34,408 research outputs found

    Brief work with parents of infants

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    Book Synopsis. This volume is the result of over twenty years of therapeutic interventions with families within the Tavistock Clinic's Under Fives Service. It describes in detail the process of understanding young children's communications and behaviour and the dynamics of family relationships within the consulting room in a lively, accessible style. It covers common themes in work with young children such as disruptive, angry behaviour, separation and sleep difficulties, and problems in the parent/couple relationship. This book is essential reading for all early years professionals hoping to gain a greater understanding of the technique, observational skills and theory which underlie a psychodynamic approach to work with the under fives

    Coagulopatia nel politraumatizzato: studio col teg

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    Scopo di questa tesi è valutare l'utilità delle tecniche tromboelastografiche nel follow up del paziente politraumatizzato e politrasfuso, comparandole ai test standard di laboratorio per valutarne un possibile uso, in futuro, come guida alla terapia pro od anticoagulante

    In vivo evidence for the iron-binding activity of an iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein IscA in Escherichia coli

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    IscA is a key member of the iron-sulfur cluster assembly machinery in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms; however, the physiological function of IscA still remains elusive. In the present paper we report the in vivo evidence demonstrating the iron-binding activity of IscA in Escherichia coli cells. Supplement of exogenous iron (1 μM) in M9 minimal medium is sufficient to maximize the iron binding in IscA expressed in E. coli cells under aerobic growth conditions. In contrast, IscU, an iron-sulfur cluster assembly scaffold protein, or CyaY, a bacterial frataxin homologue, fails to bind any iron in E. coli cells under the same experimental conditions. Interestingly, the strong iron-binding activity of IscA is greatly diminished in E. coli cells under anaerobic growth conditions. Additional studies reveal that oxygen in medium promotes the iron binding in IscA, and that the iron binding in IscA in turn prevents formation of biologically inaccessible ferric hydroxide under aerobic conditions. Consistent with the differential iron-binding activity of IscA under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, we find that IscA and its paralogue SufA are essential for the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in E. coli cells under aerobic growth conditions, but not under anaerobic growth conditions. The results provide in vivo evidence that IscA may act as an iron chaperone for the biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters in E. coli cells under aerobic conditions. © The Authors Journal compilation © 2010 Biochemical Society

    IscA/SufA paralogues are required for the [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly in enzymes of multiple physiological pathways in Escherichia coli under aerobic growth conditions

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    IscA/SufA paralogues are the members of the iron-sulfur cluster assembly machinery in Escherichia coli. Whereas deletion of either IscA or SufA has only a mild effect on cell growth, deletion of both IscA and SufA results in a null-growth phenotype in minimal medium under aerobic growth conditions. Here we report that cell growth of the iscA/sufA double mutant (E. coli strain in which both iscA and sufA had been in-frame-deleted) can be partially restored by supplementing with BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) and thiamin. We further demonstrate that deletion of IscA/SufA paralogues blocks the [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly in IlvD (dihydroxyacid dehydratase) of the BCAA biosynthetic pathway in E. coli cells under aerobic conditions and that addition of the iron-bound IscA/SufA efficiently promotes the [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly in IlvD and restores the enzyme activity in vitro, suggesting that IscA/SufA may act as an iron donor for the [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly under aerobic conditions. Additional studies reveal that IscA/SufA are also required for the [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly in enzyme ThiC of the thiamin-biosynthetic pathway, aconitase B of the citrate acid cycle and endonuclease III of the DNA-base-excision-repair pathway in E. coli under aerobic conditions. Nevertheless, deletion of IscA/SufA does not significantly affect the [2Fe-2S] cluster assembly in the redox transcription factor SoxR, ferredoxin and the siderophore-iron reductase FhuF. The results suggest that the biogenesis of the [4Fe-4S] clusters and the [2Fe-2S] clusters may have distinct pathways and that IscA/SufA paralogues are essential for the [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly, but are dispensable for the [2Fe-2S] cluster assembly in E. coli under aerobic conditions. © The Authors Journal compilation

    A conversation with Isca Wittenberg

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    This paper, based on a conversation with Isca Wittenberg, summarises the dialogue between her and the author and highlights the main points of their discussion, including the observational method, the role of the observer and the influence on clinical practice

    Copper binding in IscA inhibits iron-sulphur cluster assembly in Escherichia coli

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    © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Among the iron-sulphur cluster assembly proteins encoded by gene cluster iscSUA-hscBA-fdx in Escherichia coli, IscA has a unique and strong iron binding activity and can provide iron for iron-sulphur cluster assembly in proteins in vitro. Deletion of IscA and its paralogue SufA results in an E. coli mutant that fails to assemble [4Fe-4S] clusters in proteins under aerobic conditions, suggesting that IscA has a crucial role for iron-sulphur cluster biogenesis. Here we report that among the iron-sulphur cluster assembly proteins, IscA also has a strong and specific binding activity for Cu(I) in vivo and in vitro. The Cu(I) centre in IscA is stable and resistant to oxidation under aerobic conditions. Mutation of the conserved cysteine residues that are essential for the iron binding in IscA abolishes the copper binding activity, indicating that copper and iron may share the same binding site in the protein. Additional studies reveal that copper can compete with iron for the metal binding site in IscA and effectively inhibits the IscA-mediated [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly in E. coli cells. The results suggest that copper may not only attack the [4Fe-4S] clusters in dehydratases, but also block the [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly in proteins by targeting IscA in cells. Copyrigh

    Thioredoxin reductase system mediates iron binding in IscA and iron delivery for the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in IscU

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    IscA is a key member of the iron-sulfur cluster assembly machinery found in bacteria and eukaryotes. Previously, IscA was characterized as an alternative iron-sulfur cluster assembly scaffold, as purified IscA can host transient iron-sulfur clusters. However, recent studies indicated that IscA is an iron-binding protein that can provide iron for the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in a proposed scaffold IscU (Ding H., Clark, R. J., and Ding, B. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 37499-37504). To further elucidate the roles of IscA in the biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters, we reevaluate the iron binding activity of IscA under physiologically relevant conditions. The results indicate that in the presence of the thioredoxin reductase system, Escherichia coli IscA binds iron with an iron association constant of 2.0 × 1019 M-1 in vitro. Whereas all three components (thioredoxin 1, thioredoxin reductase and NADPH) in the thioredoxin reductase system are essential for mediating the iron binding in IscA, only catalytic amounts of thioredoxin 1 and thioredoxin reductase are required. In contrast, IscU fails to bind iron in the presence of the thioredoxin reductase system, suggesting that the iron binding in IscA is specific. Nevertheless, the thioredoxin reductase system can promote the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in IscU in the presence of the iron-loaded IscA, cysteine desulfurase (IscS), and L-cysteine, demonstrating a physiologically relevant system for the biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters. The results provide additional evidence for the hypothesis that IscA is capable of recruiting intracellular free iron and delivering the iron for the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in IscU. © 2005 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Interplay of IscA and IscU in biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters

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    Increasing evidence suggests that sulfur in ubiquitous iron-sulfur clusters is derived from L-cysteine via cysteine desulfurases. In Escherichia coli, the major cysteine desulfurase activity for biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters has been attributed to IscS. The gene that encodes IscS is a member of an operon isc-SUA, which also encodes two highly conserved proteins: IscU and IscA. Previous studies suggested that both IscU and IscA may act as the iron-sulfur cluster assembly scaffold proteins. However, recent evidence indicated that IscA is an iron-binding protein that can provide iron for the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in IscU (Ding, H., Harrison, K., and Lu, J. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 30432-30437). To further elucidate the function of IscA in biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters, we evaluate the iron-sulfur cluster binding activity of IscA and IscU under physiologically relevant conditions. When equal amounts of IscA and IscU are incubated with an equivalent amount of ferrous iron in the presence of IscS, L-cysteine and dithiothreitol, iron-sulfur clusters are assembled in IscU, but not in IscA, suggesting that IscU is a preferred iron-sulfur cluster assembly scaffold protein. In contrast, when equal amounts of IscA and IscU are incubated with an equivalent amount of ferrous iron in the presence of IscS and dithiothreitol but without L-cysteine, nearly all iron is bound to IscA. The iron binding in IscA appears to prevent the formation of the biologically inaccessible ferric hydroxide under aerobic conditions. Subsequent addition of L-cysteine efficiently mobilizes the iron center in IscA and transfers the iron for the iron-sulfur cluster assembly in IscU. The results suggest an intriguing interplay between IscA and IscU in which IscA acts as an iron chaperon that recruits free iron and delivers the iron for biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters in IscU under aerobic conditions. © 2006 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    An approach to information security culture change combining ADKAR and the ISCA questionnaire to aid transition to the desired culture

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    Purpose: Employee behaviour is a continuous concern owing to the number of information security incidents resulting from employee behaviour. The aim of this research is to propose an approach to information security culture change management that integrates existing change management approaches, such as the ADKAR model of Prosci, and the Information Security Culture Assessment (ISCA) diagnostic instrument (questionnaire), to aid in addressing the risk of employee behaviour that could compromise information security. Design/methodology/approach: The Information Security Culture Change Management (ISCCM) approach is constructed based on literature and the inclusion of the ISCA diagnostic instrument. The ISCA diagnostic instrument statements are also presented in this paper. The ISCCM approach using ISCA is illustrated using data from an empirical study. Findings: The ISCCM approach was found to be useful in defining change management interventions for organisations using the data of the ISCA survey. Employees’ perception and acceptance of change to ensure information security and the effectiveness of the information security training initiatives improved significantly from the as-is survey to the follow-up survey. Research limitations/implications: The research illustrates the ISCCM approach and shows how it should be combined with the ISCA diagnostic instrument. Future research will focus on including a qualitative assessment of information security culture to complement the empirical data. Practical implications: Organisations do not have to rely on or adapt organisational development approaches to change their information security culture – they can use the proposed ISCCM approach, which has been customised from information security and change management approaches, together with the presented ISCA questionnaire, to address information security culture change purposefully. Originality/value: The proposed ISCCM approach can be applied to complement existing information security management approaches through a holistic and structured approach that combines the ADKAR model, Prosci’s approach of change management and the ISCA diagnostic instrument. It will enable organisations to focus on transitioning to a positive or desired information security culture that mitigates the risk of the human element in the protection of information.School of Computin

    Crystal Structure of the Ancient, Fe-S Scaffold IscA Reveals a Novel Protein Fold

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    IscA belongs to an ancient family of proteins responsible for iron-sulfur cluster assembly in essential metabolic pathways preserved throughout evolution. We report here the 2.3 Å resolution crystal structure of Escherichia coli IscA, a novel fold in which mixed β-sheets form a compact α-β sandwich domain. In contrast to the highly mobile secondary structural elements within the bacterial Fe-S scaffold protein IscU, a protein which is thought to have a similar function, the great majority of the amino acids that are conserved in IscA homologues are located in elements that constitute a well-ordered fold. However, the 10-residue C-terminal tail segment that contains two invariant cysteines critical for the Fe-S-binding function of a cyanobacterial (Synechocystis PCC) IscA homologue is not ordered in our structure. In addition, the crystal packing reveals a helical assembly that is constructed from two possible tetrameric oligomers of IscA
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