117 research outputs found

    Application of Uncertainty Modeling Frameworks to Uncertain Isosurface Extraction

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    Abstract. Proper characterization of uncertainty is a challenging task. Depend-ing on the sources of uncertainty, various uncertainty modeling frameworks have been proposed and studied in the uncertainty quantification literature. This pa-per applies various uncertainty modeling frameworks, namely possibility theory, Dempster-Shafer theory and probability theory to isosurface extraction from un-certain scalar fields. It proposes an uncertainty-based marching cubes template as an abstraction of the conventional marching cubes algorithm with a flexible uncertainty measure. The applicability of the template is demonstrated using 2D simulation data in weather forecasting and computational fluid dynamics and a synthetic 3D dataset

    Curve boxplot: Generalization of boxplot for ensembles of curves

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    pre-printIn simulation science, computational scientists often study the behavior of their simulations by repeated solutions with variations in parameters and/or boundary values or initial conditions. Through such simulation ensembles, one can try to understand or quantify the variability or uncertainty in a solution as a function of the various inputs or model assumptions. In response to a growing interest in simulation ensembles, the visualization community has developed a suite of methods for allowing users to observe and understand the properties of these ensembles in an efficient and effective manner. An important aspect of visualizing simulations is the analysis of derived features, often represented as points, surfaces, or curves. In this paper, we present a novel, nonparametric method for summarizing ensembles of 2D and 3D curves. We propose an extension of a method from descriptive statistics, data depth, to curves. We also demonstrate a set of rendering and visualization strategies for showing rank statistics of an ensemble of curves, which is a generalization of traditional whisker plots or boxplots to multidimensional curves. Results are presented for applications in neuroimaging, hurricane forecasting and fluid dynamics

    Efficient automatic correction and segmentation based 3D visualization of magnetic resonance images

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    In the recent years, the demand for automated processing techniques for digital medical image volumes has increased substantially. Existing algorithms, however, still often require manual interaction, and newly developed automated techniques are often intended for a narrow segment of processing needs. The goal of this research was to develop algorithms suitable for fast and effective correction and advanced visualization of digital MR image volumes with minimal human operator interaction. This research has resulted in a number of techniques for automated processing of MR image volumes, including a novel MR inhomogeneity correction algorithm derivative surface fitting (dsf), automatic tissue detection algorithm (atd), and a new fast technique for interactive 3D visualization of segmented volumes called gravitational shading (gs). These newly developed algorithms provided a foundation for the automated MR processing pipeline incorporated into the UniViewer medical imaging software developed in our group and available to the public. This allowed the extensive testing and evaluation of the proposed techniques. Dsf was compared with two previously published methods on 17 digital image volumes. Dsf demonstrated faster correction speeds and uniform image quality improvement in this comparison. Dsf was the only algorithm that did not remove anatomic detail. Gs was compared with the previously published algorithm fsvr and produced rendering quality improvement while preserving real-time frame-rates. These results show that the automated pipeline design principles used in this dissertation provide necessary tools for development of a fast and effective system for the automated correction and visualization of digital MR image volumes

    Progressive Wasserstein Barycenters of Persistence Diagrams

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    This paper presents an efficient algorithm for the progressive approximation of Wasserstein barycenters of persistence diagrams, with applications to the visual analysis of ensemble data. Given a set of scalar fields, our approach enables the computation of a persistence diagram which is representative of the set, and which visually conveys the number, data ranges and saliences of the main features of interest found in the set. Such representative diagrams are obtained by computing explicitly the discrete Wasserstein barycenter of the set of persistence diagrams, a notoriously computationally intensive task. In particular, we revisit efficient algorithms for Wasserstein distance approximation [12,51] to extend previous work on barycenter estimation [94]. We present a new fast algorithm, which progressively approximates the barycenter by iteratively increasing the computation accuracy as well as the number of persistent features in the output diagram. Such a progressivity drastically improves convergence in practice and allows to design an interruptible algorithm, capable of respecting computation time constraints. This enables the approximation of Wasserstein barycenters within interactive times. We present an application to ensemble clustering where we revisit the k-means algorithm to exploit our barycenters and compute, within execution time constraints, meaningful clusters of ensemble data along with their barycenter diagram. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-life data sets report that our algorithm converges to barycenters that are qualitatively meaningful with regard to the applications, and quantitatively comparable to previous techniques, while offering an order of magnitude speedup when run until convergence (without time constraint). Our algorithm can be trivially parallelized to provide additional speedups in practice on standard workstations. [...

    From Fully-Supervised Single-Task to Semi-Supervised Multi-Task Deep Learning Architectures for Segmentation in Medical Imaging Applications

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    Medical imaging is routinely performed in clinics worldwide for the diagnosis and treatment of numerous medical conditions in children and adults. With the advent of these medical imaging modalities, radiologists can visualize both the structure of the body as well as the tissues within the body. However, analyzing these high-dimensional (2D/3D/4D) images demands a significant amount of time and effort from radiologists. Hence, there is an ever-growing need for medical image computing tools to extract relevant information from the image data to help radiologists perform efficiently. Image analysis based on machine learning has pivotal potential to improve the entire medical imaging pipeline, providing support for clinical decision-making and computer-aided diagnosis. To be effective in addressing challenging image analysis tasks such as classification, detection, registration, and segmentation, specifically for medical imaging applications, deep learning approaches have shown significant improvement in performance. While deep learning has shown its potential in a variety of medical image analysis problems including segmentation, motion estimation, etc., generalizability is still an unsolved problem and many of these successes are achieved at the cost of a large pool of datasets. For most practical applications, getting access to a copious dataset can be very difficult, often impossible. Annotation is tedious and time-consuming. This cost is further amplified when annotation must be done by a clinical expert in medical imaging applications. Additionally, the applications of deep learning in the real-world clinical setting are still limited due to the lack of reliability caused by the limited prediction capabilities of some deep learning models. Moreover, while using a CNN in an automated image analysis pipeline, it’s critical to understand which segmentation results are problematic and require further manual examination. To this extent, the estimation of uncertainty calibration in a semi-supervised setting for medical image segmentation is still rarely reported. This thesis focuses on developing and evaluating optimized machine learning models for a variety of medical imaging applications, ranging from fully-supervised, single-task learning to semi-supervised, multi-task learning that makes efficient use of annotated training data. The contributions of this dissertation are as follows: (1) developing a fully-supervised, single-task transfer learning for the surgical instrument segmentation from laparoscopic images; and (2) utilizing supervised, single-task, transfer learning for segmenting and digitally removing the surgical instruments from endoscopic/laparoscopic videos to allow the visualization of the anatomy being obscured by the tool. The tool removal algorithms use a tool segmentation mask and either instrument-free reference frames or previous instrument-containing frames to fill in (inpaint) the instrument segmentation mask; (3) developing fully-supervised, single-task learning via efficient weight pruning and learned group convolution for accurate left ventricle (LV), right ventricle (RV) blood pool and myocardium localization and segmentation from 4D cine cardiac MR images; (4) demonstrating the use of our fully-supervised memory-efficient model to generate dynamic patient-specific right ventricle (RV) models from cine cardiac MRI dataset via an unsupervised learning-based deformable registration field; and (5) integrating a Monte Carlo dropout into our fully-supervised memory-efficient model with inherent uncertainty estimation, with the overall goal to estimate the uncertainty associated with the obtained segmentation and error, as a means to flag regions that feature less than optimal segmentation results; (6) developing semi-supervised, single-task learning via self-training (through meta pseudo-labeling) in concert with a Teacher network that instructs the Student network by generating pseudo-labels given unlabeled input data; (7) proposing largely-unsupervised, multi-task learning to demonstrate the power of a simple combination of a disentanglement block, variational autoencoder (VAE), generative adversarial network (GAN), and a conditioning layer-based reconstructor for performing two of the foremost critical tasks in medical imaging — segmentation of cardiac structures and reconstruction of the cine cardiac MR images; (8) demonstrating the use of 3D semi-supervised, multi-task learning for jointly learning multiple tasks in a single backbone module – uncertainty estimation, geometric shape generation, and cardiac anatomical structure segmentation of the left atrial cavity from 3D Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance (GE-MR) images. This dissertation summarizes the impact of the contributions of our work in terms of demonstrating the adaptation and use of deep learning architectures featuring different levels of supervision to build a variety of image segmentation tools and techniques that can be used across a wide spectrum of medical image computing applications centered on facilitating and promoting the wide-spread computer-integrated diagnosis and therapy data science

    Learning Shape Priors for Single-View 3D Completion and Reconstruction

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    The problem of single-view 3D shape completion or reconstruction is challenging, because among the many possible shapes that explain an observation, most are implausible and do not correspond to natural objects. Recent research in the field has tackled this problem by exploiting the expressiveness of deep convolutional networks. In fact, there is another level of ambiguity that is often overlooked: among plausible shapes, there are still multiple shapes that fit the 2D image equally well; i.e., the ground truth shape is non-deterministic given a single-view input. Existing fully supervised approaches fail to address this issue, and often produce blurry mean shapes with smooth surfaces but no fine details. In this paper, we propose ShapeHD, pushing the limit of single-view shape completion and reconstruction by integrating deep generative models with adversarially learned shape priors. The learned priors serve as a regularizer, penalizing the model only if its output is unrealistic, not if it deviates from the ground truth. Our design thus overcomes both levels of ambiguity aforementioned. Experiments demonstrate that ShapeHD outperforms state of the art by a large margin in both shape completion and shape reconstruction on multiple real datasets.Comment: ECCV 2018. The first two authors contributed equally to this work. Project page: http://shapehd.csail.mit.edu
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