1,273 research outputs found

    Enhancing Free-text Interactions in a Communication Skills Learning Environment

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    Learning environments frequently use gamification to enhance user interactions.Virtual characters with whom players engage in simulated conversations often employ prescripted dialogues; however, free user inputs enable deeper immersion and higher-order cognition. In our learning environment, experts developed a scripted scenario as a sequence of potential actions, and we explore possibilities for enhancing interactions by enabling users to type free inputs that are matched to the pre-scripted statements using Natural Language Processing techniques. In this paper, we introduce a clustering mechanism that provides recommendations for fine-tuning the pre-scripted answers in order to better match user inputs

    Improving Hybrid Brainstorming Outcomes with Scripting and Group Awareness Support

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    Previous research has shown that hybrid brainstorming, which combines individual and group methods, generates more ideas than either approach alone. However, the quality of these ideas remains similar across different methods. This study, guided by the dual-pathway to creativity model, tested two computer-supported scaffolds – scripting and group awareness support – for enhancing idea quality in hybrid brainstorming. 94 higher education students,grouped into triads, were tasked with generating ideas in three conditions. The Control condition used standard hybrid brainstorming without extra support. In the Experimental 1 condition, students received scripting support during individual brainstorming, and students in the Experimental 2 condition were provided with group awareness support during the group phase in addition. While the quantity of ideas was similar across all conditions, the Experimental 2 condition produced ideas of higher quality, and the Experimental 1 condition also showed improved idea quality in the individual phase compared to the Control condition

    Investigating conditions for higher order thinking in telematics environments

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    Telematics, or audiographic conferencing, enables synchronous communication via telecommunications. A telephone link and computer communications allow students in distributed classrooms to participate in an extended, or virtual classroom. Telematics is widely used as an instructional medium for the delivery of curricula to students in rural and remote parts of Western Australia. Previous studies of learning meditated by this technology have shown limitations on the forms of interactivity, tasks and learner engagement. Students typically have been found to assume a passive role, often listening to a distant and invisible teacher, but not engaging in cognitively demanding tasks. The tendency for teachers to display didactic forms of teaching has been noted in a number of studies

    Promoting Andean children's learning of science through cultural and digital tools

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    Conference Theme: To see the world and a grain of sand: Learning across levels of space, time, and scaleIn Peru, there is a large achievement gap in rural schools. In order to overcome this problem, the study aims to design environments that enhance science learning through the integration of ICT with cultural artifacts, respecting the Andean culture and empower rural children to pursue lifelong learning. This investigation employs the Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) framework, and the Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology using an iterative process of design, implementation and evaluation of the innovative practice.published_or_final_versio

    The student-produced electronic portfolio in craft education

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    The authors studied primary school students’ experiences of using an electronic portfolio in their craft education over four years. A stimulated recall interview was applied to collect user experiences and qualitative content analysis to analyse the collected data. The results indicate that the electronic portfolio was experienced as a multipurpose tool to support learning. It makes the learning process visible and in that way helps focus on and improves the quality of learning. © ISLS.Peer reviewe

    Retrieval-, Distributed-, and Interleaved Practice in the Classroom:A Systematic Review

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    Three of the most effective learning strategies identified are retrieval practice, distributed practice, and interleaved practice, also referred to as desirable difficulties. However, it is yet unknown to what extent these three practices foster learning in primary and secondary education classrooms (as opposed to the laboratory and/or tertiary education classrooms, where most research is conducted) and whether these strategies affect different students differently. To address these gaps, we conducted a systematic review. Initial and detailed screening of 869 documents found in a threefold search resulted in a pool of 29 journal articles published from 2006 through June 2020. Seventy-five effect sizes nested in 47 experiments nested in 29 documents were included in the review. Retrieval- and interleaved practice appeared to benefit students’ learning outcomes quite consistently; distributed practice less so. Furthermore, only cognitive Student*Task characteristics (i.e., features of the student’s cognition regarding the task, such as initial success) appeared to be significant moderators. We conclude that future research further conceptualising and operationalising initial effort is required, as is a differentiated approach to implementing desirable difficulties

    Designing Learning Tools. Methodological Insights

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    The study relies on my personal involvement and experience gained by participating in design processes of four distinct and experimental software tools that aimed to enhance learning in different contexts. I use two research strategies: I build a research framework by referring to excerpts from selected theoretical and philosophical background sources relating to the design of learning tools, and present reflection on design action of the four design cases. The design cases can be viewed as practical experiments and strategies to reach a developmental and expansive, constantly developing design process while moving from one design project to another. In the dissertation I present three methodological insights: (1) Design research relying on practice should follow a certain research-based design process, (2) designers should aim and accept that design is often based on informed guessing, and (3) designers should be aware of the need to move between different knowledge interests. Furthermore, I argue that there is a need for academic practice-based design research of learning tools. This is especially important when more and more learning is mediated by digital technology. Design research can deliberate and bring alternative approaches to the discussion; it can be critical and comprehensive.Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan tietokoneella käytettävien oppimisen työvälineiden muotoilua WWW:n, sosiaalisten ohjelmistojen ja avoimien oppimateriaalien aikakaudella. Tutkimuksessa esitellään havaintoja ja oivalluksia muotoilumenetelmistä, jotka on saatu muotoiluprosesseja analysoimalla ja pohtimalla. Tutkimus vastaa seuraavaan kysymykseen: Miten ohjelmistoperustaisia oppimisen työvälineitä tulisi muotoilla siten, että ne olisivat hyödyllisiä ja hyviä monimutkaisissa yhteisöllisissä oppimistilanteissa ja –järjestelmissä? Väitöskirja perustuu tekijän henkilökohtaiseen kokemukseen neljästä kokeellisesta oppimisen työvälineen muotoiluprosesseista, joissa tuotetuilla työvälineillä pyrittiin monitahoisesti parantamaan oppimista erilaisissa tilanteissa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin sekä teoreettista että käytännönläheistä strategiaa. Tutkimuksellinen viitekehys luotiin valikoituja työvälineiden suunnitteluun liittyviä teoreettisia ja filosofisia lähestymistapoja yhdistämällä. Viitekehystä hyödynnettiin reflektoimalla muotoilutoimintaa työvälineiden suunnitteluprojekteissa. Tutkimuksen osana oleva muotoilutoiminta voidaan nähdä kokeiluina, joissa siirtymät yhdestä projektista toiseen loivat kehittävän ja jatkuvasti ekspansiivisesti kehittyvän muotoiluprosessin. Väitöskirjassa esitetään kolme oivallusta oppimisen työvälineiden muotoilumetodologiasta: (1) Kun muotoilututkimus sisältää muotoilutoimintaa, tutkimuksen tulisi perustua tietynlaiseen tutkimuslähtöiseen suunnitteluprosessiin; (2) muotoilijan tulisi sekä ymmärtää että hyväksyä valistuneen arvaamisen välttämättömyys muotoilupäätöksiä tehtäessä; (3) muotoilijan tulisi tiedostaa erilaiset tiedonintressit sekä kyetä liikkumaan niiden luomassa ristipaineessa. Lisäksi kirjassa argumentoidaan akateemisen, oppimisen työvälineiden muotoilutoimintaa sisältävän oppimisen työkalujen tutkimuksen puolesta. Tämä nähdään erityisen tärkeäksi tilanteessa, jossa kasvava osa oppimisesta tapahtuu digitaalisen teknologian välittämänä. Muotoilututkimus voi puntaroida ja esittää vaihtoehtoisia näkökulmia keskusteluun. Se voi käsitellä teemaa kriittisesti ja kokonaisvaltaisesti

    In This Together

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    This book provides a nexus between research and practice through teachers’ narratives of their experiences with telecollaboration. The book begins with a chapter outlining the pedagogical and theoretical underpinnings of telecollaboration (also known as Virtual Exchange), followed by eight chapters that explain telecollaborative project design, materials and activities as well as frank discussions of obstacles met and resolved during the project implementation. The projects described in the volume serve as excellent examples for any teacher or education stakeholder interested in setting up their own telecollaborative exchange