28 research outputs found

    Joint Source and Relay Precoding Designs for MIMO Two-Way Relaying Based on MSE Criterion

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    Properly designed precoders can significantly improve the spectral efficiency of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay systems. In this paper, we investigate joint source and relay precoding design based on the mean-square-error (MSE) criterion in MIMO two-way relay systems, where two multi-antenna source nodes exchange information via a multi-antenna amplify-and-forward relay node. This problem is non-convex and its optimal solution remains unsolved. Aiming to find an efficient way to solve the problem, we first decouple the primal problem into three tractable sub-problems, and then propose an iterative precoding design algorithm based on alternating optimization. The solution to each sub-problem is optimal and unique, thus the convergence of the iterative algorithm is guaranteed. Secondly, we propose a structured precoding design to lower the computational complexity. The proposed precoding structure is able to parallelize the channels in the multiple access (MAC) phase and broadcast (BC) phase. It thus reduces the precoding design to a simple power allocation problem. Lastly, for the special case where only a single data stream is transmitted from each source node, we present a source-antenna-selection (SAS) based precoding design algorithm. This algorithm selects only one antenna for transmission from each source and thus requires lower signalling overhead. Comprehensive simulation is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of all the proposed precoding designs.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    Constructive Interference Beamforming for Cooperative Dual-Hop MIMO Relay Systems - Invited Paper

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    In this paper, we consider the downlink transmission for a dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) multiple-antenna relay systems, where we propose beamforming techniques for interference exploitation on a symbol level. Based on the constructive interference (CI), we firstly propose a joint source/relay precoding, where the precoding matrices at the source and the output signals at the relay are jointly optimized. To alleviate the high computational costs and circumvent the difficulty of practical implementation of the joint design, we further propose a low-complexity decoupled approach, where a closed-form linear precoding method is first employed at the source, and we then optimize the beamforming matrix at the relay for interference exploitation. It is revealed by numerical results that the proposed approaches that exploit the instantaneous interference can achieve an improved performance over the conventional case with a linear approach

    Linear Precoding Scheme Design for MIMO Two-Way Relay Systems with Imperfect Channel State Information

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate a linear precoding scheme design for a multiple-input multiple-output two-way relay system with imperfect channel state information. The scheme design is simplified as an optimal problem with precoding matrix variables, which is deduced with the maximum power constraint at the relay station based on the minimum mean square error criterion. With channel feedback delay at both ends of the channel and the channel estimation errors being taken into account, we propose a matrix decomposition scheme and a joint iterative scheme to minimize the average sum mean square error. The matrix decomposition method is used to derive the closed form of the relay matrix, and the joint iterative algorithm is used to optimize the precoding matrix and the processing matrix. According to numerical simulation results, the matrix decomposition scheme reduces the system bit error rate (BER) effectively and the joint iterative scheme achieves the best performance of BER against existing methods

    Linear Precoders for Non-Regenerative Asymmetric Two-way Relaying in Cellular Systems

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    Two-way relaying (TWR) reduces the spectral-efficiency loss caused in conventional half-duplex relaying. TWR is possible when two nodes exchange data simultaneously through a relay. In cellular systems, data exchange between base station (BS) and users is usually not simultaneous e.g., a user (TUE) has uplink data to transmit during multiple access (MAC) phase, but does not have downlink data to receive during broadcast (BC) phase. This non-simultaneous data exchange will reduce TWR to spectrally-inefficient conventional half-duplex relaying. With infrastructure relays, where multiple users communicate through a relay, a new transmission protocol is proposed to recover the spectral loss. The BC phase following the MAC phase of TUE is now used by the relay to transmit downlink data to another user (RUE). RUE will not be able to cancel the back-propagating interference. A structured precoder is designed at the multi-antenna relay to cancel this interference. With multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) nodes, the proposed precoder also triangulates the compound MAC and BC phase MIMO channels. The channel triangulation reduces the weighted sum-rate optimization to power allocation problem, which is then cast as a geometric program. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed protocol over conventional solutions.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Secure Beamforming for MIMO Two-Way Communications with an Untrusted Relay

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    This paper studies the secure beamforming design in a multiple-antenna three-node system where two source nodes exchange messages with the help of an untrusted relay node. The relay acts as both an essential signal forwarder and a potential eavesdropper. Both two-phase and three-phase two-way relay strategies are considered. Our goal is to jointly optimize the source and relay beamformers for maximizing the secrecy sum rate of the two-way communications. We first derive the optimal relay beamformer structures. Then, iterative algorithms are proposed to find source and relay beamformers jointly based on alternating optimization. Furthermore, we conduct asymptotic analysis on the maximum secrecy sum-rate. Our analysis shows that when all transmit powers approach infinity, the two-phase two-way relay scheme achieves the maximum secrecy sum rate if the source beamformers are designed such that the received signals at the relay align in the same direction. This reveals an important advantage of signal alignment technique in against eavesdropping. It is also shown that if the source powers approach zero the three-phase scheme performs the best while the two-phase scheme is even worse than direct transmission. Simulation results have verified the efficiency of the secure beamforming algorithms as well as the analytical findings.Comment: 10 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin