7 research outputs found

    Prior distributions for objective Bayesian analysis

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    We provide a review of prior distributions for objective Bayesian analysis. We start by examining some foundational issues and then organize our exposition into priors for: i) estimation or prediction; ii) model selection; iii) highdimensional models. With regard to i), we present some basic notions, and then move to more recent contributions on discrete parameter space, hierarchical models, nonparametric models, and penalizing complexity priors. Point ii) is the focus of this paper: it discusses principles for objective Bayesian model comparison, and singles out some major concepts for building priors, which are subsequently illustrated in some detail for the classic problem of variable selection in normal linear models. We also present some recent contributions in the area of objective priors on model space.With regard to point iii) we only provide a short summary of some default priors for high-dimensional models, a rapidly growing area of research

    Iterative Markov Chain Monte Carlo Computation of Reference Priors and Minimax Risk

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    <p>We present an iterative Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for computing reference priors and minimax risk for general parametric families. Our approach uses MCMC techniques based on the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm for computing channel capacity in information theory. We give a statistical analysis of the algorithm, bounding the numbers of samples required for ties to chaotic algorithm to closely approximate the deterministic algorithm in each iteration. Simulations are presented for several examples from exponential families. Although we focus on applications to reference priors and minimax risk, the methods and analysis we develop are applicable to a much broader class of optimization problems and iterative algorithms.</p