9,168 research outputs found

    Online Data Cleaning

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    Data-centric applications have never been more ubiquitous in our lives, e.g., search engines, route navigation and social media. This has brought along a new age where digital data is at the core of many decisions we make as individuals, e.g., looking for the most scenic route to plan a road trip, or as professionals, e.g., analysing customers’ transactions to predict the best time to restock different products. However, the surge in data generation has also led to creating massive amounts of dirty data, i.e., inaccurate or redundant data. Using dirty data to inform business decisions comes with dire consequences, for instance, an IBM report estimates that dirty data costs the U.S. $3.1 trillion a year. Dirty data is the product of many factors which include data entry errors and integration of several data sources. Data integration of multiple sources is especially prone to producing dirty data. For instance, while individual sources may not have redundant data, they often carry redundant data across each other. Furthermore, different data sources may obey different business rules (sometimes not even known) which makes it challenging to reconcile the integrated data. Even if the data is clean at the time of the integration, data updates would compromise its quality over time. There is a wide spectrum of errors that can be found in the data, e,g, duplicate records, missing values, obsolete data, etc. To address these problems, several data cleaning efforts have been proposed, e.g., record linkage to identify duplicate records, data fusion to fuse duplicate data items into a single representation and enforcing integrity constraints on the data. However, most existing efforts make two key assumptions: (1) Data cleaning is done in one shot; and (2) The data is available in its entirety. Those two assumptions do not hold in our age where data is highly volatile and integrated from several sources. This calls for a paradigm shift in approaching data cleaning: it has to be made iterative where data comes in chunks and not all at once. Consequently, cleaning the data should not be repeated from scratch whenever the data changes, but instead, should be done only for data items affected by the updates. Moreover, the repair should be computed effciently to support applications where cleaning is performed online (e.g. query time data cleaning). In this dissertation, we present several proposals to realize this paradigm for two major types of data errors: duplicates and integrity constraint violations. We frst present a framework that supports online record linkage and fusion over Web databases. Our system processes queries posted to Web databases. Query results are deduplicated, fused and then stored in a cache for future reference. The cache is updated iteratively with new query results. This effort makes it possible to perform record linkage and fusion effciently, but also effectively, i.e., the cache contains data items seen in previous queries which are jointly cleaned with incoming query results. To address integrity constraints violations, we propose a novel way to approach Functional Dependency repairs, develop a new class of repairs and then demonstrate it is superior to existing efforts, in runtime and accuracy. We then show how our framework can be easily tuned to work iteratively to support online applications. We implement a proof-ofconcept query answering system to demonstrate the iterative capability of our system

    Cloud-Scale Entity Resolution: Current State and Open Challenges

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    Entity resolution (ER) is a process to identify records in information systems, which refer to the same real-world entity. Because in the two recent decades the data volume has grown so large, parallel techniques are called upon to satisfy the ER requirements of high performance and scalability. The development of parallel ER has reached a relatively prosperous stage, and has found its way into several applications. In this work, we first comprehensively survey the state of the art of parallel ER approaches. From the comprehensive overview, we then extract the classification criteria of parallel ER, classify and compare these approaches based on these criteria. Finally, we identify open research questions and challenges and discuss potential solutions and further research potentials in this field

    ERBlox: Combining Matching Dependencies with Machine Learning for Entity Resolution

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    Entity resolution (ER), an important and common data cleaning problem, is about detecting data duplicate representations for the same external entities, and merging them into single representations. Relatively recently, declarative rules called "matching dependencies" (MDs) have been proposed for specifying similarity conditions under which attribute values in database records are merged. In this work we show the process and the benefits of integrating four components of ER: (a) Building a classifier for duplicate/non-duplicate record pairs built using machine learning (ML) techniques; (b) Use of MDs for supporting the blocking phase of ML; (c) Record merging on the basis of the classifier results; and (d) The use of the declarative language "LogiQL" -an extended form of Datalog supported by the "LogicBlox" platform- for all activities related to data processing, and the specification and enforcement of MDs.Comment: Final journal version, with some minor technical corrections. Extended version of arXiv:1508.0601

    CIDACS-RL: a novel indexing search and scoring-based record linkage system for huge datasets with high accuracy and scalability

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    Background: Record linkage is the process of identifying and combining records about the same individual from two or more different datasets. While there are many open source and commercial data linkage tools, the volume and complexity of currently available datasets for linkage pose a huge challenge; hence, designing an efficient linkage tool with reasonable accuracy and scalability is required. Methods: We developed CIDACS-RL (Centre for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health – Record Linkage), a novel iterative deterministic record linkage algorithm based on a combination of indexing search and scoring algorithms (provided by Apache Lucene). We described how the algorithm works and compared its performance with four open source linkage tools (AtyImo, Febrl, FRIL and RecLink) in terms of sensitivity and positive predictive value using gold standard dataset. We also evaluated its accuracy and scalability using a case-study and its scalability and execution time using a simulated cohort in serial (single core) and multi-core (eight core) computation settings. Results: Overall, CIDACS-RL algorithm had a superior performance: positive predictive value (99.93% versus AtyImo 99.30%, RecLink 99.5%, Febrl 98.86%, and FRIL 96.17%) and sensitivity (99.87% versus AtyImo 98.91%, RecLink 73.75%, Febrl 90.58%, and FRIL 74.66%). In the case study, using a ROC curve to choose the most appropriate cut-off value (0.896), the obtained metrics were: sensitivity = 92.5% (95% CI 92.07–92.99), specificity = 93.5% (95% CI 93.08–93.8) and area under the curve (AUC) = 97% (95% CI 96.97–97.35). The multi-core computation was about four times faster (150 seconds) than the serial setting (550 seconds) when using a dataset of 20 million records. Conclusion: CIDACS-RL algorithm is an innovative linkage tool for huge datasets, with higher accuracy, improved scalability, and substantially shorter execution time compared to other existing linkage tools. In addition, CIDACS-RL can be deployed on standard computers without the need for high-speed processors and distributed infrastructures


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    Several systems that rely on consistent data to offer high-quality services, such as digital libraries and ecommerce brokers, may be affected by the existence of duplicates, quasi replicas, or near-duplicate entries in their repositories. Because of that, there have been significant investments from private and government organizations for developing methods for removing replicas from its data repositories. This is due to the fact that clean and replica-free repositories not only allow the retrieval of higher quality information but also lead to more concise data and to potential savings in computational time and resources to process this data. In this paper, we propose a genetic programming approach to record deduplication that combines several different pieces of evidence extracted from the data content to find a deduplication function that is able to identify whether two entries in a repository are replicas or not. As shown by our experiments, our approach outperforms an existing state-of-the-art method found in the literature. Moreover, the suggested functions are computationally less demanding since they use fewer evidence. In addition, our genetic programming approach is capable of automatically adapting these functions to a given fixed replica identification boundary, freeing the user from the burden of having to choose and tune this parameter

    On Demand Quality of web services using Ranking by multi criteria

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    In the Web database scenario, the records to match are highly query-dependent, since they can only be obtained through online queries. Moreover, they are only a partial and biased portion of all the data in the source Web databases. Consequently, hand-coding or offline-learning approaches are not appropriate for two reasons. First, the full data set is not available beforehand, and therefore, good representative data for training are hard to obtain. Second, and most importantly, even if good representative data are found and labeled for learning, the rules learned on the representatives of a full data set may not work well on a partial and biased part of that data set. Keywords: SOA, Web Services, Network
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