5,271 research outputs found

    Corecursive Algebras, Corecursive Monads and Bloom Monads

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    An algebra is called corecursive if from every coalgebra a unique coalgebra-to-algebra homomorphism exists into it. We prove that free corecursive algebras are obtained as coproducts of the terminal coalgebra (considered as an algebra) and free algebras. The monad of free corecursive algebras is proved to be the free corecursive monad, where the concept of corecursive monad is a generalization of Elgot's iterative monads, analogous to corecursive algebras generalizing completely iterative algebras. We also characterize the Eilenberg-Moore algebras for the free corecursive monad and call them Bloom algebras

    A quadratic Poisson Gel'fand-Kirillov problem in prime characteristic

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    The quadratic Poisson Gel’fand-Kirillov problem asks whether the field of fractions of a Poisson algebra is Poisson birationally equivalent to a Poisson affine space, i.e. to a polyno-mial algebra K[X1,..., Xn] with Poisson bracket defined by {Xi, Xj} = λijXiXj for some skew-symmetric matrix (λij) ∈Mn(K). This problem was studied in [9] over a field of charac-teristic 0 by using a Poisson version of the deleting derivation homomorphism of Cauchon. In this paper, we study the quadratic Poisson Gel’fand-Kirillov problem over a field of arbitrary characteristic. In particular, we prove that the quadratic Poisson Gel’fand-Kirillov problem is satisfied for a large class of Poisson algebras arising as semiclassical limits of quantised co-ordinate rings. For, we introduce the concept of higher Poisson derivation which allows us to extend the Poisson version of the deleting derivation homomorphism from the characteristic 0 case to the case of arbitrary characteristic. When a torus is acting rationally by Poisson automorphisms on a Poisson polynomial algebra arising as the semiclassical limit of a quantised coordinate ring, we prove (under some technical assumptions) that quotients by Poisson prime torus-invariant ideals also satisfy the quadratic Poisson Gel’fand-Kirillov problem. In particular, we show that coordinate rings of determinantal varieties satisfy the quadratic Poisson Gel’fand-Kirillov problem

    Proper Functors and Fixed Points for Finite Behaviour

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    The rational fixed point of a set functor is well-known to capture the behaviour of finite coalgebras. In this paper we consider functors on algebraic categories. For them the rational fixed point may no longer be fully abstract, i.e. a subcoalgebra of the final coalgebra. Inspired by \'Esik and Maletti's notion of a proper semiring, we introduce the notion of a proper functor. We show that for proper functors the rational fixed point is determined as the colimit of all coalgebras with a free finitely generated algebra as carrier and it is a subcoalgebra of the final coalgebra. Moreover, we prove that a functor is proper if and only if that colimit is a subcoalgebra of the final coalgebra. These results serve as technical tools for soundness and completeness proofs for coalgebraic regular expression calculi, e.g. for weighted automata
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