4 research outputs found

    Modeling network traffic on a global network-centric system with artificial neural networks

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    This dissertation proposes a new methodology for modeling and predicting network traffic. It features an adaptive architecture based on artificial neural networks and is especially suited for large-scale, global, network-centric systems. Accurate characterization and prediction of network traffic is essential for network resource sizing and real-time network traffic management. As networks continue to increase in size and complexity, the task has become increasingly difficult and current methodology is not sufficiently adaptable or scaleable. Current methods model network traffic with express mathematical equations which are not easily maintained or adjusted. The accuracy of these models is based on detailed characterization of the traffic stream which is measured at points along the network where the data is often subject to constant variation and rapid evolution. The main contribution of this dissertation is development of a methodology that allows utilization of artificial neural networks with increased capability for adaptation and scalability. Application on an operating global, broadband network, the Connexion by Boeingʼ network, was evaluated to establish feasibility. A simulation model was constructed and testing was conducted with operational scenarios to demonstrate applicability on the case study network and to evaluate improvements in accuracy over existing methods --Abstract, page iii

    Making pedagogical links between languages: exploring how teachers are responding to the crosslinguistic and interdisciplinary challenges in the Languages, Literacy and Communication AoLE

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    At a time of significant curriculum reform in Wales, this study sought to establish the perceptions of teachers of Welsh, English and international languages in secondary English-medium schools in Wales to the grouping of their languages into a curriculum area of Language, Literacy and Communication, an understanding of the challenges they are facing as well as their confidence in in the pedagogical practices needed to teach elements of What Matters statement 1: Languages connect us. The assumptions explored were that teachers of Welsh, English and international languages are having significant issues with teaching What Matters statement 1: Languages connect us, crosslinguistic influence between the languages taught in Wales is beneficial to pupils and teachers and exploiting this benefit requires new or different pedagogy. This mixed methods research project adopted a case study approach, and nine language teachers were interviewed. The resultant qualitative data was cross-validated by a survey sent to all secondary schools in Wales. From this data emerged genuine concerns by teachers about the grouping of languages, the challenge of collaborating with colleagues and fears about new monitoring and assessment procedures with an unchanged GCSE as end goal. Recommendations from this study include instigating collaborative Welsh context-specific research into crosslinguistic influence, creating a pedagogical centre of excellence for this curriculum area, curating a shared knowledge-base for student teachers of Welsh, English and modern languages in teacher education, auditing and monitoring the status of international languages, and providing teachers with a roadmap for future changes to assessment in Wales to allay their fears

    Entanglement : an investigation into the effective union of contemporary art and science communication : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

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    All Figures are copyrighted and re-used with permission.Virtual reality (VR) technology is increasingly providing opportunities for new contemporary art experiences. This creative practice research has been developed to provide one such contribution. It offers innovative employment of the immersive capabilities of VR to engage with and convey complex scientific theories, and to stimulate changes in mental processes to unlock these concepts. The research highlights empirical similarities between art and science to propose that creative aspects of art can be considered proximate to the creative qualities required to understand quantum theories. In order to reveal this, the body of research engaged specifically with quantum entanglement, because of its well documented existence¹ combined with the more challenging considerations of how ‘communication’ can occur at a quantum level. By providing metaphoric immersive experiences of quantum entanglement, a contribution of ‘scientific communication’ is made as defined by the evocation of awareness, enjoyment, and interest, questioning of opinions and providing new perspectives of understanding.² This research posits that there is a fertile, effective terrain to explore in the union of the fields of contemporary art and science communication. Considerations of constructivist theories of knowledge and the concept of paradigm shifts³ are used whereby new insights into knowledge processes can be experienced through VR art. Here, simulacra, cognitive dissonance and the technological sublime afford a framework to create experiences of conflicting realities. It is due to the immersive strengths of VR which are exploited and subverted through my designs that these experiences can be facilitated for the viewer. The culmination of this research is Entangled, a VR art installation which provides interplays between virtual and physical spaces while also offering entry-points to contemplate and understand quantum theories. Critical analysis of this project is supported by focus group and questionnaire responses. These findings prove how viewers perceived the project as an aesthetic art work and that by recognising scientific underpinnings, an effective engagement and participation in elements of scientific communication occurred at varying levels. The work provided new perspectives on the properties of quantum entanglement. This facilitated cognitive and experiential awareness providing opportunities for viewers to encounter conflicting knowledge systems. The challenge in this creative practice research was to create aesthetic experiences that contravene common sense reasoning and provide insights into the type of thought processes and experiential perception that is required to deepen and expand our understanding of our physical reality. In the present era of an evolution of super- technologies, now past its nascent stage, Entangled offers exposure to the types of interfaces that this thesis asserts will increasingly be encountered when comprehending our reality in the 21st century and beyond.⁴ ¹ References to the proven existence of quantum entanglement are provided in section 1.6. ² This definition of scientific communication is expanded in section 1.1. ³ Paradigm shifts are times when the familiar framework has to be profoundly changed. This is discussed in detail in section 1.3. ⁴ Quantum entanglement is only one possible area that will cause our experience of reality to change radically. For example biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, artificial intelligence (AI) and human/AI interfaces to name some

    Ethics of lifelog technology

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    In a lifelog, data from different digital sources are combined and processed to form a unified multimedia archive containing information about the quotidian activities of an individual. This dissertation aims to contribute to a responsible development of lifelog technology used by members of the general public for private reasons. Lifelog technology can benefit, but also harm lifeloggers and their social environment. The guiding idea behind this dissertation is that if the ethical challenges can be met and the opportunities realised, the conditions will be optimised for a responsible development and application of the technology. To achieve this, it is important to reflect on these concerns at an early stage of development before the existing rudimentary forms of lifelogs develop into more sophisticated devices with a broad societal application. For this research, a normative framework based on prima facie principles is used. Lifelog technology in its current form is a relatively novel invention and a consensus about its definition is still missing. Therefore the author aims to clarify the characteristics of lifelog technology. Next, the ethical challenges and opportunities of lifelogs are analysed, as they have been discussed in the scholarly literature on the ethics of lifelog technology. Against this backdrop, ethical challenges and opportunities are identified and elaborated. The normative analysis concentrates on two areas of concern, namely (1) the ethical challenges and opportunities that result from the use of lifelog technology, and (2) the conditions under which one becomes a lifelogger. For the first, three sets of key issues are discussed, namely issues to do with (a) privacy, (b) autonomy, and (c) beneficence. For the second, one key set of issues is examined, namely issues to do with autonomy. The discussion of each set of issues is concluded with recommendations designed to tackle the challenges and realise the opportunities