4 research outputs found

    Self-esteem among university students: how it can be improved through teamwork skills

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    Teamwork skills have been demonstrated to be excellent allies for the academic and professional sphere, and they can improve students’ psychological balance and self-esteem. For this reason, it is important to explore the relationship between teamwork skills and self-esteem. Considering the relevance of soft skills and self-esteem in university training, the main objective of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between teamwork skills and the successful development of self-esteem, a fundamental emotional factor in education. Additionally, we will analyse how self-esteem is related to other socio-academic factors (age, sex, and GPA). A questionnaire was distributed to social science university students. The Rosenberg 10-item scale, which aims to measure feelings of personal worth and self-respect, has been used to determine self-esteem. To measure soft skills for teamwork, we chose the Teamwork Skills Questionnaire, which evaluates the skill level of an individual in order to participate effectively in teamwork. The regression model indicates that self-esteem predictors related to teamwork skills are decision making, leadership, and communication. The results suggest significant differences in some individual variables, such as sex and age, with lower self-esteem being observed in females and older students. The described enriching interactions suggest the need to integrate teamwork training and self-esteem fostering at university to offer students lifelong competencies for their future success

    Autoestima y desempeño escolar en los estudiantes de la institución educativa básica superior 13 de Enero, Vinces 2021

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    El estudio tuvo como propósito determinar la relación entre autoestima y desempeño escolar en los estudiantes de la institución educativa básica superior 13 de enero, Vinces 2021. Utilizando una metodología de tipo aplicada, nivel correlacional y de diseño no experimental y transversal; por lo que participaron 125 estudiantes de octavo, noveno y décimo. Entre sus principales hallazgos, en octavo grado predominó el nivel alto de autoestima (78.6%), en el noveno grado predominó la autoestima media (65.9%), y, por último, en décimo grado, prevaleció el nivel de autoestima media (69%). Con respecto a la variable de desempeño escolar, en octavo gravo la mayoría se encontraba en nivel superior (88.1%), en octavo grado, se encontraban en nivel Superior (82.9%) y en el décimo grado se encontraban la mayoría en el nivel superior (92.9%). Se determinó que el coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman entre las variables de autoestima y desempeño escolar fue de - .194. (correlación negativa muy baja), y una sig. (bilateral) de .030, siendo inferior a 0.05. Por tal motivo, la investigación llego a la conclusión general que existe relación negativa entre la autoestima y el desempeño escolar de los estudiantes de la institución educativa básica superior 13 de enero, Vinces 2021

    An Evolutionary-Developmental Perspective on Altruistic Thinking, Social Reasoning Skills, and Self-Perceptions in Middle Childhood

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    This study utilized an evolutionary developmental framework to explore individual differences and relations among prosocial behaviours and social reasoning skills related to self-perceptions in middle childhood. There is little research in this area specifically, as an evolutionary developmental framework is seldom applied to this age group within the context of education. Participants (n=70) aged 9-11 years old were recruited from different schools under one school board. Participants completed self-report measures online that measured altruistic thinking, perceived academic competence, school-related perceived stress and pressure, global self-worth (GSW), theory of mind (ToM), and empathy. Results showed a significant difference in empathy between those who scored high versus low in altruistic thinking. Altruism was positively correlated with affective empathy and cognitive ToM (e.g., a type of social reasoning skill that involves cognitive perspective-taking), although cognitive ToM was not related to affective empathy. Perceived academic competence was positively correlated with GSW. High levels of perceived classroom-related stress and pressure were negatively correlated with perceived academic competence and GSW. In contrast, high levels of perceived stress and pressure positively correlated to high levels of affective empathy. Implications for practice include the development of strategies for educators to promote positive relationships and altruistic behaviours among students to aid in student well-being. Implications for research include support for the application of an evolutionary developmental perspective to the social domains of classroom dynamics

    Investigation on association of self-esteem and students' performance in academics

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