4 research outputs found

    Sesi贸n 506, Ordinaria. Modalidad H铆brida. Vig茅simo Quinto Consejo Acad茅mico. 1 de junio de 2023

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    脥ndice.-- Lista de asistencia. -- Orden del d铆a. -- Acta de la Sesi贸n 506. -- Acuerdos 506. -- Acta 503. -- Acta 504. -- Acta 505. -- Dictamen que presenta la Comisi贸n encargada de dictaminar sobre el otorgamiento del Premio a las 脕reas de Investigaci贸n, correspondiente al a帽o 2023. -- Jurado calificador del Concurso Diploma a la Investigaci贸n 2022. -- Renuncia del Mtro. Alejandro Le贸n Galicia, Titular de la Comisi贸n Dictaminadora Divisional de Ciencias B谩sicas e Ingenier铆a, quien fue seleccionado como integrante de dicha Comisi贸n en la Sesi贸n 491 del Consejo Acad茅mico, celebrada el 1 de febrero del 2022. Renuncia por periodo Sab谩tico. -- Propuesta de Convocatoria y las modalidades que efectuar谩 el Consejo Acad茅mico para integrar la lista de cuando menos cinco personas aspirantes que deber谩 proponerse al Rector General, para el nombramiento de la persona titular de la Rector铆a de la Unidad Azcapotzalco, periodo 2023-2027. -- Asuntos Generales

    Joint Call and Packet Level Performance Analysis of CAC Strategies for VoIP Traffic in Wireless

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    Voice Capacity and Data Response Time in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    The growing interest towards wireless communication services over the recent years has increased the demand for radio spectrum. Inefficient spectrum management together with the scarcity of the radio spectrum is a limiting factor for the development of modern wireless networks. As a solution, the idea of cognitive radio networks (CRNs) is introduced to use licensed spectrum for the benefit of the unlicensed secondary users. However, the preemptive priority of the licensed users results in random resource availabilities at the secondary networks, which makes the quality-of-service (QoS) support challenging. With the increasing demand for elastic/interactive data services (internet based services) and wireless multimedia services, QoS support becomes essential for CRNs. This research investigates the voice and elastic/interactive data service support over CRNs, in terms of their delay requirements. The packet level requirements of the voice service and session level delay requirements of the elastic/interactive data services are studied. In particular, constant-rate and on-off voice traffic capacities are analyzed over CRNs with centralized and distributed network coordination. Some generic channel access schemes are considered as the coordination mechanism, and call admission control algorithms are developed for non-fully-connected CRNs. Advantage of supporting voice traffic flows with different delay requirements in the same network is also discussed. The mean response time of the elastic data traffic over a centralized CRN is studied, considering the shortest processor time with and without preemption and shortest remaining processor time service disciplines, in comparison with the processor sharing service discipline. Effects of the traffic load at the base station and file length (service time requirement) distribution on the mean response time are discussed. Finally, the relationship between the mean response times of interactive and elastic data traffic is studied

    Sesi贸n 495, Ordinaria Modalidad Virtual. Vig茅simo Cuarto Consejo Acad茅mico, 12 de julio de 2022

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    1 archivo PDF (305 p谩ginas) + 1 archivo zipLista de asistencia. -- Orden del D铆a. -- Acta de la Sesi贸n 495 Ordinaria. -- Acuerdos de la Sesi贸n 495 Ordinaria. -- Acta de la Sesi贸n 494. -- Jurados Diploma a la Investigaci贸n 2021. -- Renuncias Comisiones Dictaminadoras Divisionales (Dr. Ernesto Rodrigo V谩zquez Cer贸n, Mtro. Fabricio Vanden Broeck y Dr. Le贸n Tom谩s Ejea Mendoza). -- Dictamen creaci贸n de 脕rea Mec谩nica -- Dictamen Premio a las 脕reas 2022 -- Escrito DCSH.AZC.336.22 Dictamen C. Docencia Consejo Divisional CSH. -- Escrito suscrito por el Dr. Sa煤l Jer贸nimo Romero con fecha 11 de julio de 2022 y anexos. -- Escrito con fecha 12 de julio de 2022 firmado por un grupo del sector estudiantil relativo a la petici贸n de un di谩logo p煤blico con el Rector de la Unidad Azcapotzalco