12 research outputs found

    Detecting all regular polygons in a point set

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    In this paper, we analyze the time complexity of finding regular polygons in a set of n points. We combine two different approaches to find regular polygons, depending on their number of edges. Our result depends on the parameter alpha, which has been used to bound the maximum number of isosceles triangles that can be formed by n points. This bound has been expressed as O(n^{2+2alpha+epsilon}), and the current best value for alpha is ~0.068. Our algorithm finds polygons with O(n^alpha) edges by sweeping a line through the set of points, while larger polygons are found by random sampling. We can find all regular polygons with high probability in O(n^{2+alpha+epsilon}) expected time for every positive epsilon. This compares well to the O(n^{2+2alpha+epsilon}) deterministic algorithm of Brass.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Incidences between points and generalized spheres over finite fields and related problems

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    Let Fq\mathbb{F}_q be a finite field of qq elements where qq is a large odd prime power and Q=a1x1c1+...+adxdcdFq[x1,...,xd]Q =a_1 x_1^{c_1}+...+a_dx_d^{c_d}\in \mathbb{F}_q[x_1,...,x_d], where 2ciN2\le c_i\le N, gcd(ci,q)=1\gcd(c_i,q)=1, and aiFqa_i\in \mathbb{F}_q for all 1id1\le i\le d. A QQ-sphere is a set of the form {xFqdQ(xb)=r}\lbrace x\in \mathbb{F}_q^d | Q(x-b)=r\rbrace, where bFqd,rFqb\in \mathbb{F}_q^d, r\in \mathbb{F}_q. We prove bounds on the number of incidences between a point set P\mathcal{P} and a QQ-sphere set S\mathcal{S}, denoted by I(P,S)I(\mathcal{P},\mathcal{S}), as the following. I(P,S)PSqqd/2PS.| I(\mathcal{P},\mathcal{S})-\frac{|\mathcal{P}||\mathcal{S}|}{q}|\le q^{d/2}\sqrt{|\mathcal{P}||\mathcal{S}|}. We prove this estimate by studying the spectra of directed graphs. We also give a version of this estimate over finite rings Zq\mathbb{Z}_q where qq is an odd integer. As a consequence of the above bounds, we give an estimate for the pinned distance problem. In Sections 44 and 55, we prove a bound on the number of incidences between a random point set and a random QQ-sphere set in Fqd\mathbb{F}_q^d. We also study the finite field analogues of some combinatorial geometry problems, namely, the number of generalized isosceles triangles, and the existence of a large subset without repeated generalized distances.Comment: to appear in Forum Mat

    Higher Distance Energies and Expanders with Structure

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    We adapt the idea of higher moment energies, originally used in Additive Combinatorics, so that it would apply to problems in Discrete Geometry. This new approach leads to a variety of new results, such as (i) Improved bounds for the problem of distinct distances with local properties. (ii) Improved bounds for problems involving expanding polynomials in R[x,y]{\mathbb R}[x,y] (Elekes-Ronyai type bounds) when one or two of the sets have structure. Higher moment energies seem to be related to additional problems in Discrete Geometry, to lead to new elegant theory, and to raise new questions

    Improving the crossing lemma by finding more crossings in sparse graphs

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