3 research outputs found

    ELLIS: Interactive exploration of Linked Data on the level of induced schema patterns

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    We present ELLIS, a demo to browse the Linked Data cloud on the level of induced schema patterns. To this end, we define schema-level patterns of RDF types and properties to identify how entities described by type sets are connected by property sets. We show that schema-level patterns can be aggregated and extracted from large Linked Data sets using efficient algorithms for mining frequent item sets. A subsequent visualisation of such patterns enables users to quickly understand which type of information is modelled on the Linked Data cloud and how this information is interconnected

    Security and Privacy Dimensions in Next Generation DDDAS/Infosymbiotic Systems: A Position Paper

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    AbstractThe omnipresent pervasiveness of personal devices will expand the applicability of the Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems (DDDAS) paradigm in innumerable ways. While every single smartphone or wearable device is potentially a sensor with powerful computing and data capabilities, privacy and security in the context of human participants must be addressed to leverage the infinite possibilities of dynamic data driven application systems. We propose a security and privacy preserving framework for next generation systems that harness the full power of the DDDAS paradigm while (1) ensuring provable privacy guarantees for sensitive data; (2) enabling field-level, intermediate, and central hierarchical feedback-driven analysis for both data volume mitigation and security; and (3) intrinsically addressing uncertainty caused either by measurement error or security-driven data perturbation. These thrusts will form the foundation for secure and private deployments of large scale hybrid participant-sensor DDDAS systems of the future

    Integrating Connection Search in Graph Queries

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    National audienceGraph data management and querying has many practical applications. When graphs are very heterogeneous and/or users are unfamiliar with their structure, they may need to find how two or more groups of nodes are connected in a graph, even when users are not able to describe the connections. This is only partially supported by existing query languages, which allow searching for paths, but not for trees connecting three or more node groups. The latter is related to the NP-hard Group Steiner Tree problem, and has been previously considered for keyword search in databases. In this work, we formally show how to integrate connecting tree patterns (CTPs, in short) within a graph query language such as SPARQL or Cypher, leading to an Extended Query Language (or EQL, in short). We then study a set of algorithms for evaluating CTPs; we generalize prior keyword search work, most importantly by (i) considering bidirectional edge traversal and (ii) allowing users to select any score function for ranking CTP results. To cope with very large search spaces, we propose an efficient pruning technique and formally establish a large set of cases where our algorithm, MOLESP, is complete even with pruning. Our experiments validate the performance of our CTP and EQL evaluation algorithms on a large set of synthetic and real-world workloads