6,809 research outputs found

    Fixed-point and coordinate descent algorithms for regularized kernel methods

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    In this paper, we study two general classes of optimization algorithms for kernel methods with convex loss function and quadratic norm regularization, and analyze their convergence. The first approach, based on fixed-point iterations, is simple to implement and analyze, and can be easily parallelized. The second, based on coordinate descent, exploits the structure of additively separable loss functions to compute solutions of line searches in closed form. Instances of these general classes of algorithms are already incorporated into state of the art machine learning software for large scale problems. We start from a solution characterization of the regularized problem, obtained using sub-differential calculus and resolvents of monotone operators, that holds for general convex loss functions regardless of differentiability. The two methodologies described in the paper can be regarded as instances of non-linear Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel algorithms, and are both well-suited to solve large scale problems

    A Smoothed Dual Approach for Variational Wasserstein Problems

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    Variational problems that involve Wasserstein distances have been recently proposed to summarize and learn from probability measures. Despite being conceptually simple, such problems are computationally challenging because they involve minimizing over quantities (Wasserstein distances) that are themselves hard to compute. We show that the dual formulation of Wasserstein variational problems introduced recently by Carlier et al. (2014) can be regularized using an entropic smoothing, which leads to smooth, differentiable, convex optimization problems that are simpler to implement and numerically more stable. We illustrate the versatility of this approach by applying it to the computation of Wasserstein barycenters and gradient flows of spacial regularization functionals

    Near-linear time approximation algorithms for optimal transport via Sinkhorn iteration

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    Computing optimal transport distances such as the earth mover's distance is a fundamental problem in machine learning, statistics, and computer vision. Despite the recent introduction of several algorithms with good empirical performance, it is unknown whether general optimal transport distances can be approximated in near-linear time. This paper demonstrates that this ambitious goal is in fact achieved by Cuturi's Sinkhorn Distances. This result relies on a new analysis of Sinkhorn iteration, which also directly suggests a new greedy coordinate descent algorithm, Greenkhorn, with the same theoretical guarantees. Numerical simulations illustrate that Greenkhorn significantly outperforms the classical Sinkhorn algorithm in practice
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