19 research outputs found

    A New Computer Programming Course Enriched With Advanced Technologies

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    The same page content and the same connections in a standard Learning Management System (LMS), could not meet the needs of users because of their individual differences and different learning styles. Adaptive learning technologies which are thought as a solution of these kind of problems give users available environments that go-ahead by their own speed. Adaptive navigation which is an adaptation technique, helps users to find their optimal pathway in a web based platform. In this study the link generation method which is an adaptive navigation method has been used. A quiz which is named as QuizLMS module has been developed by using this method and has been published on the cloud computing platform. The scope of this work is to give the advantages of using the link generation technique and shows the benefits of publishing it through the cloud computing environment

    «Онлайн поневоле»: вовлеченность и ответственность

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    The article discusses the theoretical and methodological bases of the prospects for interacting online and offline education. It analyzes the philosophical, psychological-pedagogical and socio-psychological foundations of the educational process effectiveness. The phenomena of involvement and responsibility are studied as the most important interdisciplinary categories. The paper mentions the role of these concepts in the methodological solu- tions proposed by the authors on the organization of the educational process in the context of the mandatory use of online technologies. EOSC (Educational online social contract) and META (Methodology for expert text analy- sis) are described as methodological solutions. The authors present the philosophical and socio-psychological basis of these methodological solutions; describe the reaction of experts to the practical application of META in the real educational process in details. They show that this methodology demonstrates the efficiency of analytical activities in various professional and academic areas, both online and offline. The article underlines the significance of using these principles within the foresight methodology frameworks in the context of turbulence in educational and other social processes caused by the pandemic conditions. The paper represents for the first time EOSC methodology in the public space, and demonstrates META capabilities in "online against desire" situation. The research is based on such methodological concepts as informal text analytics (NAT), discourse analysis, conceptual analysis.В статье обсуждаются теоретико-методологические основания перспектив взаимодействия между онлайн и офлайн образованием. Анализируются философские, психолого-педагогические и социально-психологические основания эффективности образовательного процесса. В качестве важнейших междисциплинарных категорий выдвигаются феномены вовлеченности и ответственности. Упоминается роль данных концептов в предлагаемых авторами методологических решениях, посвященных организации образовательного процесса в условиях обязательности применения онлайн технологий. Детально описываются данные методологические решения: ОООД (Образовательный онлайн общественный договор) и МЭАТ (Методология экспертного анализа текста). Приводятся философские и социально-психологические основания данных методологических решений, подробно рассказывается о реакции экспертов на практическое применение МЭАТ в реальном образовательном процессе. Впервые указывается на важность использования данных принципов в рамках форсайт-методологии в условиях турбулентности образовательных и прочих социальных процессов, вызванных условиями пандемии. Так же впервые представляется в публичном пространстве методология  ОООД, впервые показаны возможности МЭАТ в ситуации «онлайн поневоле». Статья опирается на такие методологические концепции, как неформальная аналитика текста (НАТ), дискурс-анализ, концептуальный анализ


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    Education, implementing the program of digitalization, takes a major role in preparing a huge number of workers, students and schoolchildren for life and work in the digital economy. In this сonnection, ambiguous understanding of the goals of digitalization, the mismatch of the electronic and traditional approaches to learning, incompleteness of a single terminology platform, a significant difference of the main theories used in developing practical tools of e-learning, the lack of leading psycho-pedagogical concept of online learning, which could be used by both developers of training programs and users-teachers, insufficient base of empirical research, - they lead to confusion of all subjects of the educational process, to the lack of a clear understanding of what and how to teach and what might happen as a result. The “pain points” of e-learning have been considered in the article, the problem of the lack of research on online education strategies, social context, pedagogical technologies and design, and giving full right to speak about the opportunities, advantages and prospects of e-education, has been raised

    Challenges Encountered in Creating Personalised Learning Activities to Suit Students Learning Preferences

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    This book chapter reviews some of the challenges encountered by educators in creating personalised e-learning activities to suit students learning preferences. Technology-enhanced learning (TEL) alternatively known as e-learning has not yet reached its full potential in higher education. There are still many potential uses as yet undiscovered and other discovered uses which are not yet realisable by many educators. TEL is still predominantly used for e-dissemination and e-administration. This chapter reviews the potential use of TEL to provide personalised learning activities to suit individual students learning preferences. In particular the challenges encountered by educators when trying to implement personalised learning activities based on individual students learning preferences

    A Review of Personalised E-Learning: Towards Supporting Learner Diversity

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    The realisation of personalised e-learning to suit an individual learner’s diverse learning needs is a concept which has been explored for decades, at great expense, but is still not achievable by non-technical authors. This research reviews the area of personalised e-learning and notes some of the technological challenges which developers may encounter in creating authoring tools for personalised e-learning and some of the pedagogical challenges which authors may encounter when creating personalised e-learning activities to enhance the learning experience of their students. At present educators who wish to create personalised e-learning activities require the assistance of technical experts who are knowledgeable in the area. Even with the help of an expert the creation of personalised e-learning activities still remains a complex process to authors who are new to the concept of tailoring e-learning to suit learner diversity. Before the successful utilisation of adaptive authoring tools can be realised, academic authors need to learn how to effectively use these tools. All learners come to education with a diverse set of characteristics; educators need to decide which learner characteristic(s) they wish to focus on addressing through the use of personalised e-learning activities. Further investigation, evaluation and analyses of authoring tools is required before personalised e-learning to support learner diversity can be achieved by many academics. Research members of the AMAS (2013) project team are currently involved in developing an authoring tool for adaptive activities for e-learning

    Contraste entre las teorías de aprendizaje aplicadas en el aula actual: Una mirada hacia la hibridación de sus características específicas

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar si las prácticas docentes aplicadas en el aula de clases son replicadas en las jornadas de enseñanza y, si estas, generan como resultado aprendizajes significativos. Para ello, se realizó un estudio cuali-cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo e interpretativo con un de enfoque fenomenológico en una muestra de estudio de veinte docentes. Como instrumento de recolección de información se diseñó una ficha de observación estructurada misma que tenía los indicadores que permitieron identificar cuáles son las teorías de aprendizaje utilizadas con más frecuencia por los docentes y si estas, influyeron en los resultados de aprendizaje de sus estudiantes. Una de las principales conclusiones de este proceso de investigación se centró en determinar que, los docentes, utilizan muchas teorías de aprendizaje en su praxis educativa con la finalidad de mantener la disciplina, o con la finalidad de crear procesos memorísticos y estandarizados de aprendizaje; además, en el uso de estas prácticas los docentes, esperan que el estudiante se convierta en un ente reflexivo e intente alcanzar sus propios aprendizajes, aunque estos no sean evaluados de manera que pueda evidenciarse su consolidación

    Evaluation of an Adaptive Learning Technology as a Predictor of Student Performance in Undergraduate Biology

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    With increased use of educational technologies comes the need to not only evaluate whether or not these technologies are effective, but also how instructors can utilize these technologies to adapt teaching practices for maximized student performance on formal assessments. This study examines four specific aspects of LearnSmart™, an adaptive learning technology developed by McGraw-Hill Higher Education, and the potential effects these aspects might have on student assessment performance. With a focus on data from a module on cellular respiration, this study examines relationships between LearnSmart use and student quiz and exam scores. The results indicate statistically significant relationships when the module student score, module completion, total time spent on all LearnSmart™ exercises, and total average percent completion are used as predictors for exam score. Though other trends existed, most LearnSmart™ data is not a statistically significant predictor of assessment performance on a group level. Overall, however, all LearnSmart™ data can provide a useful tool for student self-reflection and for one-on-one interactions between instructor and student, including advising. Finally, in conjunction with data gathered from an optional LearnSmart™ student usage survey, and experience teaching and learning with LearnSmart™, the study concludes with best practices for instructors

    Transição da Modalidade de Serviços Externos para Internos de SST – Proposta de um sistema de gestão digital para a indústria automóvel

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    A Segurança e Saúde Ocupacional, tem evoluído de forma gradual e contínua, procurando dar resposta às alterações do mundo do trabalho. Atualmente, a garantia de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho é um direito de todos os trabalhadores e um dos principais fatores que contribui para a competitividade, sucesso e qualidade das organizações. Para se acompanhar esta tendência de evolução, o principal objetivo do presente trabalho, centra-se no desenvolvimento de um modelo de transição da modalidade de serviços externos para internos de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho em suporte digital, desenvolvido em Visual Basic, uma linguagem de programação da Microsoft, para utilização da organização ExpressGlass Vidros para Viaturas S.A. como ferramenta de apoio digital na gestão da SST. Foi aplicada a metodologia de investigação-ação, desenvolvida em contexto organizacional na entidade de estudo, o que permitiu recolher dados que serviram para compreender o estado do sistema de gestão existente e acompanhar as necessidades da empresa sobre a ferramenta digital apresentada. No que toca à avaliação e controlo de risco, é dada em detalhe uma explicação do método utilizado, este método de William T. Fine, foi escolhido devido à facilidade de aplicação e de aceitação em contexto organizacional. Para o registo, investigação e análise dos acidentes de trabalho, foi utilizado o processo RIAAT, o mesmo foi adaptado conforme as necessidades da organização em estudo, sendo que foram adicionados pontos como, a preparação da entrevista aos intervenientes no incidente ou acidente de trabalho, através do diagrama de Causa-Efeito e aplicação da estratégia SMART(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) para definição do plano de ação. Foram também desenvolvidos métodos de cálculo automáticos para a realização de relatórios trimestrais de sinistralidade, estes dados podem ser alterados conforme a necessidade do utilizador e da organização, sendo que todos os dados que foram introduzidos serão sempre tratados pela ferramenta de forma que estejam acessíveis a qualquer momento. De um modo geral, os objetivos deste projeto foram cumpridos. Apesar de o objetivo principal ter sido cumprido, os aspetos de conceção da ferramenta e interatividade entre utilizador e ferramenta, é um aspeto a melhorar em ciclos posteriores. Pelo que através da ferramenta digital criada, a organização em estudo tem a possibilidade no futuro de realizar a transição da modalidade de serviços externos para internos, tendo este modelo potencial para ser aplicado em organizações similares do mesmo setor.Occupational Health and Safety has evolved gradually and continuously, seeking to respond to changes in the world of work. Currently, the guarantee of Safety and Health at Work is a right of all workers and one of the main factors that contributes to the competitiveness, success and quality of organizations. In order to follow this trend of evolution, the main objective of the present work focuses on the development of a model of transition from the modality of external to internal services of Safety and Health at Work in digital support, developed in Visual Basic, a language of Microsoft programming, for use by the organization ExpressGlass Vidros para Viaturas S.A. as a digital support tool in OSH management. The action-research methodology was applied, developed in an organizational context in the study entity, which allowed the collection of data that served to understand the state of the existing management system and monitor the company's needs regarding the digital tool presented. In regards to risk assessment and control, an explanation of the method used is given in detail. This method by William T. Fine was chosen due to its ease of application and acceptance in an organizational context. For the registration, investigation and analysis of accidents at work, the RIAAT process was used, it was adapted according to the needs of the organization under study, with points such as the preparation of the interview with those involved in the incident or accident at work, through the Cause-Effect diagram and application of the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound) strategy to define the action plan. Automatic calculation methods were also developed for the production of quarterly claims reports, these data can be changed according to the needs of the user and the organization, and all the data that were introduced will always be processed by the tool so that they are accessible to any time. Overall, the objectives of this project were met. Although the main objective has been fulfilled, the design aspects of the tool and interactivity between user and tool is an aspect to improve in later cycles. Therefore, through the digital tool created, the organization under study has the possibility in the future to make the transition from external to internal services, with this model having the potential to be applied in similar organizations in the same sector


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    Learners, according to the literature, believe that the use of a Learning Management System increases self-regulated behaviour, but even so, a significant number of them have no positive intention to use one. The goal of this thesis is to investigate this mismatch and to propose and test the use of Perceived Learning Self-regulation and Perceived Cognitive Absorption as predictors of the intention to use an LMS and to design and test interventions that improve the Continued Intention to Use an LMS that enhances Perceived Learning Self-Regulation and Perceived Cognitive Absorption. Three intervention tools were designed on a theoretical basis and then implemented: herd behaviour was the basis for Tracking Technology, goal setting was the basis for Visualised Competency, and social learning theory was the basis for Social Media. The intervention designs were based on data from interviews, focus group discussions and online collaboration with 10 teachers. They were implemented on a computer science module with 400 registered students. Two questionnaires were circulated to examine the effects of these interventions on the PLSR, PCA and CIU (151 students) and assess their opinions (149 students). All three interventions increased students' perceived cognitive absorption and perceived learning self-regulation and increased their continued intention to use a learning management system. Moreover, perceived cognitive absorption was found to be a critical antecedent to perceived learning self-regulation, which plays a mediating role between perceived cognitive absorption and their continued intention to use a learning management system. The survey analysis reported a positive perception overall among the students of the proposed interventions and the LMS with the given technology. Interaction analysis showed the continuous and consistent use of the intervention by the learners. The main contribution to knowledge here is a new framework for interventions that can improve students perceived cognitive absorption and thereby their continued intention to use an LMS. This research integrated the theories of experience flow, self-regulation, herd behaviour and goal setting to explain the potential effects of tracking technology, visualised competency, and social media on the perceived learning self-regulation and perceived cognitive absorption, which improved the continued intention to use a learning management system. According to the Information System Success Model, positive attitudes and the perception of benefits can be significant predictors of the intention to use a certain technology. Thus, Perceived Learning Self-Regulation and Perceived Cognitive Absorption were used to propose predictors of students’ continued intention to use a learning management system, instead of their perception of and attitude to possible benefits. For this reason, the present research aimed to develop a framework that introduced, evaluated, and examined the impact of interventions on improving learners perceived cognitive absorption and perceived learning self-regulation as well as affecting learners’ continued intention to use in LMS. To fulfil this aim, the main research question was, “How to improve students’ Continued Intention to Use (CIU) an LMS by improving their perceived learning self-regulation and perceived cognitive absorption?” The results suggest that all interventions had a significant effect on the perceived cognitive absorption, perceived learning self-regulation and continue intention to use the LMS. perceived cognitive absorption was found to be a critical antecedent to the perceived learning self-regulation, which plays the mediating role between perceived cognitive absorption and continue intention to use LMS. The survey analysis also reported overall positive perceptions among students of the use of these interventions and the LMS with the technology. By using interaction analysis, the intervention showed continuous and consistent use among learners. The main contribution to knowledge, as noted above, is a new framework to propose interventions that can improve the perceived cognitive absorption, and in turn, the continue intention to use can be improved. This research integrated experience flow, self-regulation, herd behaviour and goal-setting theories to explain the potential effects of the tracking tool, visualised competency, and social media on the perceived learning self-regulation and perceived cognitive absorption, which improved the learners continue intention to use learning management system


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    El presente proyecto de investigación se enfoca en las variables que influyen en el éxito académico de estudiantes de licenciatura que cursaron asignaturas durante el periodo de enseñanza remota por COVID-19. La investigación es de corte cuantitativo, de alcance descriptivo y correlacional, con la técnica de encuesta, para la que se elaboró y validó un cuestionario que abordó las diferentes variables estudiadas. La muestra fue de 6,266 estudiantes de licenciatura de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC) en el periodo 2021-2. Lo anterior permitió identificar que las habilidades intrínsecas autopercibidas, como la autorregulación, dominio de TIC y estado anímico, son mayores en los estudiantes de promedio alto, que los de promedio bajo y no aprobados. Esto también se refleja en la caracterización que realizan los estudiantes de los subgrupos de desempeño, en torno a las variables académicas, como la modalidad, diseño instruccional, conducción docente y servicios de apoyo. Se encontró que algunas características extrínsecas, como las responsabilidades adicionales a la escuela, son las que más influyen en el éxito académico de forma inversamente proporcional. Como recomendaciones principales, se sugiere: a) atender y fortalecer las habilidades asociadas a la autorregulación y al desarrollo de habilidades socioemocionales, b) brindar esquemas de mayor flexibilidad horaria para estudiantes que tienen que trabajar para apoyarse, a la vez que se ofrecen más becas y mejor dirigidas hacia este tipo de estudiantes, y c) mantener e incrementar la formación docente asociada al diseño instruccional y a la conducción de cursos en modalidades mediadas por tecnología.Doctor en Educació