation algorithms are often trained and make predictions in isolation from each other, without exploiting potential cross-task relationships. With the EndoVis 2022 SAR-RARP50 challenge, we release the first multimodal, publicly available, in-vivo, dataset for surgical action recognition and semantic instrumentation segmentation, containing 50 suturing video segments of Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy (RARP). The aim of the challenge is twofold. First, to enable researchers to leverage the scale of the provided dataset and develop robust and highly accurate single-task action recognition and tool segmentation approaches in the surgical domain. Second, to further explore the potential of multitask-based learning approaches and determine their comparative advantage against their single-task counterparts. A total of 12 teams participated in the challenge, contributing 7 action recognition methods, 9 instrument segmentation techniques, and 4 multitask approaches that integrated both action recognition and instrument segmentation. The complete SAR-RARP50 dataset is available at: https://rdr.ucl.ac.uk/projects/SARRARP50_Segmentation_of_surgical_instrumentation_and_Action_Recognition_on_Robot-Assisted_Radical_Prostatectomy_Challenge/19109

    Multimodal human hand motion sensing and analysis - a review

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    DASZL: Dynamic Action Signatures for Zero-shot Learning

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    There are many realistic applications of activity recognition where the set of potential activity descriptions is combinatorially large. This makes end-to-end supervised training of a recognition system impractical as no training set is practically able to encompass the entire label set. In this paper, we present an approach to fine-grained recognition that models activities as compositions of dynamic action signatures. This compositional approach allows us to reframe fine-grained recognition as zero-shot activity recognition, where a detector is composed "on the fly" from simple first-principles state machines supported by deep-learned components. We evaluate our method on the Olympic Sports and UCF101 datasets, where our model establishes a new state of the art under multiple experimental paradigms. We also extend this method to form a unique framework for zero-shot joint segmentation and classification of activities in video and demonstrate the first results in zero-shot decoding of complex action sequences on a widely-used surgical dataset. Lastly, we show that we can use off-the-shelf object detectors to recognize activities in completely de-novo settings with no additional training.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, AAAI2021 submissio
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