117,257 research outputs found

    Best Practices for Evaluating Flight Deck Interfaces for Transport Category Aircraft with Particular Relevance to Issues of Attention, Awareness, and Understanding CAST SE-210 Output 2 Report 6 of 6

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    Attention, awareness, and understanding of the flight crew are a critical contributor to safety and the flight deck plays a critical role in supporting these cognitive functions. Changes to the flight deck need to be evaluated for whether the changed device provides adequate support for these functions. This report describes a set of diverse evaluation methods. The report recommends designing the interface-evaluation to span the phases of the device development, from early to late, and it provides methods appropriate at each phase. It describes the various ways in which an interface or interface component can fail to support awareness as potential issues to be assessed in evaluation. It summarizes appropriate methods to evaluate different issues concerning inadequate support for these functions, throughout the phases of development

    Mapping research into the delivery of work-based learning

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    Integrated quality and enhancement review : summative review : Epping Forest College

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    Source control SUDS strategic directions

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    Background to researchThe uptake or transition from traditional drainage to sustainable drainage (SUDS) in Scotland has happened in a relatively short timescale (less than fifteen years) with site and regional control drainage structures such as ponds and basins now considered ‘business as usual’. This rapid transition to SUDS has been facilitated by a stakeholder platform called the Sustainable Urban Drainage Scottish Working Party (SUDSWP) which has promoted their use since 1997. This has subsequently led to Scotland being regarded as a frontrunner in SUDS implementation in the UK. However the uptake of source control as part of a stormwater treatment train is less routine than expected. With the aforementioned in mind, this Phase Three Report seeks to answer the question ‘How can the national uptake of source control be encouraged and influenced by the SUDS Working Party and whether they should recast their remit’? Objectives of research Phase One of this research looked at the background to the evolution of source control in Scotland providing preliminary insight into the enabling factors and obstacles for uptake of the systems since inception in the mid 1990’s. Phase Two appraised source control delivery on a global scale providing insight to enabling factors out with Scotland and appraising current delivery in Scotland by responsible organisations. The transition pathway from traditional drainage to source control SUDS was mapped out to highlight what the key enabling (and disabling) factors were to realise the transition to date. This phase of the research, Phase Three defines the next steps including comment on optimal source control and further considerations and recommendations. This involved analysis and consolidation of the findings from Phases one and two, a workshop delivered to SUDSWP and two surveys delivered online and via telephone interviews with professionals involved in source control SUDS. These findings are used to define barriers and opportunities to inform the development of a strategy to support and encourage implementation of source control within SUDSWP remit.Key findings and recommendationsKey findings and recommendations for the SUDS Working Party are grouped according to transition management cluster activities:* Transition Arena: Strengthen links with internal members and external stakeholders who have a stake in source control SUDS and develop an integrated long-term vision.* Transition Agenda: Develop a shared strategic plan which considers aligning agendas with other infrastructure initiatives and enforcement / inspection policies to ensure cost effective, fit for purpose measures particularly in the areas of unit plot, local streets and regeneration areas.* Transition Experiments / case studies: Encourage research partnerships to validate techniques in the source control toolkit not yet applied in Scotland and showcase case studies.* Transition Monitoring / evaluation: undertake a baseline assessment to gauge source control uptake and performance, revise existing guidance and encourage capacity building programmes.<br/

    Learning together: mathematics

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    Alaska University Transportation Center 2012 Annual Report

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    Foreign language learning needs in higher education: Reasons for convergence and accountability

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    Needs analysis is a relevant issue in language teaching as its final aim is to enhance the language learning process by setting realistic course objectives. This paper briefly reviews past and present approaches to the concept of “needs” and “needs analysis” in foreign language (FL) methodology with particular reference to the higher education context and the post-Bologna reform. It discusses the complex interplay of addressing target and learning FL needs by gathering data from different stakeholder groups and making use of different data collection instruments. Then, it explores current trends in needs analysis research and explains how “competences” and “profiling” have surpassed “needs” and “needs analysis” in the educational systems under the European Space of Higher Education. Last, this study addresses the implications of adopting a more critical, quality-driven approach to FL needs analysis with a view to attaining a more participatory and accountable higher education

    Whose research is it anyway? Tensions and difficulties in research that tries to include the ‘hard to research’

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    In this paper I consider some of the tensions and problems that can arise, and that need to be addressed, in attempting to undertake research with hard to reach groups of ‘subjects’. In terms of my research this specifically relates to studies undertaken families that include children on the autism spectrum (including the children on the spectrum themselves) as well as children with multiple disabilities and visual impairment (MDVI). I begin by summarising my work experience and how this has shaped my research interests before moving on to discuss studies I have undertaken with the ‘hard to research’. I outline the research studies and the process of the studies before moving on to look at the issues arising. Finally I identify seven key factors regarding this type of research

    Capturing an HE ethos in college higher education practice

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