2 research outputs found

    The impact of digitalisation and especially social media on learning, teaching and working processes

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    This study examines the impact of social media on teaching and learning and on the world of work. By way of introduction, the authors will summarise the characteristics of digitalisation, the nature of the internet and social media in particular, and they will discuss the phenomena that have emerged in the information society and that are having an increasing impact on the world of learning and work. These include being always online, the visual turn, multitasking in two senses, a shortened attention span, the fear of missing out, the transformation of human memory use, the strengthening of creative processes, the experience of flow, rapid orientation, greater autonomy or even the ability to live with mistakes. These processes are leading to the emergence of the concept of creative disruption of technology, which is now being understood beyond the economy and into education.Ez a tanulmány a közösségi média tanításra és tanulásra, valamint a munka világára gyakorolt hatását vizsgálja. Bevezetőként a szerzők összefoglalják a digitalizáció jellemzőit, különös tekintettel az internet és a közösségi média természetére, végül pedig az információs társadalomban megjelent, a tanulás és munka világára egyre nagyobb hatást gyakorló jelenségeket tárgyalják. Ilyenek például a folyamatos online lét, a képi fordulat, a multitasking , a lerövidült figyelem, a kimaradástól való félelem, az emberi memóriahasználat átalakulása, a kreatív folyamatok erősödése, a flow élménye, a gyors tájékozódás, a nagyobb autonómia ill. akár a hibákkal való együttélés képességét. Ezek a folyamatok a technológia disruptív koncepciójának megjelenéséhez vezetnek, amelyet ma már a gazdaságon túl és az oktatásban is megértenek

    Investigation of the Correspondence between Problems Solving Based on Cognitive Psychology Tests and Programming Course Results

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    Nowadays the education of different programming and software development courses is more difficult. Students are not able to learn solutions and techniques that are needed to solve a problem even though their prominent interests and diligence. In cognitive psychology, there are some test procedures which can measure the problem solving ability of a test subject. In engineering education there is no field where problem solving skills are unnecessary, the test procedures of cognitive psychology adumbrate the success of a programming course. The primary aim of this article is to examine the relationship between the test results of the measurement procedure of cognitive psychology and the results of success of programming courses. If there is correlation between the two, the measurement method can be used as a filter in the recruitment process in secondary schools, colleges or universities