2,468 research outputs found

    Energy challenges for ICT

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    The energy consumption from the expanding use of information and communications technology (ICT) is unsustainable with present drivers, and it will impact heavily on the future climate change. However, ICT devices have the potential to contribute signi - cantly to the reduction of CO2 emission and enhance resource e ciency in other sectors, e.g., transportation (through intelligent transportation and advanced driver assistance systems and self-driving vehicles), heating (through smart building control), and manu- facturing (through digital automation based on smart autonomous sensors). To address the energy sustainability of ICT and capture the full potential of ICT in resource e - ciency, a multidisciplinary ICT-energy community needs to be brought together cover- ing devices, microarchitectures, ultra large-scale integration (ULSI), high-performance computing (HPC), energy harvesting, energy storage, system design, embedded sys- tems, e cient electronics, static analysis, and computation. In this chapter, we introduce challenges and opportunities in this emerging eld and a common framework to strive towards energy-sustainable ICT

    Performance realization of Bridge Model using Ethernet-MAC for NoC based system with FPGA Prototyping

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    The System on Chip (SoC) integrates the number of processing elements (PE) with different application requirements on a single chip. The SoC uses bus-based interconnection with shared memory access. However, buses are not scalable and limited to particular interface protocol. To overcome these problems, The Network on Chip (NoC) is an emerging interconnect solution with a scalable and reliable solution over SoC. The bridge model is essential to communicate the NoC based system on SoC. In this article, a cost-effective and efficient bridge model with ethernet-MAC is designed and also the placement of the bride with NoC based system is prototyped on Artix-7 FPGA. The Bridge model mainly contains FIFO modules, Serializer and de-serializer, priority-based arbiter with credit counter, packet framer and packet parser with Ethernet-MAC transceiver Module. The bridge with a single router and different sizes of the NoC based systems with mesh topology are designed using adaptive-XY routing. The performance metrics are evaluated for bridge with NoC in terms of average latency and maximum throughput for different Packet Injection Rate (PIR)

    Asynchronous 3D (Async3D): Design Methodology and Analysis of 3D Asynchronous Circuits

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    This dissertation focuses on the application of 3D integrated circuit (IC) technology on asynchronous logic paradigms, mainly NULL Convention Logic (NCL) and Multi-Threshold NCL (MTNCL). It presents the Async3D tool flow and library for NCL and MTNCL 3D ICs. It also analyzes NCL and MTNCL circuits in 3D IC. Several FIR filter designs were implement in NCL, MTNCL, and synchronous architecture to compare synchronous and asynchronous circuits in 2D and 3D ICs. The designs were normalized based on performance and several metrics were measured for comparison. Area, interconnect length, power consumption, and power density were compared among NCL, MTNCL, and synchronous designs. The NCL and MTNCL designs showed improvements in all metrics when moving from 2D to 3D. The 3D NCL and MTNCL designs also showed a balanced power distribution in post-layout analysis. This could alleviate the hotspot problem prevalently found in most 3D ICs. NCL and MTNCL have the potential to synergize well with 3D IC technology

    Advanced Simulation and Computing FY12-13 Implementation Plan, Volume 2, Revision 0.5

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    Silicon optical modulators

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    Optical technology is poised to revolutionise short reach interconnects. The leading candidate technology is silicon photonics, and the workhorse of such interconnect is the optical modulator. Modulators have been improved dramatically in recent years. Most notably the bandwidth has increased from the MHz to the multi GHz regime in little more than half a decade. However, the demands of optical interconnect are significant, and many questions remain unanswered as to whether silicon can meet the required performance metrics. Minimising metrics such as the energy per bit, and device footprint, whilst maximising bandwidth and modulation depth are non trivial demands. All of this must be achieved with acceptable thermal tolerance and optical spectral width, using CMOS compatible fabrication processes. Here we discuss the techniques that have, and will, be used to implement silicon optical modulators, as well as the outlook for these devices, and the candidate solutions of the future

    Effects of Communication Protocol Stack Offload on Parallel Performance in Clusters

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    The primary research objective of this dissertation is to demonstrate that the effects of communication protocol stack offload (CPSO) on application execution time can be attributed to the following two complementary sources. First, the application-specific computation may be executed concurrently with the asynchronous communication performed by the communication protocol stack offload engine. Second, the protocol stack processing can be accelerated or decelerated by the offload engine. These two types of performance effects can be quantified with the use of the degree of overlapping Do and degree of acceleration Daccs. The composite communication speedup metrics S_comm(Do, Daccs) can be used in order to quantify the combined effects of the protocol stack offload. This dissertation thesis is validated empirically. The degree of overlapping Do, the degree of acceleration Daccs, and the communication speedup Scomm characteristic of the system configurations under test are derived in the course of experiments performed for the system configurations of interest. It is shown that the proposed metrics adequately describe the effects of the protocol stack offload on the application execution time. Additionally, a set of analytical models of the networking subsystem of a PC-based cluster node is developed. As a result of the modeling, the metrics Do, Daccs, and Scomm are obtained. The models are evaluated as to their complexity and precision by comparing the modeling results with the measured values of Do, Daccs, and Scomm. The primary contributions of this dissertation research are as follows. First, the metric Daccs and Scomm are introduced in order to complement the Do metric in its use for evaluation of the effects of optimizations in the networking subsystem on parallel performance in clusters. The metrics are shown to adequately describe CPSO performance effects. Second, a method for assessing performance effects of CPSO scenarios on application performance is developed and presented. Third, a set of analytical models of cluster node networking subsystems with CPSO capability is developed and characterised as to their complexity and precision of the prediction of the Do and Daccs metrics

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe embedded system space is characterized by a rapid evolution in the complexity and functionality of applications. In addition, the short time-to-market nature of the business motivates the use of programmable devices capable of meeting the conflicting constraints of low-energy, high-performance, and short design times. The keys to achieving these conflicting constraints are specialization and maximally extracting available application parallelism. General purpose processors are flexible but are either too power hungry or lack the necessary performance. Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICS) efficiently meet the performance and power needs but are inflexible. Programmable domain-specific architectures (DSAs) are an attractive middle ground, but their design requires significant time, resources, and expertise in a variety of specialties, which range from application algorithms to architecture and ultimately, circuit design. This dissertation presents CoGenE, a design framework that automates the design of energy-performance-optimal DSAs for embedded systems. For a given application domain and a user-chosen initial architectural specification, CoGenE consists of a a Compiler to generate execution binary, a simulator Generator to collect performance/energy statistics, and an Explorer that modifies the current architecture to improve energy-performance-area characteristics. The above process repeats automatically until the user-specified constraints are achieved. This removes or alleviates the time needed to understand the application, manually design the DSA, and generate object code for the DSA. Thus, CoGenE is a new design methodology that represents a significant improvement in performance, energy dissipation, design time, and resources. This dissertation employs the face recognition domain to showcase a flexible architectural design methodology that creates "ASIC-like" DSAs. The DSAs are instruction set architecture (ISA)-independent and achieve good energy-performance characteristics by coscheduling the often conflicting constraints of data access, data movement, and computation through a flexible interconnect. This represents a significant increase in programming complexity and code generation time. To address this problem, the CoGenE compiler employs integer linear programming (ILP)-based 'interconnect-aware' scheduling techniques for automatic code generation. The CoGenE explorer employs an iterative technique to search the complete design space and select a set of energy-performance-optimal candidates. When compared to manual designs, results demonstrate that CoGenE produces superior designs for three application domains: face recognition, speech recognition and wireless telephony. While CoGenE is well suited to applications that exhibit a streaming behavior, multithreaded applications like ray tracing present a different but important challenge. To demonstrate its generality, CoGenE is evaluated in designing a novel multicore N-wide SIMD architecture, known as StreamRay, for the ray tracing domain. CoGenE is used to synthesize the SIMD execution cores, the compiler that generates the application binary, and the interconnection subsystem. Further, separating address and data computations in space reduces data movement and contention for resources, thereby significantly improving performance compared to existing ray tracing approaches