194 research outputs found

    Adding wildcards to the Java programming language

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    The XML Query Language Xcerpt: Design Principles, Examples, and Semantics

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    Most query and transformation languages developed since the mid 90es for XML and semistructured data—e.g. XQuery [1], the precursors of XQuery [2], and XSLT [3]—build upon a path-oriented node selection: A node in a data item is specified in terms of a root-to-node path in the manner of the file selection languages of operating systems. Constructs inspired from the regular expression constructs , +, ?, and “wildcards” give rise to a flexible node retrieval from incompletely specified data items. This paper further introduces into Xcerpt, a query and transformation language further developing an alternative approach to querying XML and semistructured data first introduced with the language UnQL [4]. A metaphor for this approach views queries as patterns, answers as data items matching the queries. Formally, an answer to a query is defined as a simulation [5] of an instance of the query in a data item

    Tagungsband zum 21. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung

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    Das 21. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung (KPS 2021) setzt eine traditionelle Reihe von Arbeitstagungen fort, die 1980 von den Forschungsgruppen der Professoren Friedrich L. Bauer (TU München), Klaus Indermark (RWTH Aachen) und Hans Langmaack(CAU Kiel) ins Leben gerufen wurde.Die Veranstaltung ist ein offenes Forum für alle interessierten deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zum zwanglosen Austausch neuer Ideen und Ergebnisse aus den Forschungsbereichen Entwurf und Implementierung von Programmiersprachen sowie Grundlagen und Methodik des Programmierens. Dieser Tagungsband enthält die wissenschaftlichen Beiträge,die bei dem 21. Kolloquium dieser Tagungsreihe präsentiert wurden, welches vom 27. bis 29. September 2021 in Kiel stattfand und von der Arbeitsgruppe Programmiersprachen und Übersetzerkonstruktion der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel organisiert wurde

    Hoogle?: Constants and ?-abstractions in Petri-net-based Synthesis using Symbolic Execution

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    Type-directed component-based program synthesis is the task of automatically building a function with applications of available components and whose type matches a given goal type. Existing approaches to component-based synthesis, based on classical proof search, cannot deal with large sets of components. Recently, Hoogle+, a component-based synthesizer for Haskell, overcomes this issue by reducing the search problem to a Petri-net reachability problem. However, Hoogle+ cannot synthesize constants nor ?-abstractions, which limits the problems that it can solve. We present Hoogle?, an extension to Hoogle+ that brings constants and ?-abstractions to the search space, in two independent steps. First, we introduce the notion of wildcard component, a component that matches all types. This enables the algorithm to produce incomplete functions, i.e., functions containing occurrences of the wildcard component. Second, we complete those functions, by replacing each occurrence with constants or custom-defined ?-abstractions. We have chosen to find constants by means of an inference algorithm: we present a new unification algorithm based on symbolic execution that uses the input-output examples supplied by the user to compute substitutions for the occurrences of the wildcard. When compared to Hoogle+, Hoogle? can solve more kinds of problems, especially problems that require the generation of constants and ?-abstractions, without performance degradation

    Family Genericity

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    Type abstraction in object-oriented languages embody two techniques, each with its own strenghts and weaknesses. The first technique is extension, yielding abstraction mechanisms with good support for gradual specification.The prime example is inheritance. The second technique is functional abstraction, yielding more precise knowledge about the outcome. The prime example is type parameterized classes. This paper argues that these techniques should beclearly separated to work optimally, and also that current languages fail to do this.We have applied this design philosophy to a language based on an extension mechanism, namely virtual classes. As a result, some elements based on functional abstraction have been introduced, but they are simple and only used for things where they excel; conversely, the virtual classes have become more flexible, because their role is now more well-defined.We designate the result as family genericity. The presented language design has been implemented

    Refactoring for parameterizing Java classes

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    Type safety and expressiveness of many existing Java libraries and theirclient applications would improve, if the libraries were upgraded to definegeneric classes. Efficient and accurate tools exist to assist clientapplications to use generics libraries, but so far the libraries themselvesmust be parameterized manually, which is a tedious, time-consuming, anderror-prone task. We present a type-constraint-based algorithm forconverting non-generic libraries to add type parameters. The algorithmhandles the full Java language and preserves backward compatibility, thusmaking it safe for existing clients. Among other features, it is capableof inferring wildcard types and introducing type parameters formutually-dependent classes. We have implemented the algorithm as a fullyautomatic refactoring in Eclipse.We evaluated our work in two ways. First, our tool parameterized code thatwas lacking type parameters. We contacted the developers of several ofthese applications, and in all cases where we received a response, theyconfirmed that the resulting parameterizations were correct and useful.Second, to better quantify its effectiveness, our tool parameterizedclasses from already-generic libraries, and we compared the results tothose that were created by the libraries' authors. Our tool performed therefactoring accurately -- in 87% of cases the results were as good as thosecreated manually by a human expert, in 9% of cases the tool results werebetter, and in 4% of cases the tool results were worse

    Structural abstraction: a mechanism for modular program construction

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    Abstraction mechanisms in programming languages aim to allow orthogonal pieces of functionality to be developed separately; complex software can then be constructed through the composition of these pieces. The effectiveness of such mechanisms lies in their support for modularity and reusability: The behavior of a piece of code should be reasoned about modularly---independently of the specific compositions it may participate in; the computation of a piece of code should allow specialization, so that it is reusable for different compositions. This dissertation introduces structural abstraction: a mechanism that advances the state of the art by allowing the writing of highly reusable code---code whose structure can be specialized per composition, while maintaining a high level of modularity. Structural abstraction provides a disciplined way for code to inspect the structure of its clients in composition, and declare its own structure accordingly. The hallmark feature of structural abstraction is that, despite its emphasis on greater reusability, it still allows modular type checking: A piece of structurally abstract code can be type-checked independently of its uses in compositions---an invaluable feature for highly reusable components that will be statically composed by other programmers. This dissertation introduces two structural abstraction techniques: static type conditions, and morphing. Static type conditions allow code to be conditionally declared based on subtyping constraints. A client of a piece of code can configure a desirable set of features by composing the code with types that satisfy the appropriate subtyping conditions. Morphing allows code to be iteratively declared, by statically reflecting over the structural members of code that it would be composed with. A morphing piece of code can mimic the structure of its clients in composition, or change its shape according to its clients in a pattern-based manner. Using either static type conditions or morphing, the structure of a piece of code is not statically determined, but can be automatically specialized by clients. Static type conditions and morphing both guarantee the modular type-safety of code: regardless of specific client configurations, code is guaranteed to be well-typed.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Yannis Smaragdakis; Committee Member: Oege de Moor; Committee Member: Richard LeBlanc; Committee Member: Santosh Pande; Committee Member: Spencer Rugabe

    SpecSatisfiabilityTool: A tool for testing the satisfiability of specifications on XML documents

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    We present a prototype that implements a set of logical rules to prove the satisfiability for a class of specifications on XML documents. Specifications are given by means of constrains built on Boolean XPath patterns. The main goal of this tool is to test whether a given specification is satisfiable or not, and justify the decision showing the execution history. It can also be used to test whether a given document is a model of a given specification and, as a by-product, it permits to look for all the relations (monomorphisms) between two patterns and to combine patterns in different ways. The results of these operations are visually shown and therefore the tool makes these operations more understandable. The implementation of the algorithm has been written in Prolog but the prototype has a Java interface for an easy and friendly use. In this paper we show how to use this interface in order to test all the desired properties.Comment: In Proceedings PROLE 2014, arXiv:1501.0169

    Implementing type systems for the IDE with Xsemantics

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    Subtyping with Generics: A Unified Approach

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    Reusable software increases programmers\u27 productivity and reduces repetitive code and software bugs. Variance is a key programming language mechanism for writing reusable software. Variance is concerned with the interplay of parametric polymorphism (i.e., templates, generics) and subtype (inclusion) polymorphism. Parametric polymorphism enables programmers to write abstract types and is known to enhance the readability, maintainability, and reliability of programs. Subtyping promotes software reuse by allowing code to be applied to a larger set of terms. Integrating parametric and subtype polymorphism while maintaining type safety is a difficult problem. Existing variance mechanisms enable greater subtyping between parametric types, but they suffer from severe deficiencies. They are unable to express several common type abstractions. They can cause a proliferation of types and redundant code. They are difficult for programmers to use due to its inherent complexity. This dissertation aims to improve variance mechanisms in programming languages supporting parametric polymorphism. To address the shortcomings of current mechanisms, I will combine two popular approaches, definition-site variance and use-site variance, in a single programming language. I have developed formal languages or calculi for reasoning about variance. The calculi are example languages supporting both notions of definition-site and use-site variance. They enable stating precise properties that can be proved rigorously. The VarLang calculus demonstrates fundamental issues in variance from a language neutral perspective. The VarJ calculus illustrates realistic complications by modeling a mainstream programming language, Java. VarJ not only supports both notions of use-site and definition-site variance but also language features with complex interactions with variance such as F-bounded polymorphism and wildcard capture. A mapping from Java to VarLang was implemented in software that infers definition-site variance for Java. Large, standard Java libraries (e.g. Oracle\u27s JDK 1.6) were analyzed using the software to compute metrics measuring the benefits of adding definition-site variance to Java, which only supports use-site variance. Applying this technique to six Java generic libraries shows that 21-47% (depending on the library) of generic definitions are inferred to have single-variance; 7-29% of method signatures can be relaxed through this inference, and up to 100% of existing wildcard annotations are unnecessary and can be elided. Although the VarJ calculus proposes how to extend Java with definition-site variance, no mainstream language currently supports both definition-site and use-site variance. To assist programmers with utilizing both notions with existing technology, I developed a refactoring tool that refactors Java code by inferring definition-site variance and adding wildcard annotations. This tool is practical and immediately applicable: It assumes no changes to the Java type system, while taking into account all its intricacies. This system allows users to select declarations (variables, method parameters, return types, etc.) to generalize and considers declarations not declared in available source code. I evaluated our technique on six Java generic libraries. I found that 34% of available declarations of variant type signatures can be generalized-i.e., relaxed with more general wildcard types. On average, 146 other declarations need to be updated when a declaration is generalized, showing that this refactoring would be too tedious and error-prone to perform manually. The result of applying this refactoring is a more general interface that supports greater software reuse
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