2 research outputs found

    MLB Improvement over LTE Networks

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    El objetivo del balanceo de carga m贸vil sobre redes LTE es administrar los recursos de radio entre celdas adyacentes de una forma eficiente con el fin de evitar degradaci贸n de servicio cuando las celdas del sistema presentan congesti贸n. La presente investigaci贸n muestra una propuesta para realizar balanceo de carga entre celdas no adyacentes con el fin de administrar de mejor forma la carga dentro de la red. Este m茅todo ser谩 referenciado dentro del documento como balanceo de carga de segundo orden. Los resultados muestran que el balanceo de carga de segundo orden aumenta el throughput promedio en un 4% y reduce la tasa de p茅rdida de paquetes hasta en un 12% con respecto al algoritmo de balan-ceo de carga tradicional. La simulaci贸n realizada en la presente investigaci贸n incluye escenarios para diferentes valores de tasa de llegada de paquetes, tasa de procesamiento de paquetes y longitud de la cola tanto para el tr谩fico de voz como el tr谩fico de datos. El modelo puesto en esta investigaci贸n tiene mejor rendimiento que el modelo de balanceo tradicional en t茅rminos de tasa de p茅rdida de paquetes y throughput bajo los escenarios de simulaci贸n propuestos.The objective of Mobility Load Balancing over LTE networks is to manage the Radio resources be-tween adjacent cells in an efficient way to avoid the degradation of user service in scenarios where the cells are congested. This paper shows a proposal where a non-adjacent cell of a congested cell can reduce its load; in this research, will reference the procedure as Balancing by second-order. The results show that Balancing by second-order increases the overall throughput in the network by 4% and reduces the loss rate by 12% roughly compared with a traditional Mobility Load Balancing feature. The simulation includes several scenarios where the arrival rate, service rate, and length of the buffer are varied for voice traffic and low priority traffic. The model proposed in this research has a better performance than traditional load balancing algorithms in terms of loss packet rate and throughput

    Joint Bandwidth Allocation and Small Cell Switching in Heterogeneous Networks

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    Abstract-One major topic of research into self-organizing network technology is the coordination of SON use cases. Network operators expect a coordinated handling of the parameter and configuration changes submitted to the operating network by closed-loop SON use case implementations. There are currently two basic approaches for SON use case coordination discussed in the literature: A so-called heading or tailing use case external coordination and the combination of separate use cases into one joint algorithm. In this paper, we extend a verified framework to combine mobility load balancing and inter-cell interference coordination use cases, especially for a heterogeneous network environment. Our approach results in a coordinated set of cell range expansion offsets, an efficient bandwidth allocation to support the (enhanced) inter-cell interference coordination use case, and an energy-efficient smart cell switching of the small capacity cells in a heterogeneous networks environment for a varying traffic demand during the course of a day, resulting in significant capacity enhancements while saving energy at the same time