15,603 research outputs found

    Badger: Complexity Analysis with Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution

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    Hybrid testing approaches that involve fuzz testing and symbolic execution have shown promising results in achieving high code coverage, uncovering subtle errors and vulnerabilities in a variety of software applications. In this paper we describe Badger - a new hybrid approach for complexity analysis, with the goal of discovering vulnerabilities which occur when the worst-case time or space complexity of an application is significantly higher than the average case. Badger uses fuzz testing to generate a diverse set of inputs that aim to increase not only coverage but also a resource-related cost associated with each path. Since fuzzing may fail to execute deep program paths due to its limited knowledge about the conditions that influence these paths, we complement the analysis with a symbolic execution, which is also customized to search for paths that increase the resource-related cost. Symbolic execution is particularly good at generating inputs that satisfy various program conditions but by itself suffers from path explosion. Therefore, Badger uses fuzzing and symbolic execution in tandem, to leverage their benefits and overcome their weaknesses. We implemented our approach for the analysis of Java programs, based on Kelinci and Symbolic PathFinder. We evaluated Badger on Java applications, showing that our approach is significantly faster in generating worst-case executions compared to fuzzing or symbolic execution on their own

    A Compiler and Runtime Infrastructure for Automatic Program Distribution

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    This paper presents the design and the implementation of a compiler and runtime infrastructure for automatic program distribution. We are building a research infrastructure that enables experimentation with various program partitioning and mapping strategies and the study of automatic distribution's effect on resource consumption (e.g., CPU, memory, communication). Since many optimization techniques are faced with conflicting optimization targets (e.g., memory and communication), we believe that it is important to be able to study their interaction. We present a set of techniques that enable flexible resource modeling and program distribution. These are: dependence analysis, weighted graph partitioning, code and communication generation, and profiling. We have developed these ideas in the context of the Java language. We present in detail the design and implementation of each of the techniques as part of our compiler and runtime infrastructure. Then, we evaluate our design and present preliminary experimental data for each component, as well as for the entire system

    A Practical Blended Analysis for Dynamic Features in JavaScript

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    The JavaScript Blended Analysis Framework is designed to perform a general-purpose, practical combined static/dynamic analysis of JavaScript programs, while handling dynamic features such as run-time generated code and variadic func- tions. The idea of blended analysis is to focus static anal- ysis on a dynamic calling structure collected at runtime in a lightweight manner, and to rene the static analysis us- ing additional dynamic information. We perform blended points-to analysis of JavaScript with our framework and compare results with those computed by a pure static points- to analysis. Using JavaScript codes from actual webpages as benchmarks, we show that optimized blended analysis for JavaScript obtains good coverage (86.6% on average per website) of the pure static analysis solution and nds ad- ditional points-to pairs (7.0% on average per website) con- tributed by dynamically generated/loaded code

    A Survey of Symbolic Execution Techniques

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    Many security and software testing applications require checking whether certain properties of a program hold for any possible usage scenario. For instance, a tool for identifying software vulnerabilities may need to rule out the existence of any backdoor to bypass a program's authentication. One approach would be to test the program using different, possibly random inputs. As the backdoor may only be hit for very specific program workloads, automated exploration of the space of possible inputs is of the essence. Symbolic execution provides an elegant solution to the problem, by systematically exploring many possible execution paths at the same time without necessarily requiring concrete inputs. Rather than taking on fully specified input values, the technique abstractly represents them as symbols, resorting to constraint solvers to construct actual instances that would cause property violations. Symbolic execution has been incubated in dozens of tools developed over the last four decades, leading to major practical breakthroughs in a number of prominent software reliability applications. The goal of this survey is to provide an overview of the main ideas, challenges, and solutions developed in the area, distilling them for a broad audience. The present survey has been accepted for publication at ACM Computing Surveys. If you are considering citing this survey, we would appreciate if you could use the following BibTeX entry: http://goo.gl/Hf5FvcComment: This is the authors pre-print copy. If you are considering citing this survey, we would appreciate if you could use the following BibTeX entry: http://goo.gl/Hf5Fv

    Heap Abstractions for Static Analysis

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    Heap data is potentially unbounded and seemingly arbitrary. As a consequence, unlike stack and static memory, heap memory cannot be abstracted directly in terms of a fixed set of source variable names appearing in the program being analysed. This makes it an interesting topic of study and there is an abundance of literature employing heap abstractions. Although most studies have addressed similar concerns, their formulations and formalisms often seem dissimilar and some times even unrelated. Thus, the insights gained in one description of heap abstraction may not directly carry over to some other description. This survey is a result of our quest for a unifying theme in the existing descriptions of heap abstractions. In particular, our interest lies in the abstractions and not in the algorithms that construct them. In our search of a unified theme, we view a heap abstraction as consisting of two features: a heap model to represent the heap memory and a summarization technique for bounding the heap representation. We classify the models as storeless, store based, and hybrid. We describe various summarization techniques based on k-limiting, allocation sites, patterns, variables, other generic instrumentation predicates, and higher-order logics. This approach allows us to compare the insights of a large number of seemingly dissimilar heap abstractions and also paves way for creating new abstractions by mix-and-match of models and summarization techniques.Comment: 49 pages, 20 figure

    Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis in Soot using Value Contexts

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    An interprocedural analysis is precise if it is flow sensitive and fully context-sensitive even in the presence of recursion. Many methods of interprocedural analysis sacrifice precision for scalability while some are precise but limited to only a certain class of problems. Soot currently supports interprocedural analysis of Java programs using graph reachability. However, this approach is restricted to IFDS/IDE problems, and is not suitable for general data flow frameworks such as heap reference analysis and points-to analysis which have non-distributive flow functions. We describe a general-purpose interprocedural analysis framework for Soot using data flow values for context-sensitivity. This framework is not restricted to problems with distributive flow functions, although the lattice must be finite. It combines the key ideas of the tabulation method of the functional approach and the technique of value-based termination of call string construction. The efficiency and precision of interprocedural analyses is heavily affected by the precision of the underlying call graph. This is especially important for object-oriented languages like Java where virtual method invocations cause an explosion of spurious call edges if the call graph is constructed naively. We have instantiated our framework with a flow and context-sensitive points-to analysis in Soot, which enables the construction of call graphs that are far more precise than those constructed by Soot's SPARK engine.Comment: SOAP 2013 Final Versio

    AMaĻ‡oSā€”Abstract Machine for Xcerpt

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    Web query languages promise convenient and efficient access to Web data such as XML, RDF, or Topic Maps. Xcerpt is one such Web query language with strong emphasis on novel high-level constructs for effective and convenient query authoring, particularly tailored to versatile access to data in different Web formats such as XML or RDF. However, so far it lacks an efficient implementation to supplement the convenient language features. AMaĻ‡oS is an abstract machine implementation for Xcerpt that aims at efficiency and ease of deployment. It strictly separates compilation and execution of queries: Queries are compiled once to abstract machine code that consists in (1) a code segment with instructions for evaluating each rule and (2) a hint segment that provides the abstract machine with optimization hints derived by the query compilation. This article summarizes the motivation and principles behind AMaĻ‡oS and discusses how its current architecture realizes these principles

    Heap Reference Analysis Using Access Graphs

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    Despite significant progress in the theory and practice of program analysis, analysing properties of heap data has not reached the same level of maturity as the analysis of static and stack data. The spatial and temporal structure of stack and static data is well understood while that of heap data seems arbitrary and is unbounded. We devise bounded representations which summarize properties of the heap data. This summarization is based on the structure of the program which manipulates the heap. The resulting summary representations are certain kinds of graphs called access graphs. The boundedness of these representations and the monotonicity of the operations to manipulate them make it possible to compute them through data flow analysis. An important application which benefits from heap reference analysis is garbage collection, where currently liveness is conservatively approximated by reachability from program variables. As a consequence, current garbage collectors leave a lot of garbage uncollected, a fact which has been confirmed by several empirical studies. We propose the first ever end-to-end static analysis to distinguish live objects from reachable objects. We use this information to make dead objects unreachable by modifying the program. This application is interesting because it requires discovering data flow information representing complex semantics. In particular, we discover four properties of heap data: liveness, aliasing, availability, and anticipability. Together, they cover all combinations of directions of analysis (i.e. forward and backward) and confluence of information (i.e. union and intersection). Our analysis can also be used for plugging memory leaks in C/C++ languages.Comment: Accepted for printing by ACM TOPLAS. This version incorporates referees' comment
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