1 research outputs found

    Peramalan Sisa Umur Pemakaian Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Berdasarkan Ketebalan Pipa Dengan Metode Non Destructive Test

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    Steam Gas Power Plant (PLTGU) is one of the power generation units in Indonesia. The PLTGU system consists of various components, one of the important components in the PLTGU electricity generation process is the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) which functions to convert liquid water into steam to rotate the steam turbine in the PLTGU, this will result in contact between the fluid and the material at high temperatures and pressures. The dangerous impact of the process is corrosion which will cause erosion of the pipe wall. This study aims to determine the minimum thickness limit and the corrosion rate of the HRSG pipe so that it can be known the remaining life of the HRSG pipe or how much longer the pipe can be used and carried out pipe replacement or re-tubing to prevent fatal damage when the unit operates due to the achievement of the achievement minimum pipe limit. The method used for testing uses the technique of Non-Destructive Test (NDT) or non-destructive testing with visual inspection and ultrasonic tests. The remaining life of the HRSG pipe is estimated by assuming the rate of thinning of the pipe against the value of the actual thickness to the minimum thickness. The minimum thickness calculated refers to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME Boiler and Vessel Pressure Section I) standards for the construction of power boilers with variable data correction factors and the maximum allowable stress of the ASME Boiler and Vessel Pressure Section II Part D standards. The result of research shows the lowest remaining service life is found in the HP Economizer pipe which is 7.1 years with a corrosion rate of 0.101 mm / year and the estimated remaining longest service life is 66.4 years in LP Evaporator pipes with a corrosion rate of 0.047 mm / year and limits minimum pipe thickness is 1.3 mm for Low Pressure and 2.9 mm for High Pressure