6 research outputs found

    A Generic Psychovisual Error Threshold for the Quantization Table Generation on JPEG Image Compression

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    The quantization process is a main part of image compression to control visual quality and the bit rate of the image output. The JPEG quantization tables are obtained from a series of psychovisual experiments to determine a visual threshold. The visual threshold is useful in handling the intensity level of the colour image that can be perceived visually by the human visual system. This paper will investigate a psychovisual error threshold at DCT frequency on the grayscale image. The DCT coefficients are incremented one by one for each frequency order. Whereby, the contribution of DCT coefficients to the error reconstruction will be a primitive pyschovisual error. At certain threshold being set on this psychovisual error, the new quantization table can be generated. The experimental results show that the new quantization table from psychovisual error threshold for DCT basis functions gives better quality image at lower average bit length of Huffman code than standard JPEG image compression

    Adaptively Lossy Image Compression for Onboard Processing

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    More efficient image-compression codecs are an emerging requirement for spacecraft because increasingly complex, onboard image sensors can rapidly saturate downlink bandwidth of communication transceivers. While these codecs reduce transmitted data volume, many are compute-intensive and require rapid processing to sustain sensor data rates. Emerging next-generation small satellite (SmallSat) computers provide compelling computational capability to enable more onboard processing and compression than previously considered. For this research, we apply two compression algorithms for deployment on modern flight hardware: (1) end-to-end, neural-network-based, image compression (CNN-JPEG); and (2) adaptive image compression through feature-point detection (FPD-JPEG). These algorithms rely on intelligent data-processing pipelines that adapt to sensor data to compress it more effectively, ensuring efficient use of limited downlink bandwidths. The first algorithm, CNN-JPEG, employs a hybrid approach adapted from literature combining convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and JPEG; however, we modify and tune the training scheme for satellite imagery to account for observed training instabilities. This hybrid CNN-JPEG approach shows 23.5% better average peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and 33.5% better average structural similarity index (SSIM) versus standard JPEG on a dataset collected on the Space Test Program – Houston 5 (STP-H5-CSP) mission onboard the International Space Station (ISS). For our second algorithm, we developed a novel adaptive image-compression pipeline based upon JPEG that leverages the Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) feature-point detection algorithm to adaptively tune the compression ratio to allow for a tradeoff between PSNR/SSIM and combined file size over a batch of STP-H5-CSP images. We achieve a less than 1% drop in average PSNR and SSIM while reducing the combined file size by 29.6% compared to JPEG using a static quality factor (QF) of 90

    Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures and Systems for Time-varying Image Constraints (DRASTIC) for Image and Video Compression

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    In the current information booming era, image and video consumption is ubiquitous. The associated image and video coding operations require significant computing resources for both small-scale computing systems as well as over larger network systems. For different scenarios, power, bitrate and image quality can impose significant time-varying constraints. For example, mobile devices (e.g., phones, tablets, laptops, UAVs) come with significant constraints on energy and power. Similarly, computer networks provide time-varying bandwidth that can depend on signal strength (e.g., wireless networks) or network traffic conditions. Alternatively, the users can impose different constraints on image quality based on their interests. Traditional image and video coding systems have focused on rate-distortion optimization. More recently, distortion measures (e.g., PSNR) are being replaced by more sophisticated image quality metrics. However, these systems are based on fixed hardware configurations that provide limited options over power consumption. The use of dynamic partial reconfiguration with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provides an opportunity to effectively control dynamic power consumption by jointly considering software-hardware configurations. This dissertation extends traditional rate-distortion optimization to rate-quality-power/energy optimization and demonstrates a wide variety of applications in both image and video compression. In each application, a family of Pareto-optimal configurations are developed that allow fine control in the rate-quality-power/energy optimization space. The term Dynamically Reconfiguration Architecture Systems for Time-varying Image Constraints (DRASTIC) is used to describe the derived systems. DRASTIC covers both software-only as well as software-hardware configurations to achieve fine optimization over a set of general modes that include: (i) maximum image quality, (ii) minimum dynamic power/energy, (iii) minimum bitrate, and (iv) typical mode over a set of opposing constraints to guarantee satisfactory performance. In joint software-hardware configurations, DRASTIC provides an effective approach for dynamic power optimization. For software configurations, DRASTIC provides an effective method for energy consumption optimization by controlling processing times. The dissertation provides several applications. First, stochastic methods are given for computing quantization tables that are optimal in the rate-quality space and demonstrated on standard JPEG compression. Second, a DRASTIC implementation of the DCT is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach on motion JPEG. Third, a reconfigurable deblocking filter system is investigated for use in the current H.264/AVC systems. Fourth, the dissertation develops DRASTIC for all 35 intra-prediction modes as well as intra-encoding for the emerging High Efficiency Video Coding standard (HEVC)