213 research outputs found

    The Open Grid Computing Environments collaboration: portlets and services for science gateways

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    We review the efforts of the Open Grid Computing Environments collaboration. By adopting a general three-tiered architecture based on common standards for portlets and Grid Web services, we can deliver numerous capabilities to science gateways from our diverse constituent efforts. In this paper, we discuss our support for standards-based Grid portlets using the Velocity development environment. Our Grid portlets are based on abstraction layers provided by the Java CoG kit, which hide the differences of different Grid toolkits. Sophisticated services are decoupled from the portal container using Web service strategies. We describe advance information, semantic data, collaboration, and science application services developed by our consortium. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/56029/1/1078_ftp.pd

    A NeISS collaboration to develop and use e-infrastructure for large-scale social simulation

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    The National e-Infrastructure for Social Simulation (NeISS) project is focused on developing e-Infrastructure to support social simulation research. Part of NeISS aims to provide an interface for running contemporary dynamic demographic social simulation models as developed in the GENESIS project. These GENESIS models operate at the individual person level and are stochastic. This paper focuses on support for a simplistic demographic change model that has a daily time steps, and is typically run for a number of years. A portal based Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been developed as a set of standard portlets. One portlet is for specifying model parameters and setting a simulation running. Another is for comparing the results of different simulation runs. Other portlets are for monitoring submitted jobs and for interfacing with an archive of results. A layer of programs enacted by the portlets stage data in and submit jobs to a Grid computer which then runs a specific GENESIS model program executable. Once a job is submitted, some details are communicated back to a job monitoring portlet. Once the job is completed, results are stored and made available for download and further processing. Collectively we call the system the Genesis Simulator. Progress in the development of the Genesis Simulator was presented at the UK e- Science All Hands Meeting in September 2011 by way of a video based demonstration of the GUI, and an oral presentation of a working paper. Since then, an automated framework has been developed to run simulations for a number of years in yearly time steps. The demographic models have also been improved in a number of ways. This paper summarises the work to date, presents some of the latest results and considers the next steps we are planning in this work


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    Conventional grid-enabled portal designs have been largely influenced by the usual functional requirements such as security requirements, grid resource requirements and job management requirements. However, the pay-as-you-use service provisioning model of utility computing platforms mean that additional requirements must be considered in order to realize effective grid-enabled portals design for such platforms. This work investigates those relevant additional requirements that must be considered for the design of grid-enabled portals for utility computing contexts. Based on a thorough review of literature, we identified a number of those relevant additional requirements, and developed a grid-enabled portal prototype for the Grid-based Utility Infrastructure for SMME-enabling Technology (GUISET) initiative – a utility computing platform. The GUISET portal was designed to cater for both the traditional grid requirements and some of the relevant additional requirements for utility computing contexts. The result of the evaluation of the GUISET portal prototype using a set of benchmark requirements (standards) revealed that it fulfilled the minimum requirements to be suitable for the utility context

    Portlet Feasibility Study:A report prepared for the GroupLog Project funded by JISC under the eTools Programme

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    GroupLog is a project funded by the JISC under the 03/04 call for projects to develop E-Learning Tools for learners and teachers. This is a report on an assessment of the feasibility of developing GroupLog as a WSRP application, carried out by UKOLN in conjunction with CDNTL. Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is first reviewed as a standard by covering the background information obtained from desk research. The review contains extensive links to portlet-related resources. Development options are then considered. A test platform that was installed to complement the desk-research by providing hands-on experience is then described, together with a sample application illustrating two different ways in which it could be delivered by WSRP. This report concludes that a solution that involves the use of Java-related technology is the most practical option given the current status of the technology. This approach would require a suitable Java platform to be set up and configured. Significant technical knowledge and programming effort would be required. The time and experience required to implement such a solution does not fit within the immediate plans and timing for GroupLog development. The report ends by drawing some general conclusions that can be used to inform any future decisions regarding the delivery of GroupLog using WSRP

    Implementation of a digital workspace

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    Projecte de final de master realitzat en col.laboraciĂł amb l'empresa Bull s.aThis document is the summary of my final assignment project report. In this report, I described my internship, the problems encountered and the solutions chosen. It includes also an analysis of my planning and the budget involved. This project aimed at producing a digital workspace which will provide for all pedagogical and management needs in the educational context. This digital workspace is designed to propose a unique and secure gateway to all on line services offered to the users. It will respect the single authentication principle and each application will manage by itself its own access right to its services. Within the team of developers, I was in charge of the data integration. It included the introduction of new data in the main database through an automated process, the management of data modification and the data forwarding to other application. This central process allows all the application to be synchronized at any moment with the data provided by the government. In the report, I present the functionality expected from the portal, and the requisite express by the client. Then, from a technical point of view, I introduce different portals and explain the reason behind our choice within all available. I also highlight a few technical points about the authentication system and the users management system. In another section of the report, I present my own work related to the data integration. From the extraction by the government to the transfer into the different applications, the data are passed from an application to another through different applications I designed and developed. A presented in-depth analysis of the requisites explains the reason of the design used. In the last part, the Gantt diagram and the budget presentation achieves the presentation of my internship

    Sudoku Game Implementation as Portlet

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    Práce je zaměřena na problematiku vývoje komponent portálů, zvaných portlety. Stručně seznamuje s portály, zejména s jejich prostředím, vlastnostmi a schopnostmi. Hlavní část práce je věnována popisu standardů pro vývoj portletů. Na základě vysvětlených principů a s použitím dalších technologií je ukázán vývoj portletu, realizujícího hru Sudoku. Portlet byl vyvíjen pro firmu Red Hat, jakožto ukázkový portlet pro GateIn portál.The thesis is focused on the problem of the development of portal components, called portlets. It briefly introduces portals, especially their environment, characteristics and abilities. The main part describes standards for the development of portlets. Based on explained principles and with the usage of other technologies, a development process of a portlet, representing the Sudoku game, is shown. The portlet was developed for Red Hat company, as an exemplary portlet for GateIn portal.

    Architectural Tradeoffs for Unifying Campus Grid Resources

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    Most universities have a powerful collection of computing resources on campus for use in areas from high performance computing to general access student labs. However, these resources are rarely used to their full potential. Grid computing offers a way to unify these resources and to better utilize the capability they provide. The complexity of some grid tools makes learning to use them a daunting task for users not familiar with using the command line. Combining these tools together into a single web portal interface provides campus faculty and students with an easy way to access the campus resources. This paper presents some of the grid and portal tools that are currently available and tradeoffs in their selection and use. The successful implementation of a subset of these tools at the University of Arkansas and the functionality they provide are discussed in detail

    Cyberaide JavaScript: A Web Application Development Framework for Cyberinfrastructure

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    This thesis work introduces a service oriented architecture based Grid abstraction framework that allows users to access Grid infrastructure through JavaScript. Such a framework integrates well with other Web 2.0 technologies since it provides JavaScript toolkit to build web applications. The framework consists of two essential parts. A client Application Programming lnterface (API) to access the Grid via JavaScript and a full service stack in server side through which the Grid access is channeled. The framework uses commodity Web service standards and provides extended functionality such as asynchronous task management, file transfer, etc. The availability of this framework simplifies not only the development of new services, but also the development of advanced client side Grid applications that can be accessed through Web browsers. The effectiveness of the framework is demonstrated by providing an Grid portal example that integrates a variety of useful services to be accessed through a JavaScript enabled client desktop via a Web browser, as well as the opensocial gadgets for Grid task management and file transfer. Overall, Grid developers will have another tool at their disposal that projects a simpler way to distribute and maintain cyberinfrastructure related software, while simultaneously delivering advanced interfaces and integrating social services for the scientific community

    Research evaluation and selection of a CMS (Content Management System) platform and a web applications platform for the Gavà’s city council

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    This project is the first step of a modernization project in the technological field that the Gava’s city council is carrying out. The project consists in the research, evaluation and selection of a CMS platform and a web application platform and finally, the execution of a portal using the solution chosen. The CMS platform must have the following features: - The platform has to be based in J2EE - It has to be possible to run over a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) server. - It must be an open source solution. - The solution must support the features in the current portals apart from adding new ones. The web application platform must be compatible with the CMS solution chosen and with the following features: - It has to support applications web based on JSF and Struts. - It also has to provide different tools for manage and keep updated the data base. - It must support portlets and web-services technologies. At the end of the project we have achieved the main aim improving the initial expectations. The success of the solution chosen has permitted the possibility of creating not only one but two portals www.gavatv.cat and www.elbruguers.ca
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